The current salary for Lutheran World Relief's president is $151,008 per year, according to
Charity Navigator.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
Charity Begins at Home
Plagiarism in the Lutheran Church
One reader said he looked for daily updates to Ichabod. Fortunately, there is enough comedy material on Lutheran sites for hourly updates. My mortgage holder encourages me to make regular and timely payments, so I have to take a few breaks now and then, to work.
The WELS AnswerMan has touched my funny button again. The issue is plagiarism. What if the pastor is plagiarizing his sermons? I knew of a case where a WELS pastor gave sermons verbatim from a Church Growth source, copying the inflections and pauses. He was supposed to stop, but he could not resist. Eventually he left the ministry, even though he was a favorite of the Mission Counselors' Newsletter. Many of the favorites of WELS administrators have left the ministry or the Lutheran Church.
Plagiarism describes the work of Lutheran leaders for the last 30 years. In the 1960's there was excitement over Luther's works. The editor of The Northwestern Lutheran told me in 1987 that WELS used to have giant Reformation services in Milwaukee. They no longer did. The same editor loved Church Growth conferences and promoted them in his magazine.
Everything coming from various Lutheran headquarters is regurgitated from Fuller Seminary, which is only repeating what marketing experts have taught in business schools: demographics, market share, statistics, advertising schemes. For years I matched up Fuller sources with verbatim quotations from the LCMS and WELS. Then, with the audacity of hope, I quoted Luther on related topics. Now that really set them off at the Love Shack, 2929 N. Mayfield Road.
A side order of plagiarism is always available - the Lutheran Church aping the Roman Catholic Church. Notre Dame is the center of worship education in America. People earn doctorates in worship and move to influential positions in various denominations. Therefore, Roman worship is the gold standard of piety just as Communism is the gold standard of socialism.
I would rather be in a high church service choreographed by an atheist than a Church Growth Seeker Service run by an atheist - for one reason. If all the ancient traditions are followed (historic liturgy, historic Scripture readings, Creeds, Sacraments, a real sermon), then Christ is conveyed through the Means of Grace.
If the recruitment effort (Friendship Sunday, Seeker Service, Revival) is led by an atheist, the ultimate result will be Unitarian or atheistic, no matter how grand the goals. Even if the poor, deluded Church Growth minister is a believer, the final results will be the same. Sowing weed seed will only yield a luxurious growth of weeds.
Let me offer one example. I received a large postcard in the mail. On one side were huge letters proclaiming: SEX, MONEY, POWER. On the other side, the card said, "Now that we have your attention, please accept our invitation to Blah Blah Community Church." The people who responded to this attack on their intelligence and emotional maturity would go up to the minister on Sunday, saying, "Oh we just had to attend a church that was so clever. You really got our attention."
The poor devil would be grinning like his Father Below at his grand schemes. More tricks would follow to keep the place going. Success (if it does happen) would follow the content of the message - pure Me-ism. What if all the methods failed? The poor devil is crushed. He did his best, earned his Fuller degree, went to seminars at Willow Creek, listened to tapes from C. Peter Wagner in his car. Now what? He says to his soul, "Soul, the only thing left is teaching staff ministry!" Or he joins the synod staff to lead others along the same path of plagiarism.
Here are some examples of Fuller-plagiarism from the WELS Home Office:
- Friendship Sunday
- Seeker Services
- Getting Rid of the Denomination's Name Wherever Possible (FIC, CW, CrossWalk)
- Pit Bands in the Chancel
- Hiding the Communion Service So Visitors Are Not Offended
- Pep Talks Replacing Sermons
- Replacing the Organ with a Piano (a freak-out aping Willow Creek)
- Puppet Shows
- Staff Ministry So Women Can Be Called Ministers
- Cell/Share/Care/Koinonia Groups
Nothing shows more hatred of the Lutheran Church and the doctrine of Christ than these plagiarized efforts. And yet, the Home Office drones condemn anyone who sees through their sabotage as Unloving and Hurting the Church (Damaging Our Salary Potential).
When Lutheran Pastors Cry
I was reminded of an incident when I ran into a news story, condensed below. I was talking to a WELS pastor when I was still serving in that sect. I mentioned that the synod had been an active participant in Lutheran World Relief for many years. He said, almost crying, "I can't believe that. I was born in WELS. I grew up in WELS. I never heard of that."
"OK," I went on, "your district president, Robert Mueller, serves on the board. He mentioned his recent meeting with the LCA Bishop Crumley and others. Besides, it is public knowledge, in published material, even a book."
