Saturday, October 26, 2024

Reformation Quotes - Bound To Confuse the Seminaries of Today


KJV 1 Thessalonians 2:13 - For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the Word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the Word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe. [GJ - That suggests Drucker, Olson, Bivens, Werning, and Scaer do not teach the Word of God.]

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October 25, 2024

The Stooges Foreshadowed the Big Three of Apostasy


The Stooges could be very serious.

Church Growthians came down like a wolf on the fold.
And their Almy was glittering in purple and gold.
And the sheen of their spears was like Thrivent's black sins
When the blue wave rolls heavy on Fuller's D.Mins.

And now people wonder, "Why have the Big Three coalesced to represent the Lutheran version of DEI - Dogmatic Ecstasy for Idiots." I am not being too harsh but far too lenient about their fatal embrace of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, teaching and healing, miracle-working, dying on the cross and rising from death, ascending into heaven.

Harrison could have been one of the Stooges - so clever, so 8th Commandment.

Harrison goes all out for the Seminex rulers of the LCMS.

Needs more color.

Who gets more money? TOPS or Almy?

 WELS prez Mark Schroeder tried really hard to smile.

ELCA's Archbishop Eaton threatened the remainder of male bishops with medical tests.

MDiv Eaton deals with every topic except the Good Shepherd.

Eaton coordinated her way into being a minor bishop, then full speed on the 2009 Vote to quash heterosexual pastors, professors, and bishops.

Spoken out loud among the frightened male pastors in ELCA - "Why are we seeking the smallest segment of the population to become pastors, bishops, and much more? We are shrinking even faster than ever."

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 22 Epistle - "Our life has not yet reached the heights it is destined to attain. We know here only its incipient first-fruits. Desire is not satisfied; we have but a foretaste. As yet we only realize by faith what is bestowed upon us; full and tangible occupancy is to come. Therefore, we need to pray because of the limitations that bind our earthly life, until we go yonder where prayer is unnecessary, and all is happiness, purity of life and one eternal song of thanks and praise to God."


Complete Epistle sermon Trinity 22 - Epistle 

23. Our life has not yet reached the heights it is destined to attain. We know here only its incipient first-fruits. Desire is not satisfied; we have but a foretaste. As yet we only realize by faith what is bestowed upon us; full and tangible occupancy is to come. Therefore, we need to pray because of the limitations that bind our earthly life, until we go yonder where prayer is unnecessary, and all is happiness, purity of life and one eternal song of thanks and praise to God.

But heavenly praise and joy is to have its inception and a measure of growth here on earth through the encouragement of prayer — prayer for ourselves and the Church as a whole; that is, for them who have accepted and believe the Gospel and are thus mutually helpful. For the Gospel will receive greater exaltation and will inspire more joy with the individual because of its acceptance by the many. So Paul says he thanks God for the fellowship of the Philippians in the Gospel, and offers prayer in their behalf.


24. Yes, it should be the joy of a Christian heart to see multitudes accept the offer of mercy, and praise and thank God with him. This desire for the participation of others in the Gospel promotes the spirit of prayer. The Christian cannot be a misanthrope, wholly unconcerned whether his fellows believe or not. He should be interested in all men and unceasingly long and pray for their salvation; for the sanctification of God’s name, the coming of his kingdom, the fulfilment of his will; and for the exposure everywhere of the devil’s deceptions, the suppression of his murderous power over poor souls and the restraint of his authority.

25. This prayer should be the sincere, earnest outflow of the true Christian’s heart. Note, Paul’s words here indicate that his praise and prayer were inspired by a fervent spirit. It is impossible that the words “I thank my God upon all my remembrance of you, always in every supplication” be the expression of any but a heart full of such sentiments.

Truly, Paul speaks in a way worthy of an apostle — saying he renders praise and prayer with keenest pleasure. He rejoices in his heart that he has somewhere a little band of Christians who love the Gospel and with whom he may rejoice; that he may thank God for them and pray in their behalf.

Was there not much more reason that all they who had heard the Gospel should rejoice, and thank Paul in heart and in expression for it, praying God in his behalf? should rejoice that they became worthy of the apostle’s favor, were delivered from their blindness and had now received from him the light transferring from sin and death into the grace of God and eternal life?

26. But Paul does not wait for them to take the initiative, as they ought to have done to declare their joy and their gratitude to him. In his first utterance he pours out the joy of his heart, fervently thanking God for them, etc. Well might they have blushed, and reproached themselves, when they received the epistle beginning with these words. Well might they have said, “We should not have permitted him to speak in this way; it was our place first to show him gratitude and joy.”


27. We shall not soon be able to boast the attainment of that beautiful, perfect Christian spirit the apostle’s words portray. Seeing how the apostle rejoices over finding a few believers in the Gospel, why should we complain because of the smaller number who accord us a hearing and seriously accept the Word of God? We have no great reason to complain nor to be discouraged since Christ and the prophets and apostles, meeting with the same backwardness on the part of the people, still were gratified over the occasional few who accepted the faith. We note how Christ rejoiced when now and then he found one who had true faith, and on the other hand was depressed when his own people refused to hear him, and reluctantly censured them. And Paul did not meet with more encouragement. In all the Roman Empire — and through the greater part of it he had traveled with the Gospel — he only occasionally found a place where was even a small band of earnest Christians; but over them he peculiarly rejoices, finding in them greater consolation than in all the treasures on earth.

