Saturday, March 11, 2023

Luther's Sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent - Oculi


TEXT: Luke 11:14-23. And he was casting out a demon that was dumb. And it came to pass, when the demon was gone out, the dumb man spake; and the multitudes marveled. But some of them said, By Beelzebub the prince of the demons casteth he out demons. And others trying him, sought of him a sign from heaven.

But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth. And if Satan also is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out demons by Beelzebub. And if I by Beelzebub cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges. But if I by the finger of God cast out demons, then is the kingdom of God come upon you. When the strong man fully armed guardeth his own court, his goods are in peace: but when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him his whole armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.


1. This is a beautiful Gospel from which we learn many different things, and in which nearly everything is set forth as to what Christ, his kingdom and his Gospel are: what they accomplish and how they fare in the world.

In the first place, like all the Gospels this one teaches us faith and love; for it presents Christ to us as a most loving Savior and Helper in every need and tells us that he who believes this is saved. For we see here that Christ had nothing to do with people who were healthy, but with a poor man who was greatly afflicted with many ills. He was blind, as Matthew says; also dumb and possessed with a demon, as Luke tells us here. Now all mutes are also deaf, so that in the Greek language deaf and dumb are one word.

By this act Christ draws us to himself, leads us to look to him for every blessing, and to go to him in every time of need. He does this that we also, according to the nature of love, should do unto others as he does unto us.

This is the universal and the most precious doctrine of this Gospel and of all the Gospels throughout the church year. This poor man, however, did not come to Christ without the Word; for those who brought him to Christ must have heard his love preached and were moved thereby to trust in him.

We learn therefore that faith comes through the Word; but more of this elsewhere.

2. Secondly, it is here demonstrated how Christ and his Gospel fare in the world, namely, that there are three kinds of hearers. Some marvel at him; these are pious and true Christians, who consider this deed so great that they are amazed at it. Some blaspheme the Gospel; these are the Pharisees and scribes, who were vexed because they could not do the like, and were worried lest the people should hold Christ in higher esteem than themselves. Some tempt him, like Herod desired a sign after his own heart, that they may make sport of it. But he answers both parties; at first, the blasphemers in this Gospel, and later on the tempters, saying that no sign shall be given this wicked generation except the sign of the prophet Jonah, of which we read in the verses following. He answers the blasphemers in a friendly way and argues five points with them.

3. In the first place, with honest and reasonable arguments he concludes from two comparisons that one devil cannot cast out another; for if that were so, the devils would be divided among themselves and Satan’s kingdom would indeed not stand. For nature teaches that if a kingdom is divided against itself and its citizens drive out each other, it is not necessary to go to war against it, for it will come to ruin soon enough of itself. Likewise a house divided against itself needs no other destruction.

Even the heathen author Sallust, teaching only from the light of nature and experience, says: “Great wealth passes away through discord, but through concord small means become large.” If now the devils were divided among themselves to such a degree that one should drive out the other, Satan’s dominion would be at an end, and we would have rest from his attacks.

4. What then were these blasphemers able to say to such clear arguments?

They were put to silence, but their hearts were hardened, so that they did not heed his words. A hardened heart will not be instructed, no matter how plainly and clearly the truth is presented; but the faith of the righteous is strengthened when they see that the ground of their faith is right and good.

And for the sake of such we must answer those whose hearts are hardened, and put them to silence. Even though they will not be converted nor keep silence still it serves to reveal their hardened hearts, for the longer they talk the more foolish they become, and they are caught in their folly, and their cause is robbed of the appearance of being right and good, as Solomon also says in Proverbs 26:5: “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.” That is, answer him according to his folly that his folly may be put to shame for the sake of others, that they may not follow him and be deceived, thinking that he is right. Otherwise, where no such condition exists, it is better to keep silent, as Solomon also says in the same chapter, verse 4 “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.”

5. Nor could they say here that the devils only pretended to be divided among themselves and to yield to one another in order to deceive the people, for it is publicly seen how they resist and contend, cry and rave, tear and rage, when they see that Christ means to expel them. It is then clearly seen that they are opposed to Christ and his Spirit, and they are not united with him, to whom they must yield so unwillingly. Therefore it is only a flagrant blasphemous lie, in which they are caught and put to shame, by which they try in venomous hate to give the devil credit for a work of God. From this we learn not to be surprised when our doctrine and life are blasphemed and stubborn hearts will not be convinced nor converted, although they are overwhelmed, as it were, with tangible truth and completely put to silence. It is enough that through our arguments their obstinate folly is revealed, acknowledged and made harmless to pious people, so that the latter may not be misled by its fine pretension. They may then go whither they will, they have condemned themselves as St. Paul says, Titus 3:11.

6. In the second place, he replies with a public example and a similar work, when he says: “By whom do your sons cast them out?” As if he would say: “Is this not simple idiocy? Just what you praise in your sons, you condemn in me. Because your sons do it, it is of God; but because I do it, it must be of the devil.” So it is in this world. What Christ does, is of the devil; if some one else did it, it would be all right. Thus the tyrants and enemies of the Gospel do now, when they condemn in us what they themselves do, confess and teach; but they must proceed thus in order that their judgment may be publicly approved, when they are condemned by all justice. The sons, of whom Christ here says that they drive out devils, were, I think, certain exorcists among the people, for God, from the beginning, had given this people manifold spiritual gifts and he calls them their “sons,” as though to say: I am the Son of God and must be called a child of the devil, while those who are your sons, begotten by you, do the same things and are not to be considered children of the devil.

