Thursday, June 6, 2024

Missouri Follows ELCA! - The Walther Four - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) -
Follow Harrison!


The Missouri Synod is comprised of followers, not leaders. The clergy learned more from Fuller Seminary graduate programs than they did from their two, feeble seminaries. Ditto WELS, ELS, CLC - and they all bragged about it from their neo-Calvinist pulpits. But face it - the LCMS continues to worship CFW Walther, who was a greater scoundrel than his Bishop Martin Stephan, because Walther signed on Stephan's bishop promotion, knew of the bishop's adultery long before staging a riot, and stole Stephan's gold, books, and property - for the glory of God, of course.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion was a manufactured fad from the 1960s, but it was forced upon higher education only a few years ago. It seems as if many institutions were lying in wait for more to join the happy throng.

Unlike many other destructive ideas for the masses, DEI soon created a backlash against its destructive agenda. Decades ago, Fuller Seminary stated in its catalog that anyone who questioned women's ordination would get a visit from their Church Growth secret police. Perhaps the futurist revolutionaries will back down before everything is destroyed. ELCA is doing its worst, and Missouri will continue to serve as the Judas Goat, leading everyone else to the slaughter house.

Judas Goat - 

a person who betrays followers or dependents, often unwittingly as the tool of an enemy:

Some say the leader of the union is a Judas goat, far too cozy with management and making too many compromises.