Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Church and Change Leading the Sheep

How Can Church and Change Lead the Sheep?

The spin-doctors of The Love Shack worked overtime to rescue Church and Change, the official WELS Apostasy Lobby, from the ash-heap of fad projects.

The group was so obnoxious that the word went out from the Gurgel administration that C and C was no more, dissolved, gone, scattered like dry autumn leaves. Apostates in WELS were distraught. "Who will feed the sheep to our Father Below? Who will beat them and fleece them?"

Before anyone knew it, Church and Change was grandfathered. Sure, they are iffy at best, but they are old and iffy, hence grandfathered. While people were still claiming that Church and Change was gone, Church and Change was advertising its conference on the offical WELS website.

Looking back in history, we can see how convenient it is to grandfather apostasy.

Augustine against Pelagianism: "Roma locuta est. Causa finita est. Rome has spoken. The case is closed."

Rome: "No, we have grandfathered Pelagianism. We know salvation by works is wrong, but they have been around for some time, several years in fact."

Augustine: "Oh."