7. “Therefore shall they be your judges,” that is, I appeal to them. They will be forced to decide that you wrongfully blaspheme me, and thus condemn yourselves. For if one devil does not drive out another then some other power must do it that is neither satanic nor human, but divine. Hence the words: “But if I by the finger of God cast out demons, then is the kingdom of God come upon you.” This finger of God is called in Matthew 12:28 the Holy Ghost, for the words read thus: “But if I by the Spirit of God cast out demons,” etc. In short, Christ means to say: If the kingdom of God is to come unto you, the devil must be driven out, for his kingdom is against God’s kingdom, as you yourselves must confess.

But demon is not driven out by demon, much less by men or the power of men, but alone by the Spirit and power of God.

8. From this follows that where the finger of God does not cast out the devil, there the devil’s kingdom still exists; where Satan’s kingdom still exists, there the kingdom of God cannot be. The unavoidable conclusion then is that, as long as the Holy Spirit does not enter our hearts, we are not only incapable of any good, but are of necessity in the kingdom of Satan.

And if we are in his kingdom, then we can do nothing but that which pleases him, else it could not be called his kingdom. As St. Paul says to Timothy: “The people are taken captive in the snares of the devil unto his will” 2 Timothy 2:26. How could Satan suffer one of his people to take a notion to do something against, and not for, his kingdom? Oh, it is a striking, terrible and powerful statement that Christ here admits such a dominion, which we cannot escape except by the power of God; and that the kingdom of God can not come to us until that kingdom is driven out by divine, heavenly power.

9. This truth is proved in the case of this poor man, who was bodily possessed of the devil. Tell me, what could he and all mankind do to free him from the devil? Without a doubt, nothing. He had to do and suffer just as his master the devil willed, until Christ came, with the power of God.

Now then, if he could not free himself from the devil as to his body, how could he, by his own power, deliver his soul from Satan’s spiritual dominion? Especially is this the case since the soul, because possessed of sin, is the cause of all bodily possession as a punishment, and sins are more difficult to remove than the punishment of them, and the soul is always more firmly possessed than the body. This is proved by the fact that the devil permits the body to have its natural powers and functions; but he robs the soul of reason, judgment, sense, understanding, and all its powers, as you readily see in the case of this possessed man.

10. He answers them in the third place, by a comparison taken from life, namely that of a strong man overcome by one stronger, and robbed of all his armor and goods etc. By this he testifies also that no one but God can overcome the devil, so that again no man can boast of being able of himself to drive out either sin or the devil. Notice how he pictures the devil! He calls him a mighty giant who guards his court and home, that is, the devil not only possesses the world as his own domain, but he has garrisoned and fortified it, so that no one can take it from him. He rules it also with undisputed sway, so that it does whatever he commands. Just as little as a house or court may withstand or contend against the tyrant who is its master, can man’s free will and natural powers oppose sin and Satan, that is, not at all; but they are subject to them. And as that house must be conquered by a stronger man and thus wrested from the tyrant, so must man also be ransomed through Christ and wrested from Satan. We see again, therefore, that our works and righteousness contribute absolutely nothing toward our salvation; it is effected alone by the grace of God.

11. He answers them fourthly, with pointed proverbs and teachings, as: “He that is not with me is against me,” and, “He that gathereth not with me, scattereth.” “The devil is not with me for I drive him out, hence he must of necessity be against me.” But this saying does not apply to the devil alone, but also to the blasphemers whom he here convicts and condemns, as being against him since they are not for him. “To be with Christ” is to have the same mind and purpose as Christ, that is, to believe in Christ that his works save us and not our own, for this is what Christ holds and teaches. But “to gather with Christ” is to do good out of love to him, and to become rich in good works. He that does not believe is, by his own free will, not with Christ but against him, because he depends upon his own works. Therefore, he that does not love, does not gather with Christ, but by fruitless works becomes only more sinful and drifts farther and farther from the faith.

12. In the fifth place, he answers with a threat, namely, that the last state always is worse than the first. Therefore we should take heed that we not only refrain from blaspheming the Gospel and Christ, who does such great things for us and drives the devil out of us; but with zeal and fear hold fast to them, in order that we may not become possessed of seven worse devils whereas one possessed us before. For thus it was with the Jews, who had never been so wicked as while the Gospel was being preached to them. So also under the papacy, we have become seven times, (that is, many times) worse heathen under the name of Christ than we ever had been before as St. Peter says: “The last state is become worse with them than the first.” 2 Peter 2:20. And if we neglect the great light which we now have, it will come to pass in our case also, that we shall become worse than we were before, for the devil does not slumber. This should be sufficient warning.

13. Finally, when the woman cries out to Christ and praises him, saying, “Blessed is the mother that bore such a son,” etc., he opposes her carnal worship and takes occasion to teach all of us the substance of this Gospel, namely, that we should not go gaping after the works or merits of the saints but rather see to it that we hear and keep the Word of God. For it does not concern or profit us in the least to know how holy and honorable the mother of this child might be, nor how noble this Son of hers may be; but rather what this Son has done for us, namely that, by grace, without any merit or worthiness on our part, he has redeemed us from the devil.

