From a WELS layman and regular reader:
I recently made a visit to NPH and bought a copy of The Complete Timotheus Verinus and The History of Pietism. I have begun reading the first one and the second one is still in the shrink wrap. I never attended any Lutheran parochial schools. I do not know any language, except English. Yet, I am amazed how much the laity is missing out on by not reading Luther, Chemnitz, and the others who either wrote in English or their works were translated. I am inclined to believe that there is some sort of conspiracy by the synod leaders to deliberately keep the laity in the dark.
After Luther, first it was the Crypto-Calvinists, then the Pietists who sowed the seeds of discord. Those who contend for the faith always seem to be treated harshly. I just wanted to thank you for recommending these two fine books on Ichabod. Yesterday, I told my wife and daughter (the one who is in 1st year German) about how one generation ago, every WELS pastor could read and speak German quite fluently. I still remember Pastor Mutterer telling us confirmands the importance of learning German as there was much at the seminary still in German that had not been translated. Apparently, they were studying all of that once upon a time at the sausage factory. As you recently noted on Ichabod, today's output from The Sausage Factory is surprised if any Lutheran pastor knows German.
GJ - I just received both books from Northwestern Publishing House. If you want to give your pastor a nifty Christmas gift, give him both books. Pastor Langebartels translated them, a real labor of love.
I will review the books soon.