Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thousands of Americans Died in Stalin's Russia, Volunteers for the Workers' Paradise

Comrade Stalin, a mass murderer whose crimes were exceded by Mao.

National Review Online has an important book review:

The long list of apologists for Stalin’s terror — who denied its very existence — included the Asian scholar Owen Lattimore, Vice President Henry A. Wallace, the Communist baritone Paul Robeson, and the New York Times Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Walter Duranty. All of them did their part to hide the truth and paint a false picture of a benign Stalin who was America’s best friend. Tzouliadis devastatingly portrays the harm they did, and their moral culpability in the crimes of Stalinism.


GJ - Russia asked for laborers and received 100,000 applications for 10,000 jobs. He took away their passports. America's diplomats did nothing to help their fellow Americans, who died in abject poverty or were executed.

The American media are just as guilty today for hiding the associations of Obama from the public. His first job after Harvard Law School was working for a project, with William Ayres, to radicalize the Chicago schools. Ayres bombed the Pentagon, a judge's home, and many other places. Obama began his political career in Illinois, at function hosted at Ayres' home. Ayres' wife is also a known domestic terrorist. Both live in comfort and security today.

I spoke with a teacher today who knew nothing about this.

Four Groups of Episcopalians - Sound Familiar?

Four Groups Emerge as the Future of The Episcopal Church is Being Weighed in the Balance

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue

There are now four distinct groups of North American Episcopalians/Anglicans.

PB Jefferts-Schori
The first group is those who are deeply committed to The Episcopal Church, come hell or high water. These are institutionalists, life-long Episcopalians often with deep family roots going back several generations. Nothing will move them. Whatever it is they believe in (and it may not be very much), for them the Episcopal Church is THEIR church and they will not be moved from it regardless of anything that might issue forth from 815 2nd Avenue, NY or whatever sexual preference a bishop might choose.

They are Episcopalians to the end. They will live and die Episcopalians. They will be buried in the church graveyard either with a full headstone or simply in a columbarium. Many, if not most, do not have much of an inkling about what is going on in the Episcopal Church because their diocesan newspapers do not tell them anything. If they do, it will be the bishop’s spin on Lambeth, Robinson, GAFCON or an Anglican Church near them that is not like them.

The bishop will usually write something in a local newspaper, a "From the Bishop" in his diocesan newspaper or at a church forum saying in effect that such and such an Anglican church is not recognized by the Archbishop of Canterbury as authentically Anglican and should be ignored. These Episcopalians are happy to oblige.

If scandal erupts, it is localized and the bishop moves swiftly to limit damage control. If the problem IS the bishop himself, as in say Bishop Charles Bennison (PA) or Michael Garrison (WNY), then things can get messy, especially if the local press picks up the story and runs with it.

Nonetheless, these Episcopalians will not be moved. They usually have a certain nostalgia for the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, but have settled happily for the 1979 Prayer Book…a concession they can live with as it is does not upset the status quo. They are generous and give when asked to by their rector. They will live and die Episcopalians even if, God forbid, Jack Spong should announce that he, after all, is god and demands to be worshipped. His heresies and 12 Theses are largely unknown to them. Even if they were to find out about them, they would not be moved to leave The Episcopal Church. They say things like "not in my church" and then move on.They may have a nodding acquaintance with Mrs. Jefferts Schori’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), but such information will not touch their lives. They may write out a larger check and then go home to watch the news.

Louis Crew
The second group is those who have interloped into the Episcopal Church with an agenda alien to the historic church, the gospel and Holy Scripture. They have captured the reins of ecclesiastical power with a pansexual agenda. Over the course of the last 40 years they have deftly maneuvered and manipulated committees and executive counsels, and promoted pansexuality first to the clergy and then to the bishops. Seminaries were then co-opted so that the next generation of clergy, fearful of being called fundamentalist, homophobic, uninclusive and lacking diversity, quickly rolled over, allowing the "new thing" coming out of the pulpits to dumb down the next three generations of lay Episcopalians. This second group was led primarily by Dr. Louie Crew with his formation of the homosexual organization Integrity leading ultimately to a plethora of sexualities under the banner of LGBT. It has been a brilliant and masterful takeover. It is now almost complete.

