Saturday, February 24, 2024

WELS Is an Abusive Cult - This Is a Recent Confirmation


 A WELS pastor sent me this book to read. I said, "It is a perfect description of WELS."

An old friend sent me this, apparently it is going around on an unknown blog.

"MLS prep school in the 1980’s. Toxic, sexist, racist, abusive, etc. So many creepy male tutors staring at us girls and trying to get friendly. “Zex-ing” and bullying behaviors were encouraged. I went to school with Pastor Ski and Glende. Gross boys that grew up to be gross pastors and still have their own churches. I stopped going to church my sophomore year, skipped mandatory chapel as much as possible, and refused to conform or go onto teacher college in New Ulm despite being “counseled” by 3 youth pastors. I was excommunicated along with most of my siblings. My parents got up and walked out of the church years later when the pastor told them they weren’t allowed to say grace before a meal with their non WELS grandchildren. I chuckle now when I hear about WELS decline in membership. Back in its prime, my old home congregation had 4 services a week and a huge k-8 school. Now they don’t even have a pastor.”

Thank you WELS for sending your members into a spiritual dark hole!

For those unfamiliar with the WELS acronyms, MLS is an acronym for Michigan Lutheran Seminary. MLS is a prep school grades 9-12 (concentration camp of sorts located in Saginaw, Michigan) that the WELS faithful send their progeny. It is there that they experience the absolute lowest form of behavior from fellow humans, or bond with the “names" to become pastors and teachers (lower case intended) in what is a combination of a religious cult and the mafia.

How any rational adult can see that hazing and abuse of children are traditional norms (even entertaining) has always haunted me. This twisted mentality is really at the root of WELS, tradition above people and WELS opinions above Holy Scripture are hallmarks of this deplorable denomination. Perhaps even giving the mostly secular and dysfunctional WELS the respect of calling them a denomination is too generous.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts.

In Christ who saves us,
Name Omitted

GJ - The principal laughed about a boy who was hanged out of the upper story window by upperclassmen and dropped. The boy had injuries, naturally, and the the parents removed him from the school.

Various kinds of abuse are delivered at the prep school, college, and seminary levels. The seminary's hazing ritual - GA - is re-named and often "stopped" (part of the joke) certain years. Faculty watch and laugh as various disgusting and abusive acts are carried out to "create unity."

The most excitement about GA came when someone spread the false rumor that I sent all the GA songs to Christian News. I did, but lying is central to GA. They love their WELS Grapevine, because they spread falsehoods about anyone who upsets them, covering up crimes and felonies. 

Cross-dressing is a WELS hobby, from prep school to college to the pastorate.
The worst offenders are honored for being so cool.

The cross-dressing college students plagiarized a video about Fire Island, but claimed they had "no idea" it was a gay video. Somehow the gay press got wind of it and spread the news - see above. Their fellow students thought it was very cool and the participants all got calls, cuz that's WELS.