Sunday, October 5, 2008

Carl Otto: "Why Are We Ashamed of Being Lutheran?"

Harry Hagedorn, Church Shrinker

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Mike, Stealth Pastor":

I still have the image deeply etched in my mind of a very agitated Pastor Carl Otto at a district convention in the early 90's. Pastor Hagedorn had just finished presenting his rather lame conference essay on multi-cultural ministry. Some delegates were lining up behind the microphones to offer their comments. Pastor Otto asked "Why are we ashamed of being Lutherans?" That says it all about the stealth pastors. They are self-loathing Lutherans and are worried that being confessional will offend someone.

Also, they like to be addressed by Pastor (first name). This is the way that is preferred by the seeker sensitive types. My theory is that there is something really insidious going on here. Without getting into the typical WELS/LCMS debate about the OHM, this pastor first name business looks like an effort to diss the pastoral office. It is the flipside of the coin where everyone is a minister. The pastor is just one of us, so we can call him by his first name when we address by his formal title.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Carl Otto: "Why Are We Ashamed of Being Lutheran?"...":

One of the lines in the multi-cultural essay which really stood out was, "we can no longer just proclaim the Gospel and expect to see results". So much for the efficacy of the Word.


Biography: Harold Hagedorn
By admin: on January 12, 2005

Position: Home Missions Administrator
Harold J Hagedorn serves as the Administrator of the Board for Home Missions, which presently is tasked with helping establish outreach ministries in the United States, Canada and the English speaking Caribbean. This involves the District Mission Boards, Multi Cultural Ministry Committee and the Campus Ministry Committee. Harry is a 1970 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and served congregations in Douglas and Warren, AZ and Fort Collins, CO.


GJ - I distinctly remember the multi-cultural fiasco. Multi-cultural ministry began at the Snowbird pan-Lutheran conference, where Carl Mischke posed with the ELCA bishop Herb Chilstrom and LCMS Pope Bohlmann. The photo appeared in The Lutheran but not in The Northwestern Lutheran, so I sent it to Christian News. WELS joined ELCA and Missouri in this effort. I saw the booklet to promote multi-culturalism at the Michigan meeting, and I grabbed a few, which were set out for distribution. The fracas was so great after Hagedorn spoke that the booklets were confiscated. Greg Gibbons got a copy from me and told me about the meeting. The more I was proved right about all these trends, the less WELS pastors talked to me.

I no longer have a copy of that booklet, but I remember the question, "How can we bait the hook?" to get people to join the church. The entire production was so anti-Lutheran and anti-Biblical that anyone could see through it: anyone except someone from The Love Shack.

Carl Otto was also disturbed that his father-in-law was called "senile" for opposing the takeover of Northwestern College by Dr. Martin Luther College.

Gurgel promised a separate curriculum for pastors and a limit of $8 million for the cost. I heard the price tag went to $30 million. Greg Gibbons said, "There will be only one track, for pastors and teachers at MLC. They said the pastor track would remain separate." My only question was, "You believed them?"

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a dozen times, I am WELS.

Stealth Honor Roll Will Continue To Grow

This moose is happy when a WELS congregation has no doctrinal signature, a tactic aimed at sneaking people into or out of WELS?

The list of stealth congregations in WELS will be featured on the extreme left of Ichabod's main page. The link or links will remain, to provide easy access for those whose fears or hopes are challenged by the numbers involved.

Soon to be added - stealth institutions: Forward in Christ, Time of Grace, etc.

The Moose Report

Irrelevant cartoon, eh?.

Another Diocese Has Left The Episcopal Church

Presiding Bishop Jefferts-Schori, in full communion with ELCA, which initiates joint religious programs with Missouri and WELS. Small world.

Virtue Online

A simple resolution reading "The Diocese of Pittsburgh shall be a member of that Province of the Anglican Communion known as the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone" was read out loud by an English-born priest. Two small groups who wished to speak both for and against the resolution generated little emotion. Both sides made their cases. The Rev. Harold Lewis of Calvary Episcopal Church and the diocese's most notorious liberal did not rise to the occasion. The assembled 350 plus clergy and laity voted down extended time to address the issue. The vote was then taken.

While it was clear that the diocese would vote to leave, Bishop Duncan would later describe the final vote tally as "overwhelming". More than 240 of the delegates voted to leave. 102 voted to stay. Among the 160 clergy ballots cast, 121 said they wanted out, 33 wanted to stay. Of the laity, 119 said they wanted to go and 69 said they wanted to stay. There were single digit abstentions. Only 96 votes, a simple majority were needed to leave.