He was stunned. The issue was how often and how joyously WELS worked with ELCA.
Our far-sighted Michigan District even gave money to the United Nations, for the CARE project.
Missouri members know enough about the world outside the synod womb to realize that their organization does not float above the earth, like so many legendary Roman Catholic saints. In fact, the Catholic saint stories sound remarkably like the hagiography of WELS and the ELS.
The true Church is invisible and not confined to the boundaries of any given sect, as many acknowledge but fail to believe. Lutheran leaders of the past were fairly self-less, as far as I can determine from the history books. Passavant was one of those heroes. There were many others. Now we have managers, not very good ones at that.
Long before the Clinton scandals erupted, with witnesses silenced, I saw the same methods used in the Lutheran Church. I documented some things for the future president of Bethany Seminary. He said, "If half of this is true, we are in trouble." I said, "All of it is true." The managers did me a big favor by challenging everything I brought up, so I stuck to what could be documented. The response has always been disbelief, shunning, and that old stand-by - the personal attack. They are not content to attack the bearer of bad news. They move on to slander every member of his family. Shunning is what Lutheran pastors fear, instead of trembling before God's Word.
The gap between reality and fantasy continues to grow. Every so often I search Lutheran blogs for something of substance. Instead I find stories like this:
John Nunes Named President of Lutheran World Relief
The name sounded familiar, so I read the story to find out more of his history. Did he previously serve any Lutheran congregations as a pastor? I find that earlier information missing. He seems to be LCMS, but lately has been earning a doctorate of sorts at Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, aka The Devil's Playground. Kent Hunter earned a similar degree at LSTC, as well as a prestigious D.Min. from Fuller Seminary. Hunter was originally LCMS but belongs to the world now as The Church Doctor.
Please check out Dr. Hunter in his physician's garb. Physician - heal thyself. Study the Book of Concord instead of Understanding Church Growth.
Ah yes. I found a story, which summarizes various news sources. The material is from Jack Cascione but appears to be accurate anyway:
Nunes Organist and Kieschnick Convention Musician Murders Woman, Sets Fire to House.
Actual news releases are reprinted here:
Church Member Strangled
Various versions of the whole matter are here:
LCMS version and Rebuttals
Nunes' previous congregation was not named in the official LWR news release, perhaps because of unpleasant associations. As I recall, he joined the ELCA Wheatridge Foundation as a staff member soon after the scandal and will remain as a consultant for them while serving as LWR President.
Two congregations are involved. The organist knew the victim from working at her church, Grace, where Henstenberg resigned. Pastor Nunes then hired him at St. Paul's. Somehow this unusual person became the directly involved in the LCMS 2004 convention, due to his connection with Nunes, a responsibility canceled due to his arrest.
A sermon involving the alleged murderer is here:
Another mention is here:
Apparently the seminary is a joint Episcopal/ELCA effort.
His testimony at his trial is found below. The original news link is gone.
Some interesting questions are asked here:
Why Was Nobody Warned?
Friday, June 22, 2007
Pan-Lutheran Lavender Mafia
Anonymous, the famous poet and donor, asked, "What is the Lavender Mafia?"
The Lavender Mafia is a nickname for the pan-Lutheran political activism already going on, comprised of many different organizations. Roman Catholics have their version. People should ready Goodbye Good Men for some insights into this.
Two Lutheran organizations out in the open are:
Extraordinary Candidacy Project
Lutherans Concerned/North America.
Don't miss the LC/NA Reconciled in Christ Program.
These groups have been quite successful. The multi-cultural project was launched at Snowbird in 1991, when Lutheran Brotherhood (now Thrivent) got ELCA, LCMS, and WELS together. Culture is not what you think, Anonymous. Culture is not Bach, French food, and silkscreens. Multi-ethnic in ELCA's vocabulary means many different racial groups. Multi-cultural means that the homosexual/lesbian culture is welcomed at the church or organization. Note that ELCA congregations will say they are both "multi-ethnic and multi-cultural."
WELS has some kind of homosexual ministry going on. When the schools were being defunded, WELS found funds to appoint someone for that position, which was announced. It would be interesting to see if they still have funds for it. Missouri probably has a person appointed, too. The LCMS follows ELCA fairly closely. Missouri posted a study on its website some years ago. Then the study disappeared. Studies are handy, easy to lose, easy to deny. WELS had someone bow in the same direction in a sermon at a convention.
Wake up and smell the latte.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Are They Leaders or Followers?
