Saturday, November 22, 2008

WELS Triple-Dips at Trinity Divinity School, Deerfield

Today I saw WELS listed twice at Trinity, Deerfield.

Paul Kelm, age 64, is the new full-time Perish Assistant at The Love Shack. He will attract more youth to WELS.

Double-dipping is a term used for people who are able to draw two pensions at once.

WELS has reversed this process.

Lawrence Otto Olson studied at Trinity Divinity in Deerfield. Later, he picked up a drive-by D.Min. at Fuller Seminary.

WELS is listed as participating in the Trinity Divinity programs. That would be unionism, no?

The WELS Parish Assistance program is also listed in the same area, so there must have been more involvement than suggested by a single listing.

Cogitate on this - Ed Stetzer was at Trinity Divinity School all this past week!

All the hogs have their trotters in the trough - Church Growth, Becoming Missional, Emerging Church, Purpose-Driven. Not just the WELS Church and Change hogs - all of them - from all the denominations.

This is where I laugh. The Church and Changers answer by howling, "But you went to Notre Dame." If I had known that would justify all these so-called Lutheran pastors attending the Schwaermer schools... Sigh.

And I was an LCA pastor! Oh my!

I even worked or studied in one less denomination than LCMS President Saint Al Barry, who was in some little group in Minneapolis, studied at Bethany Seminary, vicared in WELS, and became a Missouri Synod pastor. I only tied Saint Robert Preus' record of three denominations - Proto-ELCA, ELS, LCMS. In such company, would the Ichabodians say I was at fault or that something was happening in Lutherdom?

In fact, I did not join WELS and promote unionism or look away when pastors were trotting off to apostate schools. I was appalled at WELS promoting Church Growth doctrine and their defense of adulterous and divorcing pastors.

District Pope John Seifert (Michigan) was only a pastor when I met him. He gave me a handful of WELS materials which were all false. As one of the board members, he had to know about and vote for the Church Growth felonies being committed. When CGM James Tiefel hosted a mega-unionistic worship festival, Seifert urged the Michigan pastors to attend. Seifert kept "forgetting" that Bivens (then a mere pastor) bragged about going to Fuller, that Frosty defended Church Growth.

I mention Seifert because he has floated on a reputation of being more conservative. Sure, just like Central Southern Babtist DP Glaeske, who has seen Church and Change sprouting all around him, via VP Don Patterson.

So who is the hypocrite, Church and Changers? I wrote against Schwaermer and Roman Catholic doctrine in Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant. Northwestern Publishing House promoted the book and sold tons of them. They also published my Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure, which is a critique of unionism and Church Growth. The book is still selling, in its third printing, the last time I looked.

After 30 years of apostasy in WELS, the denomination is on a collision course with reality. Church Growth has not worked, but they are more frantic than ever to promote the same old Dreck in a new package. Repackaged and renamed Dreck is still Dreck.

The Means of Grace in a little shack is better than a gold-encrusted, marble-lined Synagogue of Satan. F. Pieper said that, so I chuckle every time someone tries to belittle orthodox Biblical doctrine by demeaning the little bit that I do.

The Church and Changers are only proving that the Word is effective. Proclaiming the Word sends them into towering rages of incoherent stupidity.