This fact is proclaimed to us through the Word of God, and this we are to hear and hold in firm faith; then shall we too be blessed like this mother and her child.

Although such a Word and work will be blasphemed, we should suffer it and give an answer with meekness, as St. Peter teaches, for the improvement of others.


14. This dumb, deaf, blind, and demon-possessed man represents all the children of Adam, who through the flesh are possessed of Satan in original sin, so that they must be his slaves and do according to his will. Hence they are also blind, that is, they do not see God. They are deaf, for they do not hear God’s Word, and are not obedient or submissive to it. They are also dumb, for they do not give him one word of thanks or praise, nor do they preach and proclaim Christ and the grace of God. But they are all too talkative about the teachings of the devil and the opinions of men. In these things they see only too well and are wiser than the children of light in their undertakings, opinions, and desires. In these things they hear with both ears and readily adopt the suggestions of flesh and blood. So then, whatever we do, in word and deed, as to both body and soul, is of the devil, whether it be externally good or bad, and must be redeemed through the work of God. We are in his kingdom and therefore we acknowledge him, see, hear, and follow him and praise and proclaim his name. All this takes place through the Spirit of God in his Word, which casts out the devil and his kingdom.

15. The Jews called the chief of the devils Beelzebub. The Hebrew word “sebub” means a fly; “baal” or “beel,” a man or ruler, as a householder.

When the two words form a combination, they mean an arch-fly or chieffly, or, in plain German “Fliegenkoenig oder grosse Hummel,” that is, kingfly or the great drone. They gave Satan this contemptuous epithet as though they were entirely free from him, secure against him, and lords over him. That is the way all conceited, corrupt hypocrites do; they imagine they are so pure and holy, that the devil is a helpless, feeble fly compared with them, and that they do not need the grace of Christ nor the Word of God.

Still they think he is strong enough for others, yet, that whatever godfearing people teach and do must be the devil’s own work, and they consider it such a trifling thing as though it were a dead fly. The devil can well endure such contempt, for by it he is placed above the true God in their hearts.

16. The tyrant in the court or palace is the devil, as I said before. He is in peace, however, as long as God’s Word and finger do not oppose him, and just like this deaf-mute, his people do whatever he wishes, for they know no better. His weapons and armor are the carnal conceit, doctrines and traditions of men, by which he terrifies the conscience and protects himself.

17. But when the stronger man, the Gospel, comes, peace flees, and he rages like a madman, for he resents being condemned, unmasked, punished, and publicly branded. Then he gathers up his armor, the powerful, wise, rich and holy people, and sets them all to attacking God’s Word, as we see in the persecution of the teachers of the Gospel. Such rage and persecution signify that the devil retires very unwillingly and raves in his whole body; for as he acts in the body and its members when he must depart, so he also behaves in the whole world, resisting with all his power when he is to give place to the Gospel; but it is all in vain, he must be expelled.

18. For a Stronger One, that is, Christ, comes and overpowers him and takes away his whole armor, that is, he converts some of those same persecutors, and to that extent makes him weaker, and his own kingdom stronger. He divides the spoils too, that is, those he converts he uses for various offices, graces, and works in Christendom, of which Paul writes in Romans 12:6. He is also in the court yard or ante-room of the palace, for the devil’s kingdom consists in outward appearances and pretences of wisdom, holiness, and strength; but when it is captured by the Gospel it is found to consist of pure folly, sin and weakness.

19. The text continues, “When the unclean spirit has gone out, he wanders through dry places, seeking rest,” etc. This means as much as the saying, “The devil never takes a vacation” and “The devil never sleeps,” for he is seeking how he may devour man. “Dry places” are not the hearts of the ungodly, for in such he rests and dwells like a mighty tyrant, as the Gospel here says; but there are dry and waste places here and there in the country where no people live, as forests and wildernesses. To these he flees in wicked rage because he is driven out. You will remember that the devil found Christ in the wilderness. Now, in Judea, there is not much water, hence we read that it contains many and wastes. In other countries, however, as in our own, which are well watered, the devils stay in rivers and lakes, and there they sometimes drown those who bathe or sail upon them. Furthermore, at some places there are water spirits, who entice the children from the shores into the water and drown them. These are all devils.

20. That he comes again and finds the house swept and garnished (Matthew adds “empty”) signifies that the man is sanctified and adorned with beautiful spiritual gifts, and that the evil spirit clearly sees that he can do nothing there with his familiar tricks, for he is too well known. Thus when the worship of idols was driven from the heathen, he never attacked the world with that device again. But what did he do then? He tried something else, went out, took with him seven spirits, more evil than himself, and entered in with them and dwelt there, and the last state of that man was worse than the first. So he has dealt with us. When Christ had become known in the world and the devil’s former kingdom with its idol worship had been destroyed, he adopted another plan and attacked us with heresy and introduced and established the papacy, in which Christ was entirely forgotten, and men became worse heathen under the name of Christ than before he was preached, as we can see now with our own eyes.

