Thursday, February 29, 2024

Why Read Luther? Lutheran Seminarians Do Not Really Want To Know.
Notice How Fitting These Luther Quotes Are.


I am glad the Daily Luther Sermon Quotes are appreciated by so many. The early morning excerpts  from Luther's Sermons (Lenker edition) always encourage me and often make me laugh. He established the German language and his Reformation gave William Tyndale even more background for what became the King James Version. No wonder the Big Five - ELCA-WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC (sic) - loathe and ignore Luther and the KJV.

This statement about the Holy Spirit and the Word should teach seminarians the efficacy of the Word. The mast majority of Protestant pastors - all denominations - brush this aside. What they should treasure the most is met with an intricate ballet dance around the Word of God, always making someone say, "That is something new. I never heard it before!"

The seminarians are not taught faith but success. Their lack of Biblical and doctrinal study makes it easy to grab a new opportunity to be new, fresh, exciting, and different, even if they are simply behind the fads by 10 years or more. Notice how often they apply the word effective to their apostasy. It is a nod to those who want to undermine the only good Bible and the best Luther teachers.