Third Group
The third group is comprised of those who have "seen the light" and no longer believe in the 10-watt light bulbs running The Episcopal Church. Many of these folks began reading VirtueOnline when it was Virtuosity back in the mid-nineties. The theological and moral stench was too much for them so they began a slow exodus from TEC.

The first to go and reorganize was the Anglican Mission in America, now the Anglican Missions in the Americas, back in the year 2,000. This was three years before the Gene Robinson putsch. The issues then were more theological surrounding the authority of Scripture and holy living (sodomy was swinging but not in full swing). The failure of the church to uphold certain basic doctrines – the failure of Resolution B001 – encapsulated the light in the theological loafers of most bishops and House of Deputies appartik.

These flee-ers were all mostly Episcopalians though their base has widened as a mission outreach to 130 million unchurched Americans. Later CANA, (Nigeria), Uganda and Kenya began Anglican plants on U.S. soil. To date, two dioceses have left The Episcopal Church. Two more plan to do so. Nearly 500 parishes will have departed TEC by the end of the year. The loss of individual Episcopalians remains constant at about 1,000 a week. (This week St. Bartholomew’s in Western New York departed with a thousand members, a case in point.)

By the end of this year it seems almost certain that a new North American Anglican Province will be formed drawing together all the disparate evangelical and Anglo-Catholic groups under one ecclesiastical umbrella with Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan as its archbishop or Primate. The GAFCON Anglican Primates will recognize it, but not necessarily will the Archbishop of Canterbury. Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi (Uganda) has said he will welcome Archbishop Duncan with open arms…he has long ones as he is very tall.

Fourth Group
The fourth group of Episcopalians is orthodox stayers who are sleeping badly at night over what is happening to the Episcopal Church. Here is a sample of their writings: "We write as an informal group of Episcopalians who share a desire to remain active and loyal members of the Episcopal Church. Most of us find ourselves profoundly at odds with several controversial decisions made by our leaders (General Convention, the Presiding Bishop and Church Center staff, Executive Council, among others) over the past several years. We are alarmed that they seem to represent a consistent trend away from theological, ethical, and pastoral norms that we understand as essential to Anglican faith and practice. Others among us are more open to the reconfiguration of some of these traditional boundaries, yet are concerned that the manner in which this process has been pursued has needlessly alienated many within our own church, raised substantive issues of mutual accountability between Anglican provinces, and increased the awkwardness in our relations with many ecumenical partners, both locally and globally.

"We are deeply saddened by the steady stream of departures from the Episcopal Church that this ongoing crisis has provoked, especially as it has moved beyond individuals to include parochial and diocesan structures. We are not, as a matter of conscience, inclined to join them in their decision to leave. Moreover, we have varying degrees of disagreement with their perception of the necessity or advisability of doing so. Nonetheless, we are not without significant empathy for their position, and hold many of them as cherished friends and co-laborers in the work of the gospel. It is our desire to do whatever may be within our power to prevent the fences that have recently been erected between Anglicans (seen as protective fences by those who have erected them) from evolving into permanent walls, and, should it please God, to facilitate the conditions under which they might be removed.

"At the same time, even amidst our deep uneasiness, we can confidently affirm that the Episcopal Church has not—in a formal and official and corporately univocal way—abandoned the inheritance of faith and practice that underlies Catholic and Anglican Christianity. We rejoice in the orthodoxy of our Book of Common Prayer (1979), in both its liturgical and catechetical texts, as well as the creedal documents that it includes. We recognize it as articulating the faith and teaching of the Episcopal Church, despite the statements and actions of some leaders that are reasonably construed as departing from it.