Such also was the lot of the Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem, and of the Greeks under the Turks. And so all will fare, who at first hear the Word of God and afterwards become secure and weary of it. St. Matthew says, in Matthew 12:14, that Satan finds the house empty. And in Matthew 13:25, he sowed tares among the wheat, by night, while men slept. Therefore it is necessary for us to watch as the apostles always admonish us, especially St. Peter in 1 Peter 5:3: “Brethren, be sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”; for wherever he overthrows faith, he easily restores again all former vices.

The Left Wing of LCMS Naturally Backs Matt the Fatt - Using His Tactics

 None dare it call it over-eating and eating too often.

 When in Europe, wear the appropriate papal costume.

The Forum Letter engaged in projectile vomiting, all over opponents of Concordia Publishing House, calling them "the nasty wing." In fact, according to this come-back-to-Rome publishing vehicle, their own arguments are a series of personal attacks.

I own a copy of Luther's Large Catechism (sic), which is 15% Luther and 85% fiber. Over 80 authors! A food expert would say, "That is not Luther but their collective tidbits," which are quite lowly and empty in comparison. 

The ALC once produced a paperback Large Catechism which was portable and great to read. Unlike the LCMS, ELCA, and WELS today, the book taught the efficacy of the Word and Justification by Faith. Inerrancy of the Bible is easy to find as well.

ELCA now has two Left Wings - LCMS and WELS. The collapse of a synod can be found easily in what they love to publish. Missouri and WELS - thanks to incompetent leaders - have dug themselves into a vast hole with Church Growth. Both sects are very much in love with ELCA's relative size. All three share dependence on Thrivent. They publish only garbage because their agenda is anti-Scripture, anti-KJV, anti-liturgical worship.

One person, Alec Satin, has devoted his time to unearthing the great American Lutheran publications of the past. They are the Lutheran Library, the link is I do that so the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau Online Discussion Group can find it. They are verbose - anyone can see - but without much substance, as the readers might have imagined.

 Bishop Stephan STD was followed by a pope.

From Tom Fisher - Lutheran Layman

 Jeske is WELS, no he's LCMS, no he's ELCA, no he's Thrivent.

Dear Pastor Jackson,

Notice 3 John 1:9-10 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doeth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 

Professor Dahl: "The text! The text! We have the text! " (King James Version, Pastor Greg Jackson, pg 189 footnote.) I add We have the text, the text, the TEXTUS RECEPTUS!!!! Wow what anger this generates in LCMS pastors, and upper level officers. Are you listening President and pastor Harrison? The weaponization against the text, the text, the TEXTUS RECEPTUS is growing like cancer in LCMS among pastors and LCMS officers, vice presidents. I now sense a doubling down against the text, the text, the TEXTUS RECEPTUS and those who only use the King James Bible and refuse to submit to your corrupt ESV and corrupt Nestle Aland text. God the Holy Ghost REJECTED this corrupt text (Vaticanus) at the Reformation and attached himself to the text, the text, the TEXTUS RECEPTUS. Your LCMS war is against God the Holy Ghost and us Lutherans who are guided by Him. This has happened to many times to me personally. I firmly ask you to STOP it before LCMS is totally hardened as we now see in WELS. Helpless Lutherans bullied, falsely accused, and viciously excommunicated for rejecting objective/subjective justification (universalism, synergism) and clinging to justification by faith alone in the King James Bible and their Gausewitz catechism and 1943 LCMS catechism. 

Tom Fisher


GJ - The ALPB Online Discussion Forum (aka Ovaltines) snuggle up to Rome every chance they get.

Keep Watching the Masthead - Luther Quotation of the Day

Yes, I am going to select parts of the upcoming sermon for Sunday - on the masthead - and start over each Monday. Some of us involved in getting Lenker's work into print remember it as a great learning experience that has not ended.

Copy and paste is easy from Google Blogger, so anyone can quote anything quickly. If the paster wants to make sure it transfers cleanly, paste the copied quote into Notepad and copy the cleaned up words (control-c) into its destination (control-v).

One genius from WELS declared that the high number of page views were from people using Luther. I wish it were so. There is no substitute for repetition in learning.

One pastor wanted to borrow my sermons, but he wanted me to use the Pope's three-year lectionary that all the Lutherans grabbed like a fresh donut and coffee. 


Friday, March 10, 2023

Bonus - Luther Quotations on the Masthead Bottom Will Include a Link to the Entire Sermon in the Title of the Sermon

When will Paul Kelm and Wayne Mueller apologize for leading the Garasenes off the cliff?

"Yahoo! Ten percent discount on tuition plus a match from the poor widow's fund! We are all going to be DeeMin doctors, cheap! And see our ELCA friends."

On the masthead - I will be daily posting especially good quotations from Luther for use by pastors. I will also include the link to the entire sermon.

Thus - 
Oculi -> Luther's Sermon on a Kingdom Divided, Luke 11:14-23. Easy and edifying. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Lutheran Layman Tom Fischer Has a Good Statement about Modernist Bibles and Credal Ineptitude

Dear Pastor Jackson,

Foods That Heal, Dr Bernard Jensen, ISBN 0-89529-405-2 excellent guide to balance 60% vegetables, 20% fruits, 10% protein pg 47

Superimpose the corrupt Bibles (NIV, ESV, NKJV, etc) on the Creeds to see the resulting "Creeds of false doctrine". Superimpose the King James Bible, Luther's Bible, Textus Receptus on the creeds to see the creeds of TRUE doctrine: (The Red Hymnal).

