Thursday, February 8, 2024

Replacing Eggs and Toast with Oatmeal, Raisins, and Sliced Almonds


Doctors Fuhrman and Greger question the value of eggs, even in small quantities (Greger). I was thinking about the fat content and found out eggs are linked to cancer as well, because of choline.

Dr. Greger on eggs.

I was already changing from eggs when oatmeal was suggested as one of the whole grain substitutes for breakfast.

That reminded me of the days when my mother made hot oatmeal and enhanced it with brown sugar and raisins. The pep talks included "sticks to your ribs." Nostalgia.

When we ate breakfast cereal with milk and sugar, our cat would hop up on the table, look seriously at the colorful cereal package, and sneak a drink  of cereal laced with milk and sugar. If I annoyed the cat, she would return to reading the back of the cereal package. "You can't read, you phony!"

I ordered some whole oatmeal, read the package instructions, and added the raisins, almonds, and blueberries. Charlie Sue enjoyed finishing my breakfast and accepted some banana as well - her favorite fruit.

These are the buttons daily pushed by nutrition experts:

  1. Whole grains
  2. Blueberries
  3. Nuts
  4. Seeds
  5. Greens
  6. Vegetables
  7. Fruits
  8. Tea or coffee without sugar or calf-milk.
Nutritionist No-Nos:
  • Calf-milk
  • Eggs
  • Salt injected chicken
  • Cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese
  • Beef and bacon
  • Candy
I found the breakfast to be delicious, low in fat, very satisfying. 

My vegetable consultant got me interested in spices, which reminded me of my mother never using them - for decades. I also had unused spices because we seldom used them, but kept moving them from house to house. Centuries old spices are not that appealing, so I began trying out new ones. 

Many faux-spices are blends of something, with salt at the top of the ingredients list. I have some of those we used with steaks, but I am no longer a steak griller.  

I always loved anise on tomatoes, so I bought the fresh seeds for stew. Fuhrman really promotes seeds, and anise shows up on lists for being a beneficial seed for health. Anise is great in stew, so I use that or Italian seasoning or both.

Tumeric - wild ginger - is known for pain relief. I was shocked to find it was used as a ginger on food. Who knew? Tumeric in capsules is much more expensive than ground tumeric for seasoning.

The nutritionists emphasize that the vegetable-fruit-greens-seeds variety is ideal for getting all the benefits of God's Creation instead of letting big industry and big ice cream trucks fill us with the all-American diet: sugar, salt, and fat.

Be different. Eat healthy!