One of the fallacies of the Lutheran Church is that voting gives power to people, as if democratic principles have a positive impact on a church organization. People fail to notice how carefully controlled those votes can be. The organization is in love with itself. The people who live from the proceeds need the institution to be strong in money and weak in ethics. When someone is elected president or bishop, the election is arranged, whether the sect is tiny and inconsequential or large and inconsequential.
Years ago, in one district of the LCA the president was elected by having a whispering campaign against the strongest candidate's wife. She was disabled, so he could not be a good president. The campaign worked, defeating the more capable candidate. Compassionate, liberal pastors did this.
The ELS has the WELS unwritten rule of the VP becoming president when the president finally retires. The new VP was a threat to the tradition of the ELS being the lickspittle of WELS, so John Moldstad was promoted to replace him. The lickspittle faction rejoiced that they ejected one person in favor of Moldstad, who soon became Pope John the Malefactor. ELS pastors politicking? Oh no! Bragging about it? Oh no! So the naive sheep are led around until they are fleeced.
The people who run the synods are never the noisy ones. The real leaders are the people who work behind the figureheads. They may brag about it from time to time, as Kincaid Smith does in the ELS, but they mostly keep their mouths shut. They have the satisfaction of seeing their plans accomplished over time. They get their children or siblings into the best positions and then pile on anyone, like hobos on a hotdog, if someone questions the actions or doctrine of another member of the lickspittle faction (or Church Growth faction in WELS, or Lavender Mafia in ELCA).
That is the basic problem, easily observed in ELCA, Missouri, WELS, the ELS, and mini-micro sects. Therefore, those who care about sound doctrine are wasting their time playing the devil's game in politics. They can never win because God works through the Word, and Satan works through politicking. One example will suffice. An orthodox Lutheran woman asked a WELS pastor to speak out about Church Growth. He said, "I am not going to, because I want a teaching position at the college." He silenced himself to get the job. Now he has the job and the college is vanishing faster than liquor at a WELS ministerial meeting.
Luther argued that we should teach the Word and accept the consequences. Satan teaches people to aim for their goals and bend the Word to meet their objectives. Women are teaching men, pit bands are in the chancel, Fuller graduates are professors, and you ask me who is winning?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Teigen, Teigen, Burning Bright
What caused thee to ignite?
Norm Teigen has objected to my views about fraternal insurance promoting commercialism in the congregations and synods. I do not like pie sales or car washes either. Churches should not compete in the market place for business, like the Methodist Church that advertised on its sign, "Home of the Yumbo Sandwich." I saw the photo - I am not making it up. The insurance company is entitled to corrupt as many churches as possible. The congregations and synods also have a right to resist temptation.
I was going to write, "Get your own blog," but he has one.
The other objection is calling John Moldstad "Pope John the Malefactor." I thought it was a catchy and appropriate title. WELS and ELS leaders are so impressed with themselves that they take on papal power. In fact, I imagine Pope Benedict envies their infallibility and their clout.
I know Pope George the Eternal did the same things, removing pastors according to his own whim, promoting false doctrine by fiat. The only Lutheran autorities I acknowledge are the Scriptures and the Book of Concord. Lutheran leaders are neither norma normans nor norma normata (a ruling norm like the Bible, a ruled norm like the Book of Concord). Someone who respects the real norms should be respected, but that is just the opposite in the WELS, ELS, and the micro-crazy sects (so small they are not worth mentioning).
Here are some things that would make me a cheerleader for Pope John the Malefactor:
- Denunciation of forgiveness without faith, without the Means of Grace, which is the doctrinal foundation of current evils.
- Teaching the efficacy of the Word without reservation, repudiating all programs where evildoers cast doubt on this Biblical doctrine.
- Apologizing to the congregations and pastors ejected from the Evangelical Lutheran Synod under the flimsiest of excuses. Do a Nifong, even if it is too late.
- Breaking fellowship with Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, and Church and Change.
- Promoting a multi-year study of the Book of Concord and Luther.
- Urging WELS to stop inviting Roman Catholic, Unitarian, Methodist, and ELCA speakers.
- Showing contrition for having a former Roman Catholic bishop march in a religious process at the Bethany Chapel and giving an address.
Can the Sausage Factories Be Repaired?
Norm Teigen commented below that the WELS school system tends to keep people away from the realities of the world. Anyone acquainted with WELS knows how much they work at conformity.
ELS Pastor Jay Webber, who has become a WELS loyalist, used to call the WELS seminary "The Sausage Factory," a term he got from the ELS. His nickname for WELS is our Weaker Evangelical Lutheran Siblings.
