Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Funny Thing Happened in the Dark Room


I finished the lecture today and set up the YouTube version, which is easy to do, perhaps too easy. All I had to do was load the video/sound file and put some touches on those little things in Zoom and YouTube.

I played the video, which looked OK - but where were the flowers? The brilliant red flowers (Take It Easy) were gone! I went to the chapel - the red roses were still there! Hmmm!?

Maybe I downloaded a previous file and titled it for today, with the Weeds graphic. Aha and Yes! All I had to do is figure out how to remove an earlier file from the Weeds graphic. That was easy to do and worked out well. The flowers were back on the altar and on the mike stand for today.

I am going to maintain this pattern - lectures on Tuesday and Thursday at 11 AM Central, Greek lesson on Wednesday at 11 AM Central. Given that and the Sunday services, our little church can provide over 2,000 YouTube videos a year.

PS - I began photography in a darkroom in Sturgis. It was a lot of fun and educational, black and white, and I learned enough to wave goodbye in favor of digital.