Olson Count - Three
"To the best of my knowledge, only three WELS pastors have ever taken classes at Fuller Seminary: Reuel Schulz in the 1970s, and Robert Koester and I in the 1980s."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23.
Or Maybe – A Dozen
"You may reply that by 'Fuller-trained' you mean anyone who has attended a workshop presented by the Charles E. Fuller Institute of Evangelism and Church Growth, an agency which is independent of the Seminary. If that is the case, your attribution of 'Fuller-trained' is still simply not true. It would surprise me if even half of the two dozen people on your 'WELS/ELS Who's Who' list have attended a Fuller workshop; I personally know of only five who have."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "A Response to Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D.," Christian News, 3-28-94, p. 23.
Plus David Valleskey
Valleskey admitted to CLC Pastor David Koenig that he studied at Fuller Seminary.
Plus Frosty Bivens
Bivens told the Midland Circuit, Michigan District, that he attended Fuller Seminary. He was quick to defend Paul Kelm at a pastors’ conference.
Plus Kelm, Huebner, and Olson
James Huebner confessed that the troika was trained at Fuller Seminary to be consultants.
Plus Norm Berg
"I did attend a Pasadena forum on Church Growth featuring Win Arn and others. That this does not imply 'studying' and thus absorbing and advocating CG philosophy or theology is borne out by the stated objective of my attendance in my role as home mission administrator, to be personally informed as to this popular 'home-mission' related movement. During my attendance I publicly challenged the theological basis of some of the CG principles. That I found some pertinent non-theological observations does not imply any acceptance of the Reformed theology involved. None of my writings re mission methods or stewardship principles deviate from the Law/Gospel Lutheran approach to justification and sanctification. Please check them honestly!"
Rev. Norman W. Berg, former DP and Home Mission Exec, WELS Letter to Gregory L. Jackson, 3-27-96.
"Neither things I shared with you nor any of my writings, published or not, substantiate the implications that I am an advocate of Church Growth theology. I did attend a Pasadena forum on Church Growth featuring Win Arn and others...I therefore request a public apology from you for making an unfounded accusation against me based on the fact that I attended a Church Growth conference. My attendance is no greater proof (by association) of my alleged Church Growth advocacy than your attendace at and degree from Notre Dame is proof of your acceptance of Roman Catholic heresy!"
Rev. Norman W. Berg, WELS, former mission board chairman Letter to Gregory L. Jackson, 3-27-96.
Plus Joel Gerlach
"Incidentally, during my mission counselor days in California during the 80's, I did take a course at Fuller from Carl George and Peter Wagner. I am grateful for the opportunity to have done so because it helped me to see through the lousy theology espoused by David Luecke in "Evangelical Style and Lutheran Substance" a book, by the way, which has been roundly criticized in WELS circles as your own columns have noted." Rev. Joel C. Gerlach (WELS) to Pastor Herman Otten, no date. [Gerlach taught at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary]
Plus Many Others
"...and in the process we got a look at the inside of his study. [WELS pastor David Reichel, Mandan, ND] He's got all the standard reference works you'd expect to find in a confessional Lutheran pastor's office. But the handiest shelf, right at chest level, was reserved for a long row of binders from annual seminars at Fuller." Source: Pastor Paul Naumann, CLC. April 1, 1996, e-mail.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
How Many WELS Pastors Have Studied at Fuller?
Church Growth Movement,
L. Olson,