Thank you Pastor Jackson!

Tom Fisher

New Masthead Quotations - Luther's Sermons -
Suggested by a Layman Hidden in a Secure Unmarked Location

 The Planet of the Apes - Our Future

A regular reader of this blog has always had good suggestions. One was to pursue the evils of Objective (Faithless) Justification when I was really tired of illiterate pastors beating their gums on the topic.

His latest idea was to have regular quotes from Luther or the Bible at the top, called the masthead. That term was borrowed from those days when Moby Dick was read by journalists who knew how to spell and use good grammar. More importantly, they recognized Herman Melville's prolific Biblical references. 

Those who know little more than Gilligan's Island want to call the masthead the "crow's nest." 

Melville wrote that the pulpit led the world:

"What could be more full of meaning?- for the pulpit is ever this earth’s foremost part; all the rest comes in its rear; the pulpit leads the world. From thence it is the storm of God’s quick wrath is first descried, and the bow must bear the earliest brunt. From thence it is the God of breezes fair or foul is first invoked for favorable winds. Yes, the world’s a ship on its passage out, and not a voyage complete; and the pulpit is its prow." 

"In most American whalemen the mast-heads are manned almost simultaneously with the vessel’s leaving her port; even though she may have fifteen thousand miles, and more, to sail ere reaching her proper cruising ground. And if, after a three, four, or five years’ voyage she is drawing nigh home with anything empty in her- say, an empty vial even- then, her mast-heads are kept manned to the last! and not till her skysail-poles sail in among the spires of the port, does she altogether relinquish the hope of capturing one whale more."

The recent dust-up in the Missouri Synod is a clear picture of apostasy. First they released a Concordia Publishing House book dishonestly labeled Luther's Large Catechism, where 70 scribblers with dubious agendas gave Luther 15% of the book while they jabbered like baboons waiting for their meals, using 85% of the remaining space. That alone is publishing malpractice of the lowest variety.

CPH has already reached the level of the Talmud, two pages above shown as examples. They have 70 authors displacing and overshadowing Luther and spreading their tail-feathers like peacocks. They even have the Ovaltines at the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau's Online Forum adding additional Talmudic commentary to this book, which I own simply for the sake of grieving.

 Luther wrote:
The peacock is an image of heretics and fanatical spirits. For on the order of the peacock they, too, show themselves   and strut about in their gifts, which never are   outstanding.  But if they could see their feet, that is the   foundation of their doctrine, they would be stricken with terror, lower their crests, and humble themselves.  To be sure, they, too, suffer from jealousy, because they cannot bear honest and true teachers.  They want to be the whole show and want to put up with no one next to them.  And they   are immeasurably envious, as peacocks are.  Finally, they have a raucous and unpleasant voice, that is, their  doctrine is bitter and sad for afflicted and godly minds;   for it casts consciences down more than it lifts them up and strengthens them. 33  What Luther Says, II,  p. 642 (W-T 2, No. 2152; SL 22,

The entire essay was given in 1992 at a WELS pastoral conference and conveniently reprinted in an Ichabod post later.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Mid-Week Lenten Service 2023

Bethany Lutheran Church
Mid-Week Lenten Service, 7 PM Central
Pastor Gregory L. Jackson



The Hymn # 166         Savior When in Dust To Thee
The Order of Vespers                                             p. 41
The Psalmody              Psalm 14                         p. 124    
The Lection                            The Passion History

The Sermon Hymn # 657            Beautiful Savior                        

The Sermon –  Access to Grace
The Prayers
The Lord’s Prayer
The Collect for Grace                                            p. 45

The Hymn #551                 Sun of My Soul

Access to God's Grace

KJV Romans 
4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all...

The common claim is often heard - "faith must be absent with forgiveness, or it would be man's work, to have faith." People do get nervous and uncertain, because this foolish warning is the opposite of Paul's teaching through the Holy Spirit. And it is also taught throughout the Bible. Paul clearly teaches that works do not give us access to God's grace - faith does. Paul taught and Jesus emphasized that the Gospel does not come to the Jews alone but to the Gentiles as well. 

4:20 Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

The Scriptures do not give us philosophical terms but actual vivid examples where the teaching is directly related to human behavior. Abraham and Sarah seemed to be without a son, but God promised them a son when both were far too old to have one. Abraham trusted that God will give them both what they longed for in a son. But God promised them more than a son - the Promise inclined the line that led to Jesus as the Messiah.

21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

Abraham believed in God's astonishing Promise. They hoped for a son, but were promised a kingdom - and way beyond human concepts of a kingdom. We are worshiping all over the world because God blessed the faith of Abraham and counted that as righteousness, forgiveness.

22 And therefore it was imputed (GJ - counted) to him for righteousness.

Instead of saying, "We cannot have a son," Abraham and Sarah took the Promise to heart, fulfilling their dream of a son and the glorious hope of the future Savior, which was counted - imputed - as forgiveness.

23 Now it was not written for his [Abraham's] sake alone, that it was imputed to him;

God determined that the Gospel Word would plant the seed of faith in all who heard and believed. God promised and Abraham believed that Promise.

