Monday, May 20, 2024

Why Are The Walther Four - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) So Nasty?


The Waltherians tolerate Luther a wee bit, but they worship CFW.

 One of many Walther glorifications and holy sites.

This volume has more laughs than theology: cult practices, robbery, kidnapping, leading a riot to remove the bishop Walther helped to elevate, promoting a lie about the adultery Stephan openly displayed, stealing the bishop's gold and books - and his  land and belongings, keeping Stephan's chalice. And no one was curious why Stephan left his wife and children behind and sailed with his mistress and oldest son? Silence, nothing but silence from the heirs and errors of Walther's dogma.

They exchanged the bishop for a Pope. Walther reigned over every aspect of the Missouri Synod, except the truth about his heinous deeds.