Wednesday, November 19, 2008

CCM Hymns Wanted for the Blog: Classical Christian Hymns

Blog follower Joseph Schmidt got me started with video hymns, with some prodding from Norm Teigen's example.

Finding a good rendition of a video hymn is rather time-consuming. I would like to post more hymn videos. If you know of some, send me the links. Joseph Schmidt has a number I will copy from his web page.

Here are some parameters:

1. I want Lutheran hymns above all, hymns by the great Lutheran hymn authors, such as Luther, Gerhardt, Melanchthon, Jacobs, Loy, Nicolai.
2. I like having the words scroll with the video, but I can also paste them from The Lutheran Hymnal.
3. I would also like the great classical Christian hymns, such as "For All the Saints," which got rave reviews already. Heber's "Holy, Holy, Holy" is another great one.

I will feature them in the upper left with links. Mrs. Ichabod and I sing "Lobet den Herren" each day, once or twice, in German.

Church and Change leaders are welcome to copy the embed code and paste the code on their websites.

I get to attend college graduations. Each time a senior sings "The Star-Spangled Banner." Just once I would like to hear the original music of the National Anthem, instead of the honky-tonk, scooped note, scatting, all over the scale showboating I am forced to endure. And that is what I think about updating the hymns with rock versions, to boost attendance.

The Word of God is efficacious in those hymns which are faithful to the Scriptures. The great hymns do not need Rock-N-Roll steroidal boosts.