Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Can It Get Any Worse in Lutherdom?


The Big Five Apostates - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - have electrified the world with their laziness, lack of intelligence, substance abuse, spiritual adultery, and mutual envy.

I was tempted to trace the unsober path of their trek into the future, but that is too time consuming. All five apostates are very much the same - embracing every theologian except Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz. 

I am certain that most of the clergy and professors know as little as possible about the basics of the Christian Faith. One seminary professor was on the Internet at a church - defining the Reformation by shouting GRACE! five times. I am not saying he was drunk in the pulpit, but I am not claiming he was sober.

Most of what happens today is absent the basics of faith in Christ. Luther always taught the efficacy of the Spirit at work in the Word of God. The apostates buy and sell the latest fad. That is why they are going down the drain so fast. I noticed Unstuck was still being tried out! In WELS they have unfit snake oil salesmen who sell their goods and charm for others to buy and sell.

You gotta have a team! and excitement! and coaching underlings to build a team of coaches!