Thursday, August 30, 2007

WELS Curia Still Trying to Close Michigan Lutheran

This just in - from one source in the Michigan District, Diablo.

WELS pastors in the Michigan District are furious because The Love Shack is once again trying to close Michigan Lutheran Seminary, in spite of the convention vote and the election of Luther Prep president Schroeder.

Grow up, boys. Convention votes mean nothing unless they support the apostate wing of the synod. Then they are Law, the very oracles of God. The unelected Curia will continue to protect their salaries. That is how so much money disappeared. Designated funds were decimated to pay their generous salaries and benefits.

I thought the news was rather slow in coming. The new Synodical President will need the support of pastors and laity if he is going to accomplish anything.

The one and only issue is doctrine, not money, not schools. A genuine effort to study and renew sound Lutheran doctrine would boost every area of the synod.