Monday, April 1, 2024

The WELS Most Interesting Man Has This To Say About Missions


I wonder if the word is out - WELS is hatching another money-raising scheme to build a bunch of missions for a bunch of money, 10 missions for $100 million - or  - 100 missions for $10 million. The generous souls at the Love Shack are willing to accept IRAs, stocks, bonds, lottery tickets, and irrevocable charitable annuities to erase one's estate and impoverish the grandkids.

Remember the Brazil mission? That evaporated due to the incompetence of the Great White Father who could not learn the language. Video tapes were shown prospects as the evangelism tool du jour.

Many more belly flops could be named, or to be more honest, renamed. Yes, they start the same one all over with a new name. As one lamented missions director said, "These goals are fresh and exciting!" So exiting he was promoted upstairs, or so they would like to think.

Rev Mark Jeske explained it well for these innocent college students, "The Germans stopped coming!" his excuse for avoiding actual evangelism. WELS knows how to work this: Dr. Martin Luther College became Martin Luther College, The WELS College of Ministry, for only $8 million dollars. Actually, it was $30 million, plus the enormous cost of the gym. "Bloat It And They Will Come."