28. But it is a prophecy of good to the world, a portent of ultimate success, that Christ and his apostles and ministers must rejoice over an occasional reception of the beloved Word. Such acceptance will tell in time. One would think all men might eagerly have hastened to the ends of the earth to be afforded an opportunity of hearing an apostle. But Paul had to go through the world himself upon his ministry, enduring great fatigue and encountering privations and grave dangers, being rejected and trampled upon by all men. However, disregarding it all, he rejoiced to be able now and then to see some soul accept the Gospel. In time past it was not necessary for the Pope and his officials to run after anyone. They sat in lordly authority in their kingdom, and all men had to obey their summons, wherever wanted, and that without thanks.

29. What running on the part of our fathers, even of many of us, as if we were foolish — running from all countries, hundreds of miles, to Jerusalem, to the holy sepulcher, to Compostella, St. James, Rome, to the heads of St. Peter and St. Paul; some barefooted and others in complete armor — all this, to say nothing of innumerable other pilgrimages! We thus expended large sums of money, and thanked God, and rejoiced to be able thereby to purchase the wicked indulgences of the Pope and to be worthy to look upon or to kiss the bones of the dead exhibited as holy relics, but preferably to kiss the feet of His Most Holy Holiness, the Pope. This condition of things the world desires again, and it shall have nothing better.

Friday, October 25, 2024

They Built Charades - Not the Reformation - But Now They All Work Their Magic Together - The Big Five Apostates - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic),


The charade is working because the toxic leaders have driven the believers away, delighting in the piles of loot left behind, the church buildings sold to donate the cash to the synodical cash cows. The mission leaders loaned money to groups of people who were told exactly how to build this wonderful new worship center. After decades of donating money to pay off the building and keep the officials fat, the empty shell is used to pass some cash along to the ladies, foreign fading missions, and left-wing social activist beehives. 

The labor of 50 years ends up a vague memory, somewhat softened by the charade of a merger where two congregations become 1.1, not 1.75. 

The Great Depression concentrated power in denominational offices, abandoning the concept of sister churches, which worked well as they found the need for expansion, with local energy and gifts.

One mission director was such a drunk that he had to be warned by the president to take it easy on the booze - at the target church! When phoned at his office, the mission director was too drunk to hang onto the phone and make sense. He had a deluxe salary and perks - or rather - burps.

I Renewed My Driver's License And We Have a P.O. Box


I am appalled that so many are wedded to their phones, because they miss out on what is going around them. People can get on a giant jet, pull down the shade, and sleep through the experience. I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles and had a good time with the momentary guests. The number gadget was not working properly, so the numbers stayed in it red Tupperware box. I looked at it, opened it up, and tore off my number. I kept my eye on it. 

Soon someone looked at it, gave up, and sat down. I took a few steps, opened the device, and tore off the next number for him. I said in mock gubmint tone, "No number! No business!" He thanked me several times and we laughed. He said, "That's true! Numbers." A very slight man, sitting nearby, cautiously looked into the magic red box. He took one number out and sat down. Soon a third person came by, stymied by the red box without lights or bossy orders. I told him, "I am the numbers supervisor. Open it up." He found his number and I said "Supervisor." The tiny, slender man from before said, "Yes! He is supervising." 

I found one of my favorite postal workers but he had to do something else. Two of my uncles were postal carriers, so I always liked them. They were always friendly and helpful.

I am not going to post our P. O. Box because so many abuse the mails. People are welcome to write me via the email address always on this blog's template. Remember - edlp - Every Day Low Prices. When I spell that for those answering computer questions, the laughter goes on and on.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 22 Epistle - "The other Christian duty named by Paul in this passage is that of prayer. The two obligations — gratitude for benefits received, and prayer for the preservation and growth of God’s work begun in us — are properly related. Prayer is of supreme importance, for the devil and the world assail us and delight in turning us aside; we have continually to resist wickedness."


Complete Epistle sermon Trinity 22 - Epistle 

18. But why multiply words? It is in vain so far as the world is concerned; no admonition will avail. The world remains the devil’s own. We must remember we shall not by any means find with the world that Christian heart pictured by the apostle; on the contrary we shall find what might be represented by a picture of the very opposite type — the most shameless ingratitude. But let the still existing God-fearing Christians be careful to imitate in their gratitude the spirit of the apostle’s beautiful picture. Let them give evidence of their willingness to hear the Word of God, of pleasure and delight in it and grief where it is rejected. Let them show by their lives a consciousness of the great blessing conferred by those from whom they received the Gospel. As recipients of such goodness, let their hearts and lips ever be ready with the happy declaration: “God be praised!”

For thereunto are we called. As before said, praise should be the constant service and daily sacrifice of Christians; and according to Paul’s teaching here, the Christian’s works, his fruits of righteousness, should shine before men. Such manifestation of gratitude assuredly must result when we comprehend what God has given us.

