Monday, December 11, 2023

Time Machine - 2017 - ELDONUTs Looking for Critical Mass,
But Not Luther

 The smaller the sect, the longer the name, the more expansive the egos:
Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America and Landmasses  Adjoining Hill County, Texas.

Volume IV of The Sermons of Martin Luther is being sent to Amazon and Kindle soon. I finished my part of Volume V, so that will mark the 60% mark - critical mass - when printed.

I stole the term critical mass from ELDONA, who used it at their last secret conclave - where they denied everything they said and did. Those who grew up in abusive sects will find a comfortable home in ELDONA.

They stole the term critical mass from nuclear science, where the reactor must have enough active fuel to do the work for which it was designed. Critical mass does not mean a bunch of high church wonks saying:

  • "Oh, where they did get that awful incense?"
  • "That pallium needs to contrast with his chasuble."
  • "Why don't we have an allowance for regalia? It costs a fortune!"

We achieved critical mass chiefly because Team Chemnitz works quickly and steadily. At first it seemed like pushing a boulder up a very long hill. Later, it moved along much faster.

 The formation of ELDONA has led to a flurry of
research about EL DONUTs.

The Lord High Bishop Heiser signed his own Malone Statement in 2004, but treated the Chief Article as an adiaphoron (a matter of indifference) until 2013. The LCMS was too heinous to permit fellowship with them, so Heiser promptly left once he was vested in the LCMS pension fund.

I find that amusing - when people like James Heiser and Kincaid Smith brag about being vested in the LCMS pension fund - that despicable denomination they had to leave.

But it less than amusing when someone laughs off Objective Justification versus Justification by Faith, covertly against OJ. Apparently, ELDONA had to cover its tracks by distancing themselves from any taint of Luther.

 The "confessional" Lutherans will not say or write the phrase -
Justification by Faith -
and they  will not debate the issue.

ABL - Anyone But Luther
Note that all the "Lutheran" denominations, sects, and cults separate themselves from Martin Luther himself.

Item - ELDONA, with Lutheran in its name, publishes almost nothing about Luther or by Luther, choosing obscure authors, mostly because they are in the public domain. The shape-shifter, Bishop Heiser, seems allergic to Luther altogether.

Item - the LCMS, famous for two great editions of Luther - German and English - got in a fever to publish Gerhard this year.

Item - the Wisconsin Sect held out Luther like a filthy washrag - "at least he pointed to Christ." One of their pathetic Church Growth zombies published a little essay about his opposition to Luther. They do teach them something at Mordor. Did Mirthless Mark Schroeder rush to excommunicate the illiterate lad? Not at all.

Item - the ELS, once the Little Norwegian Synod, now the even Littler Norwegian Synod, is a burnt cinder with nothing to offer. As Jay Webber often said, its seminary faculty is very weak.

Item - LutherQuest (sic) basks in the irony of hating Luther's doctrine while using the Reformer's name. Has Luther's estate been told of this hilarity? They could sell t-shirts as retribution - LutherQuest Hates Luther. The regular content of LQ (sic) consists of raptures about Walther, frequent mentions of the Walther-Pieper cult, and ruminations on the latest Missouri by-laws. At least the Calvinists are openly against Luther, not trying to use his name, and yet the LQ (sic) frauds are more venomous against the Reformer than the worse Calvinists of the past.

Item - Most pathetic of all, these in-sects agree in their loathing of ELCA, their vast superiority over ELCA, and their need to work with ELCA in sharing the Thrivent loot.

 Item - the CLC (sic) is noted for its
Donkey Basketball games.
Don't worry about manure on the court -
some organic gardeners will fight over who takes it home.