Saturday, May 26, 2007

Power is Given, Not Taken

The biggest mistake pastors and laity make is in their assumption that synods and officials have taken power away from them. That is not true. As Stuckenberg, the 19th century sociologist wrote, power is given, not taken. Over the years, bullies have grabbed power away from pliant congregations and pastors. One is the call list. A congregation can call anyone who is qualified to be a pastor. By manipulating the call list, and sitting on it like the dog in the manger, the district president has power over congregations and pastors. Take away that call list power and the DP has no leverage against anyone.

For example, Pope John the Malefactor has seized power in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and some congregations have surrendered to him. He can remove a pastor by fiat only if the congregation surrenders that power to him. River Heights quaked and surrendered. Other congregations have not allowed Pope John to approach their meetings.

The ELS has lost a considerable amount of revenue from expelling pastors and congregations. The members do not wish to polish the hob-nailed boot that delivers the Left Foot of Fellowship.

WELS Meltdown - "Michigan has sent Milwaukee $6,300 less than last year, so far, according to the April stats. And WELS has received $147,800 more than last year so far. The April Easter offerings probably make the figures look better than they are."

My favorite ELS Blog is:

ELS Bad Boy, Trouble in Paradise

This may surprise some - I like polemics.

Another ELS site is: The Plucked Chicken This site has good updates on doctrinal issues.

A typically bland WELS site is: Issues in WELS.