Saturday, May 25, 2024

How the Sects Align Their Precious Thoughts - Ft. Wayne Seminary Hires Former ELS Member


"From 1991 through 2002 he served on the faculty of Bethany Lutheran College (ELS) in Mankato, and thereafter at St. Olaf College (ELCA), The University of the South, and the University of Kansas. From 2013 through 2022 he served as pastor at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Topeka, Kansas."

John Bruss has been hired to be the next president of Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne. One must say "Concordia Theological Seminary" to avoid being corrected by a Ft. Wayne seminarian. The St. Louis version does not require the word theological in its title. A seminary in the good old days was often a girls school, so that must be the issue for Ft. Wayne. 

The big talking point - at LutherQuest - is Bruss' former membership in the schismatic Little Norwegian Synod, aka the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The Preus brothers, Robert and Jack, spoke against the ELS at a LCMS convention - and then joined the ELS. They were Biblical, grafting the ELS onto the LCMS tree.

Jack and Robert were Ft. Wayne presidents, Robert a few years later than Jack. I knew Robert fairly well and talked to Jack several times, the last time just before his death. 

I would like to ask any of the LCMS-WELS-ELS presidents why they gloried in extraordinary spending when they knew their graduates were shrinking as fast as the executives were spending. Marvin Schwan, my favorite ice cream vendor, had much to do with the spending, and the federal government generously allowed for monumental student loans.

I served a church where the members wanted to build an addition but did not want to refinance. They decided to raise the cash and build it themselves. Now church buildings can be bought cheap, though they are more likely to changed into a business of some sort.

The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) should merge because:

  1. They teach Objective Faithless Justification;
  2. They are shrinking faster than a cheap suit in the rain;
  3. They can do the math - some of them schools have to go;
  4. Thrivent is wooing non-Lutherans!
  5. They are guided and encouraged by their Father Below.