"Moreover, we are cognizant of our obligation under the vows of our common baptism to assume the good faith and honorable intentions of fellow Episcopalians with whom we may have deep differences on contested questions. We find it important as a matter of principle to avoid demonizing or anathematizing those whom we disagree, even as we remain forthright in the articulation of our disagreement. We rejoice in any opportunity to make common cause with those whom we may perceive as adversaries (never enemies) in acts of gospel witness and service that transcend our differences.

"In these days of great difficulty—indeed, crisis—within both the Episcopal Church and the entire Anglican Communion, we find it worth observing that many who would only recently have been considered "moderately conservative" in the Episcopal ecclesio-political spectrum now, as a result of rapidly shifting dynamics, occupy the veritable "right-wing fringe" of the Episcopal Church. A number of us feel mounting pressure to distance ourselves from the public image of the very church of which we are devoted members.

"This is not an indefinitely sustainable situation. It seems "meet and right," on a number of levels, to seek some measure of structural relief as would decrease that pressure and allow us to live and move and have our being as Episcopalians. If the new "conservative fringe" is to remain securely connected to the institutional whole, some accommodation to their perceived need for insulation from many of the actions of that institutional whole, and the utterances of its leaders, would be immensely helpful."

Now some of these folk can be described as crossover types (not to be confused with transgendered) whose views represent the "majority party". They want to find a language to create and preserve a secure place within the structures of the Episcopal Church for those who hold traditional perspectives that do not reflect those currently held by the leadership, perhaps even including resolutions—legislative and otherwise—for consideration by the 76th General Convention next July.

Whatever counter proposals they propose, they have no real standing at General Convention and when rites for same sex blessings are finally passed at GC2009, David Booth Beers and Jefferts Schori make their final grab for all Episcopal properties and feelers are put out that the next sexual frontier is the full inclusion of transgendered folk. Then a point of order will be declared that speakers at microphones must identify what gender they are before speaking as this could cause confusion among the House of Deputies with some swing (switch hitter) votes going in the wrong direction. God help us all if that should happen.

Orthodox stayers are on precarious ground. This has been more than broadly hinted at by the new Bishop of South Carolina, Mark Lawrence. "There will be louder, more urgent, and convincing calls (indeed they have already been heard in several quarters) for another Anglican Province in North America," he recently wrote.

Several things now seem clear. Never again will a bishop, whose views on women’s ordination and pansexuality which are not in line with 815, obtain consents to be a bishop of an Episcopal diocese. South Carolina was the last one.

In time, the remnant orthodox will either be driven out or for the sake of their consciences leave.

A new North American Anglican Province will look extremely attractive to many fence sitters and the undecided especially if it is recognized with Archbishop Duncan being seated with the other primates of the Anglican Communion.

Tens of thousands of loyal Episcopalians will no longer be able to ignore the elephant in the sacristy – a new Anglican province. They may not like it, but it will be a done deal. Groups like the Windsor bishops, those looking for a Covenant to save them, the Anglican Communion Institute (ACI) deep thinkers, Dr. Poon’s Global South blog, the Anglican Consultative Council et al will be made largely irrelevant. They will be talking to themselves. The orthodox will no longer listen to anything they have to say. The Episcopal Church’s leadership will now, and far into the future, be in the hands of revisionists.

With each passing month, The Anglican Communion grows more divided. There is a growing momentum that the GAFCON primates themselves may no longer tolerate the innovations of Western pan-Anglican liberalism. This will be bad news for Dr. Rowan Williams.

For the Anglican Communion, the future looks less and less hopeful, but it is equally clear that a new day is dawning. A new vital biblically-based Anglicanism is emerging which will not be put down nor go away.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

LCMS/ELCA Cooperate - Oh, So Closely

Every month, when I receive my copy of the LCMS Reporter "newspaper", I become uneasy. Usually, it's simply because of the colossal waste of funds that are spent in its printing and sending. I end up spending five minutes glancing through it and throwing it away. This time, however, the following job posting caught my attention:

The LCMS Northwest District and several Northwestern synods of the ELCA seek to fill the position of Director of Consultation to Clergy.