Ironically, many who spoke to stay were orthodox clergy who believe The Episcopal Church is morally and theologically flawed, but believe that to stay and fight is better than acquiescing to the church's leadership by leaving. The vote for realignment was complete.


GJ - The stay and fight Missourians have become staid and frightened. The upcoming Return to Rome conference at The Surrendered Fort seems to have generated no opposition.

Meanwhile, the quiet and latitudinarian Episcopalians have shown everyone how to resist apostasy.

Wayne Mueller in Glendale, Arizona

When Wayne Mueller was being considered for Synodical President, Gaylin Schmeling (President, Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie, Seminary Division) said at the ELS convention that the Little Sect on the Prairie should break fellowship with WELS if that calamity happened.

Arizona - California Pastors Conference

Dear Brothers in Christ,

The 2008 Arizona-California Pastors Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, October 21th - 23rd, 2008, at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church , Glendale , Arizona .. Pastors David Clark and Hernandez Daylo, Jr. are the host pastors. Phone: 623-937-2010. Email: Website:

9:00 Morning Devotion: San Diego Circuit pastor.
9:15 Call to Order, Announcements.
9:20 ESSAY: Exegetical: Titus 3:9-11 and 1 Timothy 3:6-5, Divining Divisiveness
Rev. George Swanson
10:05 Discussion of the essay.
10:20 Reports, Announcements, Elections
10:45 Break
11:00 ELDER TRAINING WORKSHOP - Led by Rev. Wayne Mueller
12:00 Lunch: Prayer led by conference Vice-Chairman, Pastor Tim Westendorf.
1:00 Afternoon Devotion: San Diego Circuit pastor
1:15 ELDER TRAINING WORKSHOP - Led by Rev. Wayne Mueller
2:45 Afternoon Break
3:00 ELDER TRAINING WORKSHOP - Led by Rev. Wayne Mueller
4:30 Reports
4:55 Announcements,
Closing prayer: afternoon devotion leader, San Diego Circuit pastor
5:00 Recess

Unitarians Hide the Cross
Because No Cross Is Also Their Confession

WWBS? - What Would Bruce Becker, Church and Change, Say?

From NorthWest:

Your recent posts about "Stealth Congregations" really saddens me. Aren't we a "Confessional" church? Does that not mean we confess? Lutherans have so many confessional statements that they require a rather large book to contain them all. Why write or copy a "Doctrinal Statement"? Surely there is plenty of material to cobble together a doctrinal statement that's easy for people to understand (like the Small Catechism, written for the masses).

My town is really suffering in this bad economy. Businesses failing. Churches closing. Empty houses in our neighborhood. The local Unitarian church needed to downsize. They bought a smaller, empty Baptist church and relocated.

I noticed something right away. The former Baptist church had one of those new type church signs. It is the kind that has a rectangle bottom in which you can letter church information along with a trite proverb. It has a triangle shape over it that mimics a church roof. What I noticed was that the triangle had been punched out with just the frame remaining. They had punched out the fiberglass because it had a cross on it.

Then I noticed something else. They had put a huge, expensive banner on the front. You see that church building has one of those big cross shapes indented in the brickwork.They did not waste time nor skimp on expense to get that cross covered. You have to admire their confessionalism. They will not for a moment have anything that is not in harmony with what they teach either in or on their church. Their church is barren of the cross -- just like a CGM church. Of course the Unitarians removed that cross so that they would not be mistaken for anything else. It doesn't matter to them if anyone takes offense. You got to admire that.


GJ - There were no spelling errors, so he is obviously not from Church and Change.

Pastor Mike, Stealth Pastor

Pastor Mike Borgwardt minus family. WELS bragged about this stealth congregation in FIC, when Wayne Mueller was still in charge.

Pastor Jeff, Stealth Minister

Most of the stealth training for WELS comes from Church and Change, whose board member Bruce Becker is head of adult discipleship for WELS. They are busy manufacturing disciples and making clones of the Pietistic sects. Pictured above; Pastor Jeff demonstrating how to copy and paste doctrinal statements.

Why Is Pastor Joe So Grateful to WELS For Starting An Evangelical Covenant Church?

