"You are not a Christ-ian. You are a FAITH-ian! Your FAITH is in FAITH, not in Christ!" Apart from the Jabberwockian nonsense, this Concordia Ft. Wayne Seminary claim continues to hammer the innocents and please the faculty.
The traditional theme for Epiphany 4 is noted above and one of the greatest sermons of the Luther-Lenker edition.
Lacking today is faith, because the genius theologians and synodical bigshorts are wrapped up in their anti-Christian programs, lectures, booklets, plagiarisms, and sales manuals.
Why are the Waltherians so hypnotized by ELCA? who have their own or borrowed programs of stirring the masses - or the Mass - from copying recent products?
The simple answer is - The Big Five Apostates - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - have no faith. They may have learned the basics years ago, but that will only harm their glamor and prestige. Thrivent's Mark Jeske was high church at first, with Scaery processions, candles, incense, and robes. He tried to buy the altar from the Historic St. John Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. But St. Mark found bliss in the crafts, assaults, and empty promises of his Father Below.
Here are the basics left behind by the Big Five:
- The Holy Trinity
- The Two Natures of Christ
- The Virgin Birth of Jesus
- Justification by Faith
- The efficacy of the Word
- The miracles and teaching of Jesus
- His atoning death for our sins
- His resurrection, teaching His mission, and
- Ascension
- His infallible Word in Hebrew and Greek. "Heaven and earth may pass away but My Word will never pass away."