Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Before and After - Presiding Bishop Liz Eaton - Mysterious Leave of Absence

Before - Liz was elected in 2013

After - Two photographs were published showing a singular lack of joy in her work.

The ironic caption reminds everyone - why silent about the leave of absence for up to six months?

Four months after Eaton's leave-of-absence began, the Lutheran Forum Ovaline Newsletter asked the question, what is going on? Given the Ovaltines' knowledge of all things ELCA, the author should have known. Officially, ELCA is being silent and the Ovaltines wonder why nothing is being explained. The ELCA Constitution allows for a leave-of-absence and a male pastor has filled her role. Why such a stretch, four months, six months!? That anticipated quite a serious situation. The announcement and temporary replacement came after the leave-of-absence started. That suggests a serious crisis, as the photos suggest.

ELCA released a video with Liz featured and added, "This was taped before the leave of absence began."

As I have suggest before, Eaton started a blaze that is now consuming ELCA. I recall her uppity remarks about the 2009 ELCA vote to go all out for all genders. As a local bishop in Ohio, she was publicly sarcastic about people cringing over that vote. Nothing much was going to happen. But it was more like the signs of a tsunami - quiet at first, no worries, the water is actually receding. But then - run, run, run!

They had the keen idea to recruit a new set of male pastors -

Heterosexual men were not going to rush to spend large amounts of money where they would not feel welcome among the feminine males and the masculine females. Seminary enrollments declined anyway and those institutions have caved in, moved to smaller headquarters, and even sold the property, as the Lutheran School of Theology.

There were a few women bishops at first, but now they dominate ELCA's bishop roster. The male bishops list their wives and children, but the female bishops are silent about their domestic relationships. I might have missed that detail. I hope someone fills me in. 

Guy Erwin became the first acknowledged homosexual ELCA bishop - also an Osage Indian. Just as quickly, he became the president of the United (but divided) Seminary in Philadelphia. The previous seminary president was a woman, which was heartening to many, but she had a serious hetero past, which defenestrated her. Megan was there when Guy was promoted to pastor to bishop in California. Megan is suing ELCA for forcing her to resign as bishop. She was stricken from the role of pastors and is now working at Glide Memorial "Church" - as anti-Christian as it can be, but that is ELCA's natural role now.

My conclusion is - the upheaval in California and Eaton's reaction combined to create an ongoing crisis among various political groups in ELCA. Yanking Rohrer from her position - and the pastoral role - made it that much easier to focus on Eaton. Nobody seems to be "Reconciling in Christ," their strange slogan, given what they promote.

"In 1867, Krauth and his schoolmate Rev. William Passavant founded the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The General Council had seven regional bodies which had withdrawn from the General Synod.

During Krauth's lifetime, the LTSP was at Franklin Square.[4] In 1889 it moved to Mount Airy.[4] In 1908 its new library there was dedicated as the Krauth Memorial Library in memory of Krauth.[4]"

Yes, Erwin is now the president of the Philadelphia/Gettysburg Seminary. 

I was interviewed for a job at the Philadelphia Seminary and happily dodged that bullet.

Schmauk was president of the Philadelphia Seminary and a superb author. Augustana College in Rock Island gave him an honorary degree. I refuse to accept Augustana's mail.