Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Little Boy on the Phone

A little boy used to call up our house every so often and stay on the line, anonymously. I used a trick that worked once before. I said, "Please stay on the line so the FBI can finish tracing the call." He snickered and said a couple of words, then quickly hung up.

One of the liberals, Rev. A. Nony Mouse, posts almost daily. I would let his comments through if he signed his name, gave his synod affiliation, and listed his congregation's name. The messages are almost the same and remind me of the little boy who just had to phone our house and stay on the line.

The apostates do not like this blog. One the major complaints I have always had is - the Lutheran quotations. Why would Lutherans object to Lutheran quotations? The answer is simple - the Word is efficacious. The Word converts and hardens, always having an effect, never without results.

Sometimes an individual will try to pit Luther against Jesus. Since the Word conveys Jesus to us, we really need to have that confirmed through the greatest Gospel expositor of all time, Martin Luther.

The apostates like to use the terms "lies" and "half-truths." However, they never point out an error or a half-truth. Normally such unwarranted attacks would qualify as slander, but I try to avoid what the apostates have abused.

For examples of lies and half-truths, I commend the readers of Ichabod to any synodical budget. As one wit said about the book of Revelation, they conceal more than they reveal.