Wednesday, May 16, 2007

VP Wayne Mueller Explains the WELS Meltdown

Wayne Mueller, Voted Out of Office Two Years Ago, Then Voted Back In

Information assembled by Vice-President Mueller as of March 2007 COP

Financial Management of Synod Ministry Since 2001

What precipitated the synod’s crisis in ministry support in 2001?

Sudden loss of $8M per year in foundation support

9-11 and the subsequent recession

Much lower than projected bequest gifts for five years

Drop in enrollment sharply reduced schools’ income

Below cost of living averages in congregation mission support
Efforts to balance budgets and maintain schools with lowered income

Three million removed from Home Missions annual budgets

Lower budgets and enrollments force schools to vacate thirty professorships

Parish Services annual budgets trimmed in half by $1.5M

Over twenty World Missionaries returned home ($2M)

Cost-cutting measures implemented across all areas of ministry

President’s office staff cut in half; 11 administrative positions eliminated
Measures put in place to set our financial house in order

Special audit showed no illegal activity in regard to internal borrowing

New Chief Financial Officer hired

Independent accounting oversight committee put in place

New software and processes for gift and budget tracking

Additional staff hired for finance department

More detailed special funds reports; new transparency in financial reporting
Conference of Presidents efforts at maintaining offering support for our ministries

Annual Congregation Mission Offering encouragements

Stewardship programs through Ministry of Christian Giving/Adult Discipleship

Advancement offices opened at all schools

Annual “Walking Together” Sunday started

Focus of WELS Connection directed to synod budget ministries

Endowments started for schools and missions

Faith-Focused Finance seminars on the road
Current proposals to contain costs and effect savings

Limit cost of living and tenure raises to cost of living

Higher deductibles, co-pay and contributions for worker health care

Use unrestricted special funds to pay back internal borrowing loan

Look at forgiving or delaying loan repayments to ourselves

Use of replenishable restricted special funds for operating budgets

Proposal to synod convention to close Michigan Lutheran Seminary
Remaining financial challenges

All ministries operating at minimum levels

Lower enrollment has cut deeply into school funding

Synod support forecast for 07-08 lowered by $1.1M to reflect 1.4% CMO increase

Synodical Council is proposing closing MLS to meet rising deficits

A deficit of $2.3M faces 07-08 ministry budgets

Offerings are not meeting the increased costs of ministry
How may God bless us to maintain our ministries?

With honest repentance and renewed faith in Jesus

With thankful hearts that pledge support of congregation and synod

With specific goals for our personal and congregational offerings