Friday, October 3, 2008

The Swede Has Decoded LCMS -
Love Cash Money Synod

Actual Image from Concordia Profit House Website

Visa or MasterCard?

I''ve decided that LCMS stands for "Love (that) Cash Money Synod."

Why? Check out some of the latest offerings from our beloved publishing arm, CPH (Concordia Profit House). socks that say, "Here I stand," and a Christmas bulb with Luther's seal that says, "Luther Rose." (He did?)

Let's see, female "pastors" leading our youth in worship, a pro-homosexual speaker at an official synodical organization gathering, and a publishing house that sees Luther primarily as a good marketing opportunity. Episcopalianism, here we come!



GJ - Episcopalian bishops are defying their apostate leader, facing down lawsuits, enduring horrible slander campaigns, and quitting their corrupt organizations. Which LCMS District Popes have said "No!" to Kieschnick? Which large congregations have left the Missouri Synod? I am not ready to join the Episcopalian Church, but I wonder how Lutherans can call themselves doctrinal while watching the Episcopalians take a stand. Here I Stand socks seem appropriate in this dark time.

Ichabodians - Swede's family are not just talkers. That is all I wish to say about that.