Friday, May 31, 2024

Cheerful Projects


"Behold, how simply faith proceeds, and acts joyfully, securely and effectively. Treat all your troublesome evil spirits in the same way." Luther's Sermons, Lenker edition, ending of the first Trinity 1 sermon.

The latest Trump trial did not surprise me. Anyone who has been invited to a WELS or CLC (sic) kangaroo court would cheerfully agree with that. Doc Cruz would probably consider the name insulting to kangaroos everywhere.

Let's not overlook, the equally cultish LCMS. They recently excommunicated someone from a congregation when that person was no longer a member. Moreover, Matt the Fatt invented a new term for bishops to use - "alt-right." There must be a good Latin legal term to apply - alt dextera.

Matt is so vain that he sends around photos from his Slim Masters graduation but he shows up live as their worst result. LCMS delegate - "I thought he was still running. Who is that guy at the podium?"

Enchanted Peace

There are lots of things to do while waiting for common sense to return to America. Here are some cheerful projects:

  1. Surprise roses - Nobody expects roses, but they are highly favored everywhere. Hint - Enchanted Peace is prolific, tall, and quick to flower.
  2. Do one thing for the garden, something new and daring.
  3. Categorize fruits as candy and consume lots of them as three desserts per day - blueberries, pears, apples, oranges, bananas.
  4. Switch to tea, not that nasty factory tea often promoted. (My attorney said - skip the trade names.) Find a loose leaf tea, no paper bags, and find out why tea is the #1 beverage in the world.
  5. Get a plastic hummingbird feeder, or maybe five of them. Keep them filled, act as if they are not being used. Fill them steadily.  That's not a leaf falling from the maple, it's a hummingbird looking for food.
  6. Look for KJV Biblical passages that reveal the irony, wisdom, blessings, and warnings of Jesus Christ. 
  7. KJV Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
  8. Practice polemical writing and publish it on a blog. The people who understand it are divided into two camps. Those who understand the message will laugh. Those who really understand polemics will rage and extend the Right Boot of Fellowship. Does Right Hoof sound better? I will consult my farmer friend.