Pastor Joe thanked Mark Freier, Rick Miller, and Kelly Voigt (all WELS, more or less, with an emphasis on less and less) for starting his Evangelical Covenant Church. Don't forget DP Robert Mueller and VP Paul Kuske.

Floyd Luther Stolzenburg Started Pilgrim Community Church with Kuske and Zehms

The only time Floyd mentions Luther is when he has to spell out his whole name.

Ron Ash, Church and Change

Ron Ash, Chairman, Church and Change, WELS

One More Stealth Congregation

As soon as "ski" (Pastor Jim Skorewski) gets a web site up and running for the brand new Solid Rock Ministries in Appleton, WI I will post that link. This is supposedly to be a clone of St Mark De Pere (Kelm/Parlow) and will have only contemporary music. "Solid Rock" will be a daughter congregation of St Peter's .....the pastor of St. Peter's retired a few weeks ago (Ron Ash) but is still the President or Chairman of Church and Change.

Pastor Ron Ash
Chairman, Church and Change
Appleton, WI

Ron Ash, Chairman, Church and Change, WELS

Ron started his ministy by serving three congregations in Colorado. He has since served for 30 years at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Appleton, WI. During this time he has been Circuit Pastor, Chairman of the Board of Regents at FoxValleyLutheranHigh School, Secretary of the Fox River Valley Conference, on the Governing Board at LutherPreparatory School, and Circuit Chairman. He has been a promoter of creating innovative ministries for a changing world. His wife, Renate, and he have three children.

And Another One: Godbunch


Godbunch is a new and changing ministry with the goal of gathering people together so they can build a relationship with God. Godbunch began in 2007 and seeks to expand it's (sic) ministry through through web connections and expanding the radio program onto other stations. If you have ideas or would like to help expand Godbunch contact Pastor Paul at

New Entry for Our Growing List of WELS Stealth* Congregations:
*They Do Not Appear on Doctrinal Radar

A thorough search of the entire website finally revealed that the congregation is WELS and Matt Doebler is a WELS pastor.

Christ the Rock has joined the list of WELS Stealth Congregations.

The qualifications for this list are:
1. Almost impossible to tell they are Lutheran or WELS.
2. Focus on pop music, food, clothes, and Pentecostal cell groups.
3. Doctrinal statements copied verbatim from the Evangelical Covenant congregation called CrossRoads, a mission started by WELS officials Robert Mueller and Paul Kuske.
4. Avoidance of Lutheran terms which might give them away - synod, Holy Communion, baptismal regeneration, Real Presence, and closed communion.

Christ the Rock (WELS) says:

God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has existed from eternity. Though there is only one God, he is three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three persons are equal in power, authority and majesty.

CrossRoads (Evangelical Covenant) says:
About God
God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three personalities; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are coequal and are one God.

Christ the Rock (WELS) says:
About the Bible
The Bible is God’s Word to us. It was written by human authors, but this was done under the supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit, a process called inspiration. The Bible is the source of the message of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. It is the source of all truth for Christian beliefs and living. Being inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Bible is completely free of mistakes, errors or contradictions.

CrossRoads (Evangelical Covenant) says:
About the Bible
The Bible is God’s Word to us. It was written by human authors under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because it was inspired by God, it is truth without error.

Christ the Rock (WELS) says:
About Human Beings
People were originally created in the spiritual image of God and were sinless and holy. Since the fall of mankind into sin, this is no longer true. Now, all people are born sinful and are constantly inclined to sin by nature. We are spiritually lost and dead apart from Jesus Christ. However, through faith in Christ we are new-born and are given the ability to serve God, live for his purposes and enjoy his blessings.

CrossRoads (Evangelical Covenant) says:
About Human Beings
People were made in the spiritual image of God, to be like Him in character. People are the supreme object of God’s Creation. Although every person has tremendous potential for good, all are marred by an attitude of disobedience toward God. Sin separates us from God and causes many problems in our lives.

Christ the Rock (WELS) says:
About Salvation
Salvation is God’s free gift to us. It comes to us through no effort or decision on our part. We can never make up for our sin by self-improvement or a life of goodness and kindness. God won salvation for us by loving us, sending his son Jesus Christ to live a perfect life and die a sacrificial death as our substitute. It is through this act of Jesus that salvation became ours. Even faith is not to our credit, for there too God provides his Holy Spirit to create faith in our hearts and minds. Salvation comes to lost mankind by grace alone, through faith alone, in God’s word alone.