4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed , if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;

The vast majority - including the apostate Lutherans - make a muddle, mess, and madhouse out of their peculiar distortions, making the simple Gospel of forgiveness of sin into a philosophical tangle of opinions and cute phrases.

25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

The Gospel message is that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead (1 Timothy 3:16) to show the world He was without sin. The resurrection remains the core of all Christian Faith.

5 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

Therefore is a word used to conclude  what is taught just before in Romans 4,  a chapter which itself is very clear. All of Romans 4 is wrapped up in Romans 5:1-2. Sin causes turmoil and sorrow when we are unrepentant. Peace is the result of faith and forgiveness.

2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

Access is a wonderful, clear word. I want to see my eye doctor. "Make an appointment and you will have access to him on Tuesday at 9 AM." 

Here is a sign at the rare books section - No Access! That is easy to understand. A single book can be worth $160,000. I wanted to see it. "It is locked up, at home. You don't have access."

Grace, forgiveness of sin, and eternal life are associated directly with faith in Jesus Christ. Sadly, the LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC synods are united with ELCA in promoting universal forgiveness without faith. The LCMS-WELS-ELS sects were "delighted" to discover they taught the same blasphemies. They also show their doctrinal unity with ELCA by participating in many doctrinal programs, from evangelism to worship onward. They show they shame by hiding this unity and raking in insurance money because they are impoverished in every possible way.

 Bearing the cross is a blessing, marked by opposition, hatred, and disagreeable things.

Requested Post from 2016 - Suffragen Bishop Cujo

Deacon Anthony Oncken

ELDONA, less than one square mile
Where mullets are in style, year-round.
Oh, church bandit, you sure planned it,
Wherever you're going, I'll goose-step your way.

EL DONA, makes Hispanics smile,
Where mitres are in style, year-round,
We're after the same smells and bells,
Glad we're not in WELS, or with Missouri swells
ELDONUTs and me.
sung to the tune of Moon River

 Official mascot for ELDONA:
Suffragen Bishop Cujo.

At the last ELDONA meeting, a Vespers service was announced, but it was only for the pasteurized, homogenized ELDONA priests and bishop. No layman was allowed to attend. A postulant could not attend either. Nor could an applicant for their seminary.

When laity found out they were barred from worship, they looked around at each other.

What would St. Ignatius say?

GJ - Correction. 8-18-2016. Everyone was allowed to attend the Vespers service, but the party afterwards was for clergy only. Not very hospitable.

"What's wrong with a mullet?"

St. Ignatius ELDONA Seminary, Malone, Texas.
Oncken is in charge of the entire student body - one person.
The Live Bait sign was ordered but was not yet installed in time for the photo-shoot.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

New Creation Roses - Three of Each

Edmunds' Roses - Fragrant Plum - The name says it all: this rose is one fruity beauty. Bountiful, plum-colored blooms with darker, smoky edges and heady fragrance reward growers of this beautiful grandiflora. The richly colored flowers, held high on long, clustered stems, are perfect for filling vases, and the lush, deep green squeaky-clean foliage provides a great backdrop for them. Hybridizer: Christensen, 1990
Bareroot Grafted Rose

Edmunds' Roses - This gloriously fragrant grandiflora honors the beauty and talent of this award-winning broadcast journalist and best-selling author. The Maria Shriver™ rose displays impeccable refinement with its large, fully double, pure white flowers held in neat clusters high atop long, elegant stems. Clean, polished, dark green foliage lends a formal touch. And the perfume! Maria Shriver ™ boasts the finest fragrance of any rose available on the market today. Hybridizer: Dorieux, 2004
Bareroot Grafted Rose

Ranger Bob wanted me to plant JFK white roses but I did not find them, so I got the new rose closely related and also white - Maria Shriver. Our winter was very harsh for roses, everything fine until January, when we began to have alternating freezing and warm sunny weather.

I have had good experiences with purple roses, so I wanted to try out Fragrant Plum. 

I soaked the bare root roses in a rain-barrel for days, waiting for a good day to plant them. Bareroot roses tolerate - and even welcome - a long soak: legends are told - for weeks. Soak a mint overnight and it is dead.

I trimmed the roots and the stems a bit before planting. Then I put two gallons of rainwater on each one, thanks to my far-sighted placement of rain-barrels. The rain will fall on plump new roses, which will give the plants more usable nitrogen and lots of incentives for soil creatures and fungus to grow. Veterans Honor red rose is already leafed out.

My final human effort is getting Uncle Jim's Earthworm compost to pour at each new rose.

Veterans Honor - red and fragrant, long-lasting in the garden and in a vase.

Change in Media Plans

Sassy guarded the Town Car limo when
I went inside a store to shop. Only one window worked all the time, so she sat in the back to retrieve her cone from McDonalds.

I decided to set aside the Parables of Jesus book and concentrate on Jesus' Titles of Majesty - My Good Shepherd. The idea behind the second one is having a graphic - new or old - for each of the 50 titles, each from a KJV Scripture. I will finish with an essay about the Good Shepherd, but it will be Norma A. Boeckler's book. 