I was confused, was this multiple positions or one position? After visiting the website listed in the posting,, I learned that this position is serving in an organization called, not surprisingly, "Consultation to Clergy," described as "a pastoral care service of the Northwest District of the LCMS and the Akaska, Eastern Washington, etc...synods of the ELCA.

Not all that surprising, I know. Joint synodical efforts are good for public relations, if nothing else. Still, when I read the rest of the job posting, it was interesting to note that if I wanted more information, I should "contact Rev. Penelope Guntermann."

A female "pastor" in the want ads of the LCMS newspaper. No one will notice anway, right? Perhaps not. But it should be noted, our friend Rev. Penelope has her signature on a "Faith-Based Statement in Support of Homosexual Marriage", on the site of a liberal Baptist church in Seattle, Washington.

Comment on this as you will. Even I was a bit surprised at this one.



GJ - I was disgusted with the LCA's advocacy when I left in 1987. The LCMS could never part with its liberal sistern, so this is the result. A lot of it was going on years ago. The recent copy of some unionism quotations show how WELS, Missouri, and ELCA worked together--under the leadership of a woman executive pastor at ELCA--in the insurance funded Church Growth Initiative (or whatever they called it). All three worked together for the Joy religious radio project, "the first joint ministry of ELCA, WELS, and Missouri." There are many examples. When I started posting them all in Christian News, the two insurance companies (now Thrivent) went into stealth mode.

Pope Kieschnick the Unembarrassable has been working in this direction for years. The Old Guard is in retirement or in the bosom of Abraham. The pliable, self-centered Boomers are dominant. They would gladly sell out Jesus for a better call - and they have.

Meanwhile, one more president and sodomite marriages will be enshrined as a Constitutional right. People accept that today. For one example why this has happened, look at Missouri's and WELS' willingness to work with ELCA for the last two decades. The Episcopal Church is a glimpse into the immediate future. The Unitarian Universalists are a few years ahead of them.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

UOJ Stormtroopers: My Little Pony

UOJ Stormtroopers are getting tame.

The Universal Objective Justification stormtroopers used to show up rattling their light sabres every time I questioned their non-Christian doctrine. They are getting tame because the laity have challenged them successfully so many times. Well read laymen got me interested in the topic, which I sensed was just as explosive as criticizing Church Growth.

I used to think the basic answer to UOJ springing up in the mid-19th century was a doctrinal shift away from the Book of Concord. The history and influence of Pietism is the key. More will be coming out to show how true this is.

Keep Those Cards and Letters Coming In

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change - Cannot Count Either":

If you are making more teaching critical thinking than I can imagine, I pity your poor students. They are being cheated. You dispute any statement that doesn't match your preconceived notions by using ridicule and insults, rather than logical arguments. That is hardly evidence of an open, evaluative mind or someone who knows how to discriminate among multiple philosophies or ideas.

[GJ - Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel. And give us your name, so we can sit at your feet and drink in the wisdom.]

Your response adds a small number of congregations to the list, two of which are no longer WELS and haven't been for years. Oh, that's right, you haven't been a WELS member for years either, and have no direct personal knowledge of the current state of most WELS congregations and pastors. Instead, you rely on half truths and innuendo from disgruntled "insiders" to bolster your arguments.

[GJ - The trend is obvious, and it spread to WELS Lutherans For Life, the hymnal (so ghastly it should not have Lutheran on it), and the magazine (which Slick Brenner called the Ladies Home Companion). Institutional stealth is even more suggestive of unionism, Sweetism, and Hybelism. Posts like this encourage even more information to come in. Thanks.]