CrossRoads (Evangelical Covenant) says:
About Salvation
Salvation is God’s free gift to us. We can never make up for sin by self-improvement or good works. Only by trusting in Jesus as God’s offer of forgiveness can anyone be saved from sin’s penalty. When we turn from our self-ruled lives and turn to Jesus in faith we are saved.

Christ the Rock (WELS) says:
About the life to come
People were created to exist forever. We will exist eternally separated from God by sin, or eternally with God through the forgiveness and salvation won by Christ. To be eternally separated from God is eternal death or hell. To be eternally united with him in the enjoyment of all his blessings is eternal life or heaven. Heaven and hell are real places where all mankind will exist eternally. In eternity, our bodies and souls are reunited either to suffer the pains of hell or to enjoy the eternal blessings of heaven.

CrossRoads (Evangelical Covenant) says:
About Eternity
People were created to exist forever. We will either exist eternally separated from God by sin or eternally with Him through forgiveness and salvation. To be eternally separated from God is Hell. To be eternally in union with Him is Heaven. Heaven and Hell are real places of eternal existence.

Christ the Rock (WELS) has this jolly statement, which is almost the same as CrossWalk's (WELS) in Laveen:

A church designed to meet you where you're at.

We're a group of people who just "came as we are" and discovered the adventure of the Christian Life. At our church, we want you to come as your are too. We worship on Sundays at 10: AM at the Old Settler's Association building in Round Rock, TX.

We're casual!
When you visit CTR , dress casually and comfortably. We're more interested in meeting you just as you are than we are in seeing you stylin' in a power suit, or struttin' that new skirt from the fashion stores. You'll feel right at home in jeans or shorts.

We're hungry!
Our CTR Cafe' puts out a provides snacks, with coffee, bagels, donuts, fruit, and juices. If you didn't get a chance to have breakfast, don't worry! You can count on us to hold you over till your next big meal!

We're friendly!
We strive to create a warm, friendly environment for you. We won't surprise you by asking you to stand up or stick out in any way. We also won't ask you to give us any money. We want you to be able to check us out without feeling singled out. No Pressure!

We're relevant!
Our messages are meant to apply to your everyday life. They're practical and filled with comfort. We believe that everyone needs to know what God expects of us, and what God offers us in his love. If you come to CTR, you'll hear just what God has to say about this - straight from his Word, the Bible! With our upbeat music and our fun and creative worship, you'll go home encouraged and equipped each week!


GJ - What have we learned today? Here is another stealth congregation copying statements from the Evangelical Covenant people. Some sentences and phrases are verbatim copies. Other statements are added to the mix. I Googled a few things and found entire sentences from other websites as well. I am dizzy from going back and forth.

The stealth pastors are not original. Like Kelm, they copy from the Enthusiasts with...enthusiasm. They are not eager to give credit where credit is due. That is called plagiarism, which is dishonest and illegal.

If they are dishonest about little things, are they also deceptive about the big issues, like doctrine?

At what point have they sinuflected so far toward Pasadena that they are no longer Lutheran at all?

Broadcast Problems

The broadcast quit this Sunday. I am not sure why. I have Internet connectivity from this computer.

I am ugrading to another company (to Cox) by next Sunday and also getting a dedicated computer for Bethany, the smallest Lutheran chapel in America.

Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

By Norma Boeckler

The Twentieth Sunday After Trinity

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Worship, 8 AM Phoenix Time

The Hymn #387:1-4 by Luther, Nun freut euch
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual Eph 5:15-21
The Gospel Luke Matthew 22:1-14
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #370 Magdalen

Clothed in His Righteousness Alone

The Hymn #304 by Loy, St. Crispin
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #202 Sei du mir

KJV Ephesians 5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

KJV Matthew 22:1 And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said, 2 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, 3 And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come. 4 Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage. 5 But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise: 6 And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them. 7 But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. 8 Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. 9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. 10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests. 11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: 12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. 13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

Twentieth Sunday After Trinity, The Collects Of Veit Dietrich

Lord God, heavenly Father: We thank Thee, that of Thy great mercy Thou hast called us by Thy holy word to the blessed marriage-feast of Thy Son, and through Him dost forgive us all our sins; but, being daily beset by temptation, offense, and danger, and being weak in ourselves and given to sin, we beseech Thee graciously to protect us by Thy Holy Spirit, that we fall not; and if we fall and defile our wedding-garment, with which Thy Son hath clothed us, graciously help us again and lead us to repentance, that we fall not forever; preserve in us a constant faith in Thy grace, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Clothed in His Righteousness Alone

Matthew 22: 12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. 13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

Often the Epistle and Gospel travel separately. I read one tradition that the Epistle was read to the communing Christians on one side and the Gospel to potential converts on the other side of the gathering place. I doubt whether this was always true, but it paints an interesting picture.

