Friday, August 8, 2008

Benke, Absolved Long Ago by Barry-McCain, Name Drops with the Antichrist

Neuhaus, Schmeuhaus, I hear my friend Frank Fiorenza taught Ichabod.

“Holy Father, I am most privileged to represent the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod ad its members” Dr. David Benke, president of the LCMS Atlantic District said when he greeted Pope Benedict XVI in New York.

“The Holy Father,” according to Benke then responded: “Ah! The Missouri Synod Lutheran!! Please greet them all in the Missouri Synod for me.”

Benke then told “the Holy Father”: “As you know, the Missouri Synod is the baptismal home of our mutual friend Father Richard John Neuhaus.”

“The Holy Father” responded as he grasped Benke’s hands: “Yes! Wonderful.”

Benke then wrote on the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau forum: “Neuhaus was right. Mention of his name brought a smile to the Holy Father’s face.”