One of your favorite retorts is to criticize the spelling and grammar of those commenters whom you believe to be "Church and Change" adherents. Yet, your own writing style is blase and uninteresting. Copying and pasting long lists of quotes from your Megatron database, most of which are 10-15 years old, is a wonderful demonstration of the poorest form of writing and communication. I may use it as an example in my class entitled "How Not to Write."

[GJ - One WELS teacher wrote in to say that he or she noticed the same thing about WELS bad spelling, chuckling about it. Bad spelling on the official website is funny, but promoting Church and Change on it - not. Many of my quotations are 500 years old, well worth reading. Sometimes I quote Augustine, 1600 years old.]

Your online sermons are no better - they are stilted and boring. The core message of most of them is your dissatisfaction with organized churches. This is the most likely reason you have had to create your own "church" to gain a hearing. No one else would be interested in someone with so little aptitude for teaching and preaching the Gospel.

[GJ - Ichabodians. Notice the comparison. The quotations are annoying and the sermons no better. I think this person is very disturbed about the orthodox Lutheran quotations. The sermons are provided for those who wish to read them. As far as I know, Ichabod is not required reading for anyone. According to this dyspepsic reader, thousands of Lutherans have erred in buying books I have written. Brug suggested Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant to the students at the Sausage Factory. Kurt Marquart recommended the book.]

And, finally, I am not a reverend. Nor am I a member of Church and Change.

[GJ - No, you are not reverend. I am not sure what a member of Church and Change is. I believe the official levels there are Obi-wans, Robots, and Useful Idiots with Money.]


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Keep Those Cards and Letters Coming In":

Hilarious! The WELS troopers scream, “no one reads your blog Jackson.” Yet it is probably one of the most read Lutheran blogs.

Everyone screams and hollers about what you write. Yet they keep coming back.


GJ - I was emailing doctrinal bulletins for a long time. I decided to blog after being kicked off a conservative website because I said Bush was a liberal. Some ask about publishing with Christian News, but this gets to people immediately without an editorial filter.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kovaciny Denies Story - Holy Cow!

Hay! I need more hay.

Prof. Roger Kovaciny has left a new comment on your post "Hope for the Lazy":

I deny that I furnished the "cow" quotation attributed to me. Everyone who knows me knows that I am very victorian and reserved about earthy subjects and do not talk like that. At most I might have said "increase the suction in the milking machine." Kindly note the correction. You may have me confused with someone else.

P.S. I don't bother reading your blog, but do google my name from time to time.

Roger Kovaciny


GJ - There it is folks, an official denial. There are a lot of people--who never read this blog--who are writing about what they read on Ichabod.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Kovaciny Denies Story - Holy Cow!":

It shouldn't surprise anyone you misquoted Kovaciny. You do it all the time to people: you misquote and ascribe things to individuals that are simply not true. I kind of wish someone would do it to you for once. I'm sure there is a treasure trove of dirt out there somewhere on you.


GJ - I think his memory is hazy, very hazy. I was there when he said it. Kovo insisted that I had two doctorates, one in agriculture. He kept insisting that it was true. I finally said, "If I had earned a doctorate in agriculture, wouldn't I remember it?" There's the dirt you want Mouse - no ag degree.

I enjoy posting some of the nasty material I get each day, just to show how some people think.

Sound (Hygienic) Doctrine

Sound Doctrine

"Since now, in the sight of God and of all Christendom [the entire Church of Christ], we wish to testify to those now living and those who shall come after us that this declaration herewith presented concerning all the controverted articles aforementioned and explained, and no other, is our faith, doctrine, and confession, in which we are also willing, by God's grace, to appear with intrepid hearts before the judgment-seat of Jesus Christ, and give an account of it; and that we will neither privately nor publicly speak or write anything contrary to it, but, by the help of God's grace, intend to abide thereby: therefore, after mature deliberation, we have, in God's fear and with the invocation of His name, attached our signatures with our own hands."