In this case we have an Epistle and a Gospel that complement each other perfectly.

Believers should walk circumspectly – watch how they behave.
They should redeem the time because the days are evil.
They should not be unwise but understand the will of the Lord.
They should not be drunk with wine, which lends itself to excess.

I read how wine was sold in Medieval churches. At Chartre, the wine merchant said, “This wine will go to your head like a squirrel up a tree.” Intoxicants have great appeal. In contrast…

Be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Here is where the Pentecostals may start waving their arms and testifying, but this passage is not Pentecostal but Means of Grace.

How is one filled with the Holy Spirit instead of the excess of wine?

19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is equated with or explained by speaking in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. These three expressions have one thing in common – the Word of God. The Holy Spirit always accompanies the faithful teaching of the Word and never accompanies the word of man.

Man’s wisdom is good for practical, useful information, but

KJV 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (That is why an unbeliever cannot be argued, bullied, or sold on the Kingdom of God.)

Paul’s spiritual advice was aimed at believers so their lives would be filled with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit rather than the spirit of the age.

The Parable of the Wedding Feast explains how the Word invites people, how many refuse to listen to the Gospel and harden their hearts against the Word.

The King is God the Father, who sends out invitations to the wedding feast of His Son. The skeptics always say that the Bible is full of contradictions, but Jesus spoke of Himself as the Groom in other places.

John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the Bridegroom:

KJV John 3:29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.

The same image is found in Paul:

KJV Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ (bridegroom) also loved the church (the bride), and gave himself for it;

In this parable, the servants are sent the first time and people do not come (verse 3).

The second invitation is far more detailed and the results are violent;

4 Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage. 5 But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise: 6 And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.

This clearly portrays the prophets of the Old Testament, who preached the coming of Christ but died at the hands of their own people – unless they were false prophets. The false prophets were popular.

KJV Jeremiah 23:21 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

KJV Jeremiah 23:32 Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD.

People think that God lets these things happen without divine justice being brought down on the criminals. But Israel was occupied by many different foreign powers, then Greece and Rome, with only brief independence. Finally Israel ceased altogether within a century of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jews could not even visit Jerusalem, which was destroyed twice, first after the Zealot rebellion, then a few decades later after the Bar Kochba revolt.

Matthew 15:7 But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.

The Bar-Kokhba Revolt
(132-135 C.E.)

“Following the battle of Bethar, there were a few small skirmishes in the Judean Desert Caves, but the war was essentially over and Judean independence was lost. The Romans plowed Jerusalem with a yoke of oxen. Jews were sold into slavery and many were transported to Egypt. Judean settlements were not rebuilt. Jerusalem was turned into a pagan city called Aelia Capitolina and the Jews were forbidden to live there. They were permitted to enter only on the 9th of Av to mourn their losses in the revolt. Hadrian changed the country’s name from Judea to Syria Palestina.
In the years following the revolt, Hadrian discriminated against all Judeo-Christian sects, but the worst persecution was directed against religious Jews. He made anti-religious decrees forbidding Torah study, Sabbath observance, circumcision, Jewish courts, meeting in synagogues and other ritual practices. Many Jews assimilated and many sages and prominent men were martyred including Rabbi Akiva and the rest of the Asara Harugei Malchut (ten martyrs). This age of persecution lasted throughout the remainder of Hadrian’s reign, until 138 C.E.” (
Matthew 15:8 Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. 9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. 10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.

This is the beginning of the Church, when the dregs of society crowded to hear the message of forgiveness and eternal salvation. Some who believed in Christ were influential and powerful, but the vast majority were slaves, criminals, prostitutes, and others at the bottom of society.

The surprise ending has the King coming to the feast and throwing someone into eternal torment for wearing the wrong garment. Apparently, it was not Casual Friday:

11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: 12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. 13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

This wedding garment can only be the righteousness of Christ. The image connects Paul’s letter to the Galatians with this passage.