I was startled to find I already had 1600+ views on the God, Grace, and Gardens page, where I keep completed Vimeos. My plan had been to add Vimeos about books and other topics, because we are now a video - not a reading - generation. "No man can serve two medias at once." I will rekindle that plan. We have a great set-up for producing and saving videos. 

Another reason to switch to video is having less short-term memory, especially when writing requires one's entire cranial memory library to be humming at full speed all the time. 

Writing will continue with the sermons written out completely and Ichabod posts bewailing the state of Lutherdom. I may produce a booklet of memories about Sassy Sue.

 I taught Iberia bank staff to have treats ready for Sassy at the drive-through. If they were slow, she used the mike to express her needs, at full volume. Everyone inside the bank jumped a foot, and they laughed, giving her three treats from that time on. That may have led to their closing, replaced by Armstrong Bank and teeny-tiny little treats.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Sassy Sue - The Three-Legged Dog Who Sang and Made the Dog Park Dogs Jealous

Sassy was the only dog at the park who could catch the orange squeaker ball and bring it back to my hands, the dog owners clapping, the jealous dogs trying to get the magical ball. 

I taught her the "Cattle Dog Blues," and she once got a house loaded with dogs singing the chorus with her.

Sassy had to go to the vet today, because her kidneys no longer functioned. She was 15, a rescue, very old for a German Shepherd mix.

I was telling one lady, years ago, that Sassy was a very special dog. She said, "My dog is very special too." I asked, "Does your dog have a blog?" She replied, "No," so I said, "Sassy does."

 Norma A. Boeckler took this photo. Sassy was watching all the action at the dog park.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Reminiscere, The Second Sunday in Lent. Mean Messiah or Messenger of Mercy

Ludovico Gimignani > The Canaanite Woman Kneeling Before Christ Asking For Help To Heal Her Daughter

Vimeo Link for the Lent 2 Worship Service

The Second Sunday in Lent, 2023
Bethany Lutheran Church
Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Hymn # 145       Jesus Refuge of the Weary - Savanarola          
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
Remember, O Lord, Thy tender mercies and Thy loving-kindnesses: for they have been ever of old.
Let not mine enemies triumph over me: God of Israel, deliver us out of all our troubles.
Psalm. Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul: O my God, I trust in Thee; let me not be ashamed.

The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19


O God, who seest that of ourselves we have no strength, keep us both outwardly and inwardly that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth, etc.

The Epistle and Gradual  

The troubles of my heart are enlarged: 
oh, bring Thou me out of my distresses.
V. Look upon mine affliction and my pain: 
and forgive all my sins.
Tract. Oh, give thanks unto the Lord; f
or He is good: for His mercy endureth forever.
V. Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord?
Who can show forth His praise?
V. Blessed are they that keep judgment: 
and he that doeth righteousness at all times.
V. Remember me, O Lord, with the favor that 
Thou bearest unto Thy people:
Oh, visit me with Thy salvation.
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22

Sermon Hymn #142    A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining - Gerhardt  

Mean Messiah or Messenger of Mercy

Hymn #
457          What a Friend We Have in Jesus              
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31

Hymn # 50      Lord Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing

Prayers and Announcements

  • Medical care - Kermit Way, Pastor Jim Shrader, Chris Shrader, Doc Lito, Pastor K, Callie and her mother Peggy.
  • Wednesday, 7 PM - MidWeek Lenten service,
Lutheran Library - Gerhardt's Biography

KJV 1 Thessalonians 4:1 Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more. 2 For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. 3 For this is the will of God,even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: 4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; 5 Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: 6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. 7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.

KJV Matthew 15:21 Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. 23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. 24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. 27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. 28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Second Sunday In Lent

Lord God, heavenly Father, grant us, we beseech Thee, by Thy Holy Spirit, that He may strengthen our hearts and confirm our faith and hope in Thy grace and mercy, so that, although we have reason to fear because of our conscience, our sin, and our unworthiness, we may nevertheless, with the woman of Canaan, hold fast to Thy grace, and in every trial and temptation find Thee a very present help and refuge, through Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

KJV Matthew 15:21 Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon.

The designation Canaanite woman is important here. That means she was descended from the pagan Canaanites who were supposed to have been eliminated for their evil (sons of Ham, Genesis 10).

22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

Jesus was away from His people, in foreign territory, and yet this woman came up to Him, calling for His help. Mark emphasizes the extent and power of Jesus' healing miracles, so this is an example of the events being so widespread that an outsider knew of them, believed in Jesus as the Savior, and trusted in Him to heal her daughter. Since he was traveling, when would she ever have another chance for her daughter? She knew of His divine power, calling Him "Lord" as divine and Son of David as the Messiah. Those who have seen continuous seizures realize how this tears a mother's heart out. The child's body is tormented by unwanted muscle movement, continuous and exhausting.

Asking for her daughter's healing is a perfect example of the fruits of His work. This is the exact opposite of how the moderns treat the Gospel of Mark. Their concept is to eliminate the divine in Mark and emphasize Jesus as only a man, a teacher, whose charisma caused others to believe He was divine. Thus - as a told a pastor recently - "Son of God" in Mark 1:1 was eliminated from the Wescott-Hort Greek text and so was the Resurrection, Mark 16:9-20. Once those are removed as not belonging, St. Mark becomes an example of primitive believing and therefore imagining the cures. Erasing in the Greek text is often - but not always - indicated by a vague footnote - "some witnesses do not include this." The KJV is an exception in retaining the original, apostolic text. (GJ - Nota bene - my New Testament professors, college and seminary, denied the Mark 16:9-20 section, and people were impressed with their Harvard and Princeton bunk.)

