Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Obama Mentor: Frank Marshall Davis, Communist Party Member

Prayer of St. Obama
Where there are poor-credit risks, let me sow ACORNs.

The public news cycle seems to be several months behind what is being reported on the Internet. In their latest issue, the National Enquirer has discovered Frank Marshall Davis as an Obama mentor.

Some information has to be linked because it is not suitable to print in a blog. I am linking some articles below for those who want to know more.

Obama mentioned Frank in his 1995 book (which was likely ghosted by terrorist Bill Ayres). Frank's last name is not given in the book, an odd way to pay tribute to a mentor.

Davis wrote a book called Sex Rebel where he described his bi-sexual adventures with many, including a 13 year-old girl named Anne.

Davis was a member of the Communist Party, famous for his writing and well known in Chicago radical social circles. Davis may be the reason why Obama began work in Chicago as a community organizer.

Ayres is the son of a wealthy social leader in Chicago. No one knows exactly when Ayres and Obama began working together, but it is now clear that Ayres got Obama the job (post Harvard Law) heading the radical Chicago Project.

Obama's white grandfather introduced 10 year-old Barry to Davis in Hawaii because he thought the Black journalist would help the boy adjust to his bi-racial identity crisis. Another theory holds that Davis was Barry's father. Anne is Obama's mother's middle name, the one she used since her parents stuck her with the first name of Stanley. They wanted a boy.

  • Accuracy in Media about Frank Marshall Davis.

  • Davis in Hawaii. This offers interesting details about the Democrat Party in Hawaii, the unions, and rewriting history.

  • Blog details about Davis and his books.

    Some remaining mysteries about Obama as the election nears:

    1. Why is his Certificate of Live Birth in Hawaii so controversial? An attorney is pressing a lawsuit against Obama, suggesting the Obama was born in Kenya (not elible to be president) or that he held dual citizenship (same problem).

    2. Why is his proven history of drug abuse a non-story. His high school yearbook bio proclaimed it, and he admitted cocaine use in his 1995 book.

    3. When and how did he connect with bomber Ayres and his lovely wife Bernadette, another domestic terrorist? Some think the primary connection was Obama's wife, Michelle. Others think the Davis connection was primary.

    4. How did Obama start at no-name Occidental College, transfer to Columbia University, where nobody remembers him, and land at Harvard Law? His academic records are now hidden. He has a mellow speaking voice but no grasp of facts, lapsing more often than Biden.

    5. How can a boy have a Muslim father, a Muslim step-father, attend a Muslim school, and claim he was never a Muslim?