KJV Romans 13:13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. 14 But put ye on [literally – be robed in] the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

KJV Galatians 3:25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. 26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on [the robe of] Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

The baptismal robe reminded the new Christian that God would see the righteousness of Christ rather than the failings of man, since the believer joined the Kingdom as a brother of Christ, redeemed by Christ. We are children by faith in Christ Jesus. Faith is commended throughout the Bible because trust in the Savior is good.

The opposite (wearing the wrong robe) is the person trusting in his own righteousness, his own works and merits.

Even today, with centuries of Christian preaching and teaching, many respond exactly wrong when asked about sound doctrine. Their responses, based on my experience, are:

1. Do you know who my father is?
2. Do you realize what I have done?

Now, with so many billions of dollars disappearing into thin air, people can look at the treasures that matter. Everything changes so quickly. One day, a person says, “Look at how much I made in real estate. I have three homes.” Two years later, people say, “You are in real estate? You poor thing?! Three homes? Oh no!”

We can find many different points being taught in this vivid parable. One dominant theme is the constant preaching of the Word. The King makes three efforts to invite people to the feast.

Since this is a wedding feast, we imagine how appealing this should be. Who would turn down a wedding invitation? They are enjoyable gatherings of friends and families.

Calling – inviting: those are synonymous. The Greek verb is the root for phone, so during tutoring, I always insisted on the translation being, “Jesus phoned the disciples.” That sounds silly but it conveys several things at once. One is the spoken Word of God. Almost all evangelism takes place through speaking the Gospel to someone. Another is close connection between common (Koine) Greek and our English words of today.

Many are phoned, but few are elect (chosen). The Gospel is thinly sown, as Luther says, not because people are good or bad, but because few remain faithful to the Word. They do not guard the spiritual treasures of the Gospel. They trample it down, let weeds grow around it, or vamoose when things get tough. The Bible only knows of two groups – believers and unbelievers. As I have said many times before, people move from faith to unbelief in tiny stages. Many “successful” ministers have shown that they were atheists at the peak of their fame, seconds before the great tumble into ignominy. Some are rescued by their equally deceitful pals, but the final scene is never good for someone who has turned against the Word.

To counteract our tendency to drift away from the Gospel, Jesus admonishes us to remain with the True Vine and bear fruit. Abide in the Word (John 15). Take up the cross and follow Him.

It was easy for prostitutes and pimps to wear the robe of righteousness given to them by Christ. They had nothing else to commend them. They knew they were sinners. The great temptation of today is to knit ourselves a better robe, one made from our good deeds, our own righteousness, our family tree.

The great comfort of this passage is God scouring the highways and byways for people to fill His banquet – the good and the bad. The Apostolic Church was filled with the bad, justified by faith, given a new life through the Gospel. Throughout the New Testament we find the first followers being charged with following that new life, not returning to their life of crime before the invitation came.

False Teachers Are Used by God
To Punish Doctrinal Apathy

The Angel of God's wrath pauses before her strike.

Luther explained once that false teachers are the surest sign of God's wrath, punishing people for their doctrinal apathy.

The laity and pastors of the ELS, WELS, and LCMS have allowed false teachers to multiply like rabbits and prosper, by refusing to block them or refute them. Now these men are being used by God to punish those synods.

The false teachers are so established in each synod, district, and conference that touching one will bring out a chorus of defenders. When I quoted Paul Kelm at the Northern Conference, Bivens rose up to accuse me of violating the Eighth Commandment, even though every thing I said was true. Bivens was only a parish pastor then. Even though Bivens defended Fuller Seminary, its crafts and assaults, in front of future District Pope John Seifert (and the Midland Circuit pastors), Valleskey's pal went to the Sausage Factory to mislead a generation of pastors.

Some might say, "Bivens, Valleskey, Kelm, Roth, Hartman, Hartman, and Huebner have been hugely successful in their careers."

Luther would counter with this: "Through them, God is punishing WELS for decades of doctrinal indolence, mental laziness, and synodical cowardice. God even sends over Sweet, Werning, and Hunter to add to their pain. Every Sunday carnival Seeker Service is a reminder of what they threw away."

Ditto Missouri. Just for laughs, God has appointed Paul McCain to be in charge of blessing the Romanists who will save Missouri from the Fullerists. Oh yes. Holy Father in Rome will bring His children home through leaders like McCain, Fenton, Weedon. They are all chanting, as the French did in Henry V, "Would that it were day."

SNL Explains the Mortgage Bailout

I slept through Saturday Night Live, usually the best practice. This morning I was given a link about one skit where they finally told the truth. Here it is:
