Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Stooges Foreshadowed the Big Three of Apostasy


The Stooges could be very serious.

Church Growthians came down like a wolf on the fold.
And their Almy was glittering in purple and gold.
And the sheen of their spears was like Thrivent's black sins
When the blue wave rolls heavy on Fuller's D.Mins.

And now people wonder, "Why have the Big Three coalesced to represent the Lutheran version of DEI - Dogmatic Ecstasy for Idiots." I am not being too harsh but far too lenient about their fatal embrace of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, teaching and healing, miracle-working, dying on the cross and rising from death, ascending into heaven.

Harrison could have been one of the Stooges - so clever, so 8th Commandment.

Harrison goes all out for the Seminex rulers of the LCMS.

Needs more color.

Who gets more money? TOPS or Almy?

 WELS prez Mark Schroeder tried really hard to smile.

ELCA's Archbishop Eaton threatened the remainder of male bishops with medical tests.

MDiv Eaton deals with every topic except the Good Shepherd.

Eaton coordinated her way into being a minor bishop, then full speed on the 2009 Vote to quash heterosexual pastors, professors, and bishops.

Spoken out loud among the frightened male pastors in ELCA - "Why are we seeking the smallest segment of the population to become pastors, bishops, and much more? We are shrinking even faster than ever."