Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Traitors Betrayed By Their Own Folly


Paul L. Holmer taught at Yale University, but he would not be accepted as a student today.

I suggest reading the statements coming from The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic). I could add the ELDONUTS to make it The Sickening Six, because the writing has been on their wall a long time.

Emphasizing the good-good-goodness* of the safe sects, they continue to parse the exquisite wisdom of their declarations. I produce the Daily Luther Sermon Quote because the exercise is good for everyone, easy to find, and essential to remain a believer in the waning light of truth.

This is a scavenger hunt, a game to see if an official statement can be judged as an offal example. 

Scavenger Hunt - try to find a clear statement from the sect - that teaches 

  1. Faith in Jesus Christ, 
  2. born of the Virgin Mary, 
  3. baptized by John, 
  4. tempted by Satan, 
  5. teaching faith and performing miracles, 
  6. gathering disciples, 
  7. enduring torture and the cross, 
  8. dying for the sins of the world, 
  9. rising from the dead, 
  10. ascending to Heaven.
No managers in the Sickening Six can do this, because they are intent on covering up the offal and praising themselves (i.e. dodging questions, paying their friends' bail, defenestrating the faithful).

The test is simple but pure torture for them. Do their publications cause and nurture faith in Jesus Christ? 

"What is truth?" said scoffing Pilate and would not stay for an answer.