Thorough Declaration, Of Other Factions and Sects, Formula of Concord, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 1103.

"'If there ever was a strictly conservative body, it surely is the Missouri Synod. Nevertheless, this growth!...It is a mark of the pastors and leaders of the Missouri Synod that they never, aye, never, tire of discussing doctrine on the basis of Scripture and the Confessions. That is one trait that may be called the spirit of Missouri. People who thus cling to doctrine and contend for its purity are of an entirely different nature from the superficial unionists who in the critical moment will declare five to be an even number. God will bless all who value His Word so highly.'"

(Dr. Lenski, Kirchenzeitung, May 20, 1922)

cited in W. A. Baepler, "Doctrine, True and False," The Abiding Word, ed., Theodore Laetsch, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1946, II, p. 515f.

"We should not consider the slightest error against the Word of God unimportant."

What Luther Says , An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 637.

"Error and heresy must come into the world so that the elect may become approved and manifest. Their coming is in the best interests of Christians if they take the proper attitude toward it. St. Augustine, who certainly was sufficiently annoyed by wretched sectaries, says that when heresy and offense come, they produce much benefit in Christendom; for they cause Christians industriously to read Holy Scriptures and with diligence to pursue it and persevere in its study. Otherwise they might let it lie on the shelf, become very secure, and say: Why, God's Word and the text of Scripture are current and in our midst; it is not necessary for us to read Holy Scripture."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 639.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Unionism Quotations

How many things are wrong with this photo? - 1. Holy Communion on a surf board. 2. Surf board held by garbage can wrapped in plastic bag. 3. Priestess celebrating next to comatose priest. 4. Hideous stoles. 5. Bare feet. 6. Etc.

UNIONISM FOR Thy Strong Word

"Front row center, among the 231 ELCA and Episcopal bishops gathered for a 'class photo' of their historic first meeting to discuss full communion, are (from left) Martin Marty, Presiding Bishops Browning [Episcopal] and Anderson [ELCA], and Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey." The Lutheran November, 1996

"Dear Friends, AAL is committed to helping Lutherans and assisting Lutheran congregations. That has long been a primary purpose of the organization, as stated in AAL's articles of incorporation. In pursuing this intention, we've often gathered information that helps us to better serve Lutherans and their institutions." Richard L. Gunderson, Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, 414-734-5721, June 30, 1993.

"To the reader: This binder contains a summary of activities and findings of the Church Membership Initiative funded by AAL. A meeting in February, 1993 at Orlando involving congregational participants and church executives was phase three. This summary focuses on the findings of phases one and two. As is the nature of such studies, emphasis is on research and statistical analysis. Such studies do provide helpful indicators. Such an approach, however, cannot directly reflect spiritual reality, which must remain with the judgment of those dispensing the means of grace. Phase four--utilization of information coming out of the first three phases--is open ended for whatever church body [ELCA, WELS, LCMS] will determine such use to be." Rev. Wayne Borgwardt, Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. Five copies at Martin Luther College (WELS). BV 4523 .C48 1993 c.5

"In 1970 there were 500,000 more baptized members of Lutheran congregations than was the case in 1990. The Church Membership Initiative project was undertaken to understand and address this decline... Contact: Rev. Mary Ann Moller-Gunderson, Executive Director, Division for Congregational Ministries, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 8765 W Higgins Road, Chicago, IL, 60631, 312-380-2570; Rev. Lyle Muller, Executive Director, Board for Evangelism Services, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 1333 S Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO, 63122-7295, 314-965-9000; Rev. Wayne Borgwardt, Administrator for Worker Training, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 2929 N Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, WI, 53222, 414-256-3236; Mr. Douglas Olson, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919, 414-734-5721." Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993.

