January 20 - 23, 2009 (Don't fail to miss this one.)
Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) in Fort Wayne, Indiana is once again hosting its annual Symposia, 20-23 January 2009. Held every year on the Fort Wayne campus, the four-day event is highlighted by presentations on Exegetical Theology and the Lutheran Confessions.
The theme for the 24th annual symposium on Exegetical Theology is "The Coherence of the Sacred Scriptures"
The theme for the 32nd annual symposium on The Lutheran Confessions is "A Last Look at Missouri’s Critical Time: The 1950s to 1970s"
Scheduled speakers include:
The Reverend Richard Koenig
ELCA Pastor emeritus Former Editor, Lutheran Forum
Topic: "Memoirs of an Editor" (Lutheran Forum is the magazine of record for ELCA and LCMS pastors longing to join Rome, as several editors have done already - Neuhaus and Klein.)
Dr. R. Reed Lessing
Professor of Exegetical Theology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri
Topic: "The Big Bang and the Book of Amos"
The Reverend Paul Robert Sauer
Pastor, Our Savior Lutheran Church, The Bronx, New York; Associate Editor, Lutheran Forum
Topic: "Out of Step or Before His Times: Berthold von Schenk"
(Quote from Sauer: "There are faithful children of God in all church bodies—even in Roman Catholicism!" I have the von Stench book, a key to the Romanizing trends in the Lutheran Forum bunch. Ft. Wayne's David Scaer loved the book. Ugh.)
Dr. David R. Schmitt
Professor of Homiletics Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri
Topic: "Goal, Malady, Means as Law-Gospel Ersatz in the Theology of Richard R. Caemmerer"
Dr. Philip J. Secker
Director, The Arthur Carl Piepkorn Center for Evangelical Catholicity
Topic: ""A Pilgrimage not Taken: Arthur Carl Piepkorn"
Dr. Christopher R. Seitz
Research Professor of Biblical Interpretation, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Topic: "Has Diversity in the Scriptures Been Overemphasized? Listening to the Coherent Witness of the ‘Goodly Fellowship of Prophets’" (Wycliffe College - Lutheran? No.)
Dr. Richard J. Shuta
Professor of Theology, Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Topic: "Dr. Walter A. Maier as Evangelical Preacher" (Amazing - a nod to conservatives, red meat for the base, as they say in politics.)
Dr. Robert L. Wilken
University of Virginia (Ooo. No denomination listed. Is it because Wilken left the LCMS for ELCA and then joined the Church of Rome under the tutelage of Father Richard J. Neuhaus? One Neuhaus book is dedicated to Wilken "by the Sea of Galilee.")
Topic: "A Pilgrim from Wittenberg to Constantinople: Jaroslav Pelikan"
(Sports fans - this is a two-fer: a Roman Catholic, an apostate from the LCMS, promoting a Missouri Synod theologian who joined ELCA and converted to Eastern Orthodoxy.)
GJ - In case you wonder, the parenthetical remarks are mine. You can check out the original website from the link I graciously provided.
This conference is a double hand-spring and triple sommersault with a half-gainer for joining Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy, with ELCA as the farm team for Holy Mother Rome and Holy Mother Constantinople (Neuhaus, Wilken, Pelikan). Note too that McCain's pal, Fenton, who helped put together the Lutheran Service Book, joined Eastern Orthodoxy shortly afterwards.
Would the last pastor to leave Concordia, Ft. Wayne please blow out the candles at Kramer Chapel? They are a fire hazard in an unoccupied building.
And to think, Herman Otten's brother could barely force himself to say hello when I last saw him in Ft. Wayne. Was I sinuflecting to Rome, like his fellow alumni? No, I was writing against that very thing.
This conference was once hailed as the Other LCMS Convention, where the conservatives got together once a year. Mass bells are breaking up that old gang of mine.
I am trying to joke, but I have never seen anything so disgusting in my life. The alumni should bring torches and pitchforks, but they will not. When Neuhaus explained how he became the Roman Catholic apostate he always was, half the audience (alumni of The Fort) nodded in agreement.
A. Nony Mouse has left a new comment on your post "Surrendering the Fort - 2009 Festival of Apostasy":
All of this sounds interesting, but who can believe you anymore? You've published so many lies and half-truths, some of which you up-chuck over and over and over again, who will believe you? You may think you have a lot of followers, but I only see a certain few commenting. Those who check in daily are simply wanting to see what outrageous thing you're writing next.
GJ - Now, Mouse, if you weren't so lazy you would Google the men and read the websites and books for yourself. How can you believe what Concordia, Ft. Wayne has posted, bragging about its Return to Rome Symposia? Half of the talks would have made Preus and Marquart explode in rage. Mouse, you log in because you love to jabber in deep cover, but I know who you are. The symposia of the past used to give ELCA fits. Now they make most of us ashamed. Some, like you, Mouse, are shameless.
The statistics are posted from Feedjit. I see dots all over the globe. If Ichabod were false, you would not be in a state of rage each day, Mouse. But you feel guilty for what you have done.
The name-calling does not affect me, except to encourage more posts. I have heard all the names before. That is how WELS responds to its cover-ups being uncovered.