Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Reading Hebrews - Do They Dare Read Hebrews 11?

Hebrews is unique in the New Testament, an eloquent appeal to Jews who were growing weak and doubting about the risen Christ.

Garhardt's beautiful hymn cites the Hebrews passages above - "A Pilgrim And A Stranger."

How do the anti-faith salesmen of the Walther Four sects deal with this verse?

A Church Growth fanatic from WELS was frightened when I mentioned Peter Drucker tapes, which he seemed to grasp as as Holy Writ. Fairy tales for children always have a magic formula, and Drucker fits the role. 

Our congregation went through Genesis and Exodus, Sunday after Sunday, for a long time. The Epistle for the upcoming Holy Communion service is from 1 Corinthians 10. Luther noted that the Exodus in the Old Testament is the greatest act of God, except for crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.