"The IMAGINE 2000+ A.D. symposium involved the gathering of 61 growing congregations to describe their ministry. The congregations were grouped with other congregations of similar size and ministry setting." Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 12. "Four people from each of 61 growing congregations gathered to share their congregational development experience, to react to the utility of toolbox items uncovered in Sections 2B and 2C above, and to exchange views with church body officials. Approximately 125 church body officials [ELCA, WELS, LCMS] and other guests observed these congregations and participated in the discussions." Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 20.

"This does not mean that judicatory (ELCA synods, LCMS districts, WELS districts) and national expressions of the church bodies are not involved. They can play key roles in assisting congregations." Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 5.

"In-person interviews were held with ELCA, LCMS and WELS national office personnel who are responsible for evangelism, outreach, North American activities, and ministries to people of color." Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 5. "Congregational growth, stability, and decline patterns were analyzed for all Lutheran congregations within each of three church bodies (ELCA, LCMS, WELS)." Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 9.

"Dr. Mann remarked, 'he doubted not that there was much good in the constitution of the Melanchthon Synod; but he would not poisoned bread, though there was much good flour in it.'" F. Bente, American Lutheranism, 2 vols., The United Lutheran Church, Gen Synod, Gen Council, Un Syn in the South, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1919, II, p. 121.

Harkey: "We want love as much as orthodoxy, yes, a thousand times more than what some men call orthodoxy." F. Bente, American Lutheranism, 2 vols., The United Lutheran Church, Gen Synod, Gen Council, Un Syn in the South, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1919, II, p. 121.

"In the Lutheran Observer, January 2, 1863, H. Harkey wrote: 'Some say that unity must precede union. But the Bible demands that we unite. Hence those who magnify these differences [among Lutherans] are the greatest sinners in the Church.' This has always been the view of the General Synod: union, irrespective of doctrinal differences...all endeavors at union which disregard the divine norm of Christian fellowship are anti-Scriptural." F. Bente, American Lutheranism, 2 vols., The United Lutheran Church, Gen Synod, Gen Council, Un Syn in the South, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1919, II, p. 19.

"Unionism and indifferentism mark the character of the General Synod from its very beginning. And how could this have been otherwise? The un-Lutheran spirit of the General Synod was not so much acquired as inherited. The Pennsylvania Synod, while promoting the Pan-Lutheran union, was at the same time planning a union with the Reformed! In 1819 and 1822 resolutions were passed to this effect." F. Bente, American Lutheranism, 2 vols., The United Lutheran Church, Gen Synod, Gen Council, Un Syn in the South, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1919, II, p. 20.

"The unionism which prevailed in all Lutheran synods since the days of Muhlenberg was freely indulged in also by the General Synod during the whole course of her history, in various ways, especially in the exchange of fraternal delegates and the fellowship of pulpit and altar." F. Bente, American Lutheranism, 2 vols., The United Lutheran Church, Gen Synod, Gen Council, Un Syn in the South, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1919, II, p. 48. At Hagerstown, 1837, a Presbyterian, an Episcopalian, a Reformedist, and a Methodist were received as advisory members. Two Lutheran ministers preached in the Reformed church, two others in the Methodist church, and Dr. Patton, of the American Education Society, in the Lutheran church." F. Bente, American Lutheranism, 2 vols., The United Lutheran Church, Gen Synod, Gen Council, Un Syn in the South, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1919, II, p. 50.

"Wherever Lutherans unite with the Reformed, the former gradually sink to the level of the latter. Already by declaring the differences between the two Churches irrelevant, the Lutheran truths are actually sacrificed and denied. Unionism always breaks the backbone, and outrages the conscience, of true Lutheranism. And naturally enough, the refusal to confess the Lutheran truth is but too frequently followed by eager endorsement and fanatical defense of the opposite errors." F. Bente, American Lutheranism, 2 vols., The United Lutheran Church, Gen Synod, Gen Council, Un Syn in the South, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1919, II, p. 68.