WELS Pastor James Huebner told me that students would make fun of anyone who was interested in a given topic. "That guaranteed," he explained, "that everyone would be the same." I said, "That also guarantees mediocrity."
Conforming turned out to be a great tool for flipping the Wisconsin Synod. All the apostates had to do was get a few key people in some slots, start a new program here and there. No one could object because all decisions made by WELS come directly from the Holy Spirit, who will not allow them to err. That sounds eerily Roman Catholic, no? I have heard comments like this: "The Holy Spirit made him circuit pastor, so who are you to disagree?" WELS members and pastors are not likely to argue with God, so the matter is settled. Roma locuta est, causa finita est. Rome has spoken, the case is closed.
Another important factor is the hazing practiced by WELS from the prep level onwards. The hazing has included knocking a future pastor out with a pillow case full of books, dropping a student out of a window when holding him by his legs, breaking a seminarian's leg, and knocking out a seminarian's tooth. Complaining makes things worse. Sissies complain about physcial and emotional abuse. Of course, what does that say about the abusers?
So WELS is a weird combination of spineless toadies and sadistic bullies. A bully is always a coward, but he does not think so when he makes people tremble.
When Issues in WELS was gearing up for a huge meeting, SP Gurgel made it clear he would be there. Attendance melted faster than a July frost. Gurgel also communicated his vast displeasure at the meek, trembling dissenters. If he had yelled, "Boo!" they would have probably fled the exits, trampling the local help.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Breaking News
Michigan District Special Meeting
The Michigan District voted to approve the Western Wisconsin conference resolution, which is to keep both prep schools open as the budget priority. "Cut everything, even foreign missionaries," as one person reported. Another one said, "If the preps are gone, the college is gone soon after." This vote is really for three schools, not one, and that makes all three school constituents allies.
Western Wisconsin Conference Says No to Gurgel, Yes to Preps
The Michigan District might take over Michigan Lutheran Seminary, but one person thought the burden would be too much. The math is simple: if 12 districts cannot support two preps, how can one support its own? The entire Michigan economy is based on American cars and sugar beets.
Different people thought the synodical council's attitude was "galling." The SC runs the synod at this point.
Mark Schroeder presented his plan to charge a fee for each congregation in the synod. He seems to be running for office.
This meeting does not mean that the delegates will vote the same way. If the WELS convention votes for this resolution, the new synodical president and synodical council may do things their own way. Gurgel was originally elected to save Northwestern College. He did an about-face the moment he was elected, right there at the convention.
Wayne Mueller will continue to act like the president, even if he is not elected.
The synodical council is determined to close MLS. That came through from the beginning of the open debate. When a new, large five-year gift was given, WELS did not use it for the schools but for everything except the schools.
Thrivent, AAL, LB:
Wake Up, The Lutheran Merger Already Took Place
One of the corrupting influences in Lutheran congregations is the fraternal insurance company.
Fraternals are chartered under the lodge insurance laws. When someone joins a lodge, whether Masonic or Knights of Columbus, he is required or expected to buy lodge insurance. The same thing has been implied among Lutherans.
Lutherans got lodge insurance going to help people overcome their aversion to buying insurance.
Thrivent and its earlier manifestations (LB, AAL) figured out how to create a merger without the bother of meetings, constitutions, and debates. Money is doled out through pan-Lutheran boards at the local level. At the national level, large chunks of money are given with the provision that Missouri and WELS work with ELCA on various religious projects. Perhaps the ELS gets its feet in the trough, but they do not register in the printed material I have found. Once I started reporting how serious this was, AAL and LB stopped reporting the truth in their little magazines.
The ELS goes along with eveything WELS does, either anticipating its big brother, or following it in foolishness: Church Growth, inviting Roman Catholics to give religious talks, moving toward women's ordination.
The result of the local and national projects is a pan-Lutheran body with ELCA leading the agenda. ELCA can easily boycott a project so they have clout, but they do not need to threaten. ELCA is where the others want to be. The so-called conservatives can say, "We had to do that Thrivent's way. They have the money." They also say, "That is not congregational money, so we can use it any way we want." The apostates seem to think the money is their personal possession.
At the local level, Thrivent gives a pittance while insisting that Thrivent is named in the bulletin for their little matching fund donation. Thrivent likes commercialism. Why not? They are the only company allowed to advertize in the bulletin and newsletter. Thrivent agents also work hard at getting the congregation's address list. The agents imply, or boldly state, that their ownershp of the address list has happened with the blessing of the pastor.
AAL gave its local branch officers pay for their work. I am not sure if Thrivent does. AAL was the larger group in the AAL-LB merger.