19. Notwithstanding the world’s refusal to be influenced by the recognition of God’s goodness, and in spite of the fact that we are obliged daily to see, hear and suffer the world’s increasing ungratefulness the longer it stands, we must not allow ourselves to be led into error; for we will be unable to change it. We must preach against the evil of ingratitude wherever possible, severely censuring it, and faithfully admonish all men to guard against it. At the same time we have to remember the world will not submit. Although compelled to live among the ungrateful, we are not for that reason to fall into error nor to cease from doing good. Let our springs be dispersed abroad, as Solomon says in Proverbs 5:16. Let us continually do good, not faltering when others receive our good as evil.

Just as God causes his sun to rise on the thankful and the unthankful. Matthew 5:45.

20. But if your good works are wrought with the object of securing the thanks and applause of the world, you will meet with a reception quite the reverse. Your reward will justly be that of him who crushes with his teeth the hollow nut only to defile his mouth. Now, if when ingratitude is met with, you angrily wish to pull down mountains, and resolve to give up doing good, you are no longer a Christian. You injure yourself and accomplish nothing. Can you not be mindful of your environment — that you are still in the world where vice and ingratitude hold sway? that you are, as the phrase goes, with “those who return evil for good”? He who would escape this fact must flee the boundaries of the world. It requires no great wisdom to live only among the godly and do good, but the keenest judgment is necessary to live with the wicked and not do evil.

21. Christianity should be begun in youth, to give practice in the endurance that will enable one to do good to all men while expecting evil in return.

Not that the Christian is to commend and approve evil conduct; he is to censure and restrain wickedness to the limit of the authority his position in life affords. It is the best testimony to the real merit of a work when its beneficiaries are not only ungrateful but return evil. For its results tend to restrain the doer from a too high opinion of himself, and the character of the work is too precious in God’s sight for the world to be worthy of rewarding it.


22. The other Christian duty named by Paul in this passage is that of prayer. The two obligations — gratitude for benefits received, and prayer for the preservation and growth of God’s work begun in us — are properly related. Prayer is of supreme importance, for the devil and the world assail us and delight in turning us aside; we have continually to resist wickedness.

So the conflict is a sore one for our feeble flesh and blood, and we cannot stand unvanquished unless there be constant, earnest invocation of divine aid. Gratitude and prayer are essential and must accompany each other, according to the requirements of the daily sacrifice of the Old Testament: the offering of praise, or thank-offering, thanks to God for blessings received; and the sacrifice of prayer, or the Lord’s Prayer — the petition against the wickedness and evil from which we would be released.

23. Our life has not yet reached the heights it is destined to attain. We know here only its incipient first-fruits. Desire is not satisfied; we have but a foretaste. As yet we only realize by faith what is bestowed upon us; full and tangible occupancy is to come. Therefore, we need to pray because of the limitations that bind our earthly life, until we go yonder where prayer is unnecessary, and all is happiness, purity of life and one eternal song of thanks and praise to God.

But heavenly praise and joy is to have its inception and a measure of growth here on earth through the encouragement of prayer — prayer for ourselves and the Church as a whole; that is, for them who have accepted and believe the Gospel and are thus mutually helpful. For the Gospel will receive greater exaltation and will inspire more joy with the individual because of its acceptance by the many. So Paul says he thanks God for the fellowship of the Philippians in the Gospel, and offers prayer in their behalf.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - Alec Satin - Lutheran Librarian


August Tholuck, Halle University

Reformation Seminary Lecture - John 8, Part 4


KJV John 8 - Part 4

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

48 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?

49 Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour me.

50 And I seek not mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth.

51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.

52 Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.

53 Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself?

54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God:

55 Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying.

56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.

57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.

59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

Three Blind Mice - Bowing to the Seminexers!
Instead of Teaching the Chief Article of the Christian Faith



The coming up-chuck, lavish Teigen lectures remind a few people of how much they hated B.W. Teigen for teaching the efficacy of the Word.  As one pastor told me, without blushing, "I was taught that it was not the Body of Christ until it was received by the communicant." That is called "Receptionism" among the Waltherian sects. 

I learned this from the WELS/ELS contingent of Walther's blasphemies - their Objective Faithless Justification cannot be debated or discussed, except to glory in the beauty of their dogma.

That was only a warm-up, because we should remain stunned by the utter blindness of the presenters' topic. I hope they get their Thrivent bonus for aiding and abetting ELCA's crafts and assaults on the Scriptures. At the shrunken Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago - once was not enough.

The gala Seminex 50th Anniversary to mark the day when most of the students and faculty walked out of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. They returned for lunch but eventually made the break complete. They should have had a group hug, saying, "We all know that the entire world is absolved of all sin, back to the empty grave, no! - back to the cross, no! - back to Adam hisself."

The Four Waltherian Cults - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - claim to be conservative, but they are One in the Spirit of their Father Below.

Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz taught faith in Jesus Christ. The Book of Concord encapsulates their work. No other century or country has done the same. I am posting the three quotations with Luther's statue. The most poignant statement is from Luther himself.

If properly invited and driven out with lack of food, raging dogs, and dung, this conference will be a success.