23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

Although the woman made her plea, calling out Jesus' true title and power - which was denied by His Jewish opponents - Jesus did not even answer. This is expressed as continuous pleading from the woman and the disciples being so tired of it that they told Jesus to send her away with a miracle because she would not stop.

This miracle has to be understood as Jesus letting the individual express His majesty and power. Luther calls it chasing the person's faith to make it clear to everyone. And we can imagine that this woman would not have become famous without His apparent lack of concern. So many were healed by Jesus that He needed rest from the demands. The disciples even participated to the point and urging Him to get to work instead of just praying. That is a point Luther explained when he said he prayed longer whenever he knew he had a lot of work to do.

I mention that  teaching about Biblical counseling and pastoral care, the disciples found Jesus praying alone and said - in so many words - "Let's get going, we have a lot of work to do. People are waiting!"
Mark 1:35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. 36 And Simon and they that were with him followed after him. 37 And when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee.

One of my students said, "I have read the Bible all my life and never read such a thing. Prove it." When I quoted it verbatim, he realized how easily overlooked it is. I have to look for it whenever the topic comes up. I know it is in the early part of Mark but I am good at missing what I am looking for.

So the disciples were not aware that Jesus was letting the woman express hire tireless faith in Him. What they saw and heard was a situation needing a cure. What Jesus was doing was doing - since He knew her - was to let the Canaanite woman express her complete faith in Him, no matter how futile her situation seemed to be in helping her daughter.

24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

This is often labeled a "hard saying of Jesus." However Paul himself emphasized "the Jews first, then the Gentiles." (Romans 1:16). The apparent silence of Jesus should remind us that God's apparent silence is not the final Word on the matter, when we pray. This miracle is true and offers a lesson to everyone who thinks God is not responding but silent. The Canaanite woman is the example we should follow and not cave into the rationalistic twaddle of the liberal explainers.

When people start to rework this miracle into something else, they are displaying their lack of faith in various stages - rejecting the divinity of Jesus Christ, rejecting the apostolic text of Mark. Note the gigantic two-volume CPH Commentary on Mark, based on Codex Vaticanus! - like my father giving a man at the airport 50 cents to watch his suitcases so the man could get another 50 cents later. Yes the man and the suitcases disappeared. - The miracle is to build our faith, not to show off how little one believes, how much is distorted or made fun of.

25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 

The woman's response to the apparent rebuke from Jesus - she came up to Him and worshiped him as God, not doubting but believing, and said, "Lord, help me." This should resolve the matter.

26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

There were two kinds of dogs in those times. The feral dogs were disgusting and possibly dangerous. House dogs were pets, so it is possible Jesus was making a reference to the place where he just ate. A home owner would not take food away from his children and give it to the dogs! This is an escalation. At this point, most would shrink away at the rejection. The professional mockers (ordained, often with PhDs in their field) are shocked and like to say - look at how Jesus could be harsh!

But every verse in the Bible is meant for our building up, our faith, and our comfort. For this verse to be true, we drop our computer-age genius about everything and trust that God really is all powerful and compassionate, giving us His Son so we could rely on Him and believe in Him, no matter what.

27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

Here is the ultimate response to God's apparent lack of interest, silence, and rejection - "even the dogs eat what falls on the floor of their master's table." Thus the woman took the rejection - if not the insult - and turned it around as an expression of faith in Jesus. Yes, she will gladly lower herself for her daughter's sake, trusting in the Master.

28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Jesus did not expect increasing the members, or balancing the budget, or obtaining good media coverage. He did not leave behind any structures, plaques, or religious buildings. He said, "Great is thy faith! Your prayer is answered as you prayed it would." The daughter was healed without Jesus visiting her. The way the miracles came about depended on the lesson being taught, such as the mourners mocking that the young woman was not dead, or the young man being raised from the dead without a request.

The miracles and teaching of Christ can only be understood by seeing the entire Bible as a whole, the seeming difficult places being especially noteworthy and memorable. The stranger from outside of Israel knew Jesus when others were mocking and opposing Him, finding ways to undermine Him, as the modernists and professors do today.

We have all be discouraged, looked down upon, rejected, fired, mocked, and undermined by situations, by false-friends, by those who abused their station in life. This miracle of healing is even more a proclamation to be like the supposedly pagan woman with a bad pedigree (Canaanite!). She was not the chosen (viewed by some as being born in Wisconsin - I am not kidding - even better, born in a Wisconsin parsonage!) Out East, there are the Old Money people who know their bloodlines and everyone else's. Friends expressed shocked that there were any good universities outside the Ivy League and the East Coast.

This miracle is a lesson for us to pray for others and for all our needs, thanking God for His mercies. Some may start the day in prayer. Others take up other times when everything is quiet and the spam calls/emails are done, quiet and resting in their mainframe computers. It is good to make studies of a book of the Bible, or a theme in the Bible, which will always build  knowledge and faith.