Saturday, November 22, 2008

UOJ Breaking News: Knapp and Tholuck

The Universalist Historical Society gave their copy of the Knapp UOJ lectures to Harvard, the source of the Google book.

"I thought you might get a kick out of this. If you go to page 2 of Volume II on Knapp's Lectures on Christian Theology, you'll notice the copy belonged to the Universalist Historical Society... maybe they saw something of use in UOJ?"

Tholuck, mentor to Adolph Hoenecke, wrote in his Romans commentary, 1844, that God justified the entire human race. Tholuck opposed Lutheran orthodoxy, just as Knapp did.

So there we have it, UOJ Stormtroopers. Your precious doctrine originated just before the Synodical Conference formed. It was anti-Lutheran, anti-Means of Grace in origin, and it came from the Pietists at Halle University.

Tonight various scholars have been tossing me information. I want to acknowledge them, but not by name.

A WELS district president said to me, "You know things that I don't. You have a lot of sources."

My arms haven't been so tired since my grandchildren introduced me to Wii and clobbered me in Wii bowling. I thought, "I am getting tendonitis from throwing a fake bowling ball in a fake bowling game, and my granddaughter is humiliating me at the same time."

Better to get carpal tunnel fighting against false doctrine.