Tuesday, August 5, 2008

No Wonder LCMS Pastors Are Fleeing to Rome

Paul McCain said...

I realize it is essential for the continuing existence of the WELS to continue to put distance between itself and The LCMS, but slander is now (sic) way to do that.

This statement:

[i]A conservative Concordia Seminary professor recently affirmed that no one he knows at the seminary still teaches that all of the Bible is God’s inspired and inerrant word.[/i]

Is absolutely and completely false and slander.

WELS folks need to be extremely careful not to permit the right-wing newspaper Christian News shape their opinions of The LCMS.

It is disgraceful that you would spread such slander and lies on your web site.

August 3, 2008 6:41 PM

Anonymous said...
"I realize it is essential for the continuing existence of the WELS to continue to put distance between itself and The LCMS, but slander is now way to do that."

Wow. A warning against slander which contains slander within it. I've never seen hypocrisy in such a concise form.

August 3, 2008 8:10 PM

Rev. Fr. Spence said...
Rev. McCain - Nice "dig" at the WELS, i.e. we "need" to stay apart from LC-MS to survive. I'm not so sure that's true. Hmmm, let's see, how long did WELS exist while in fellowship with Missouri? I believe it was more than 100 years. Besides being inaccurate and churlish, the comment was beneath you, Rev. McCain. I expected better from you. As for Christian News, I'm sure Herman would be happy to give you space to point out all the instances where he has been wrong. Go for it, or leave him alone.


GJ - Christian News was absolutely essential in getting Barry elected. That is why McCain worked closely and covertly with Otten to get Barry elected. Christian News was so radioactive then that open courting of Otten would have sent Barry and McCain to the ELS Gulag.

McCain continued to work secretly with Otten once Barry was elected. Previously Bohlmann and Jack Preus used Otten to get themselves elected.

Otten also got Kieschnick elected but never faced the truth about that debacle. Otten accepts Cascione's twisted version of everything and reproduces it in the paper. Thus Casione's attacks against Ft. Wayne, via Christian News, served to divide the conservatives and split that vote.

McCain calls attention to his past by making Christian News his straw man.