"Dr. Luther, who, above others, certainly understood the true and proper meaning of the Augsburg Confession, and who constantly remained steadfast thereto till his end, and defended it, shortly before his death repeated his faith concerning this article with great zeal in his last Confession, where he writes thus: 'I rate as one concoction, namely, as Sacramentarians and fanatics, which they also are, all who will not believe that the Lord's bread in the Supper is His true natural body, which the godless or Judas received with the mouth, as well as did St. Peter and all [other] saints; he who will not believe this (I say) should let me alone, and hope for no fellowship with me; this is not going to be altered [thus my opinion stands, which I am not going to change]." Formula of Concord, Epitome, Article VII, Lord's Supper, 33, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 983. Tappert, p. 575.

"And all these are established by the words by which Christ has instituted it, and which every one who desires to be a Christian and go to the Sacrament should know. For it is not our intention to admit to it and to administer it to those who know not what they seek, or why they come." Fifth Part, Of The Sacrament of the Altar, #2, Large Catechism, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 753. Tappert, p. 447.

"And Paul commands that godless teachers should be avoided and execrated as cursed. Galatians 1:8; Titus 3:10. And 2 Corinthians 6:14 he says: 'Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what communion hath light with darkness?'" Marks of Antichrist, 41, Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 517. Tappert, p. 328. Galatians 1:8; Titus 3:10; 2 Corinthians 6:14.

"A new sacred classical music radio program soon will be available to radio stations across the country. The hour-long, weekly program, called "Joy," is an inter-Lutheran project of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. "Joy" will be produced by KFUO-FM in St. Louis and will be funded by Aid Association for Lutherans, a fraternal benefit society. 'I'm excited about being involved in this project which is the first joint venture into ministry that has ever been done by these three Lutheran churches,' said the Rev. Richard Jensen, a member of ELCA communications staff and the Joy Advisory Committee. 'Joy is a program of sacred music. The focus is on the classics of sacred Christian music..." ELCA Newsbriefs Christian News, 12-9-91, p. 2.

"There is a 'method in our madness' in securing such a high profile speaker. Regardless of the value of the message such speakers always bring in the numbers. Generally speaking, they seem to double the attendance of a convention." [Having Charlton Heston speak at the WELS Lutherans for Life convention] Rev. Robert Fleischmann, Commentary, National Director, WELS Lutherans for Life, 2949 N Mayfair Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53222 n.d.

"Dedication: to a holy ministry, orthodox as Chemnitz, Calovius, Gerhard, and Krauth; spiritual and consecrated as Arndt, Spener, and Zinzendorf; active in the Master's service as Francke, Muhlenberg, Orberlin, and Passavant, this book is hopefully dedicated." G. H. Gerberding, The Lutheran Pastor, Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1902, p. 2.

"Truthful separation is far better than dishonest union, and two churches are happier, and more kindly in their mutual relations, when their differences are frankly confessed, than when they are clouding with ambiguities and double meanings the real divergences." Charles P. Krauth, The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology, Philadelphia: The United Lutheran Publication House, 1913 (first edition, 1871), p. 326.

"If one associates much with heretics, one finally also makes oneself partaker of their false doctrine, their lies, and their errors; for he who touches pitch soils his hands with it." Martin Luther, What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 646. Pictured together: Rev. Carl Mischke, Rev. Ralph Bohlmann, and Bishop Herbert Chilstrom (ELCA). Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 12.

"Four speakers prominent in the field of leadership research shared their perspectives. Frances Hesselbein of New York City, president and chief executive officer of the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, spoke on 'The Challenge of Leadership.' She noted, 'The church shares the same bottom line with all voluntary and human service organizations: changed lives.'" [Note: CG enthusiasts love Drucker management books. The four leaders of the conference were: a woman, a CG icon (in the words of Rev. James Schaefer, NWL), an ultra-liberal Reformed theologian, and a historical-critical expert from an ELCA seminary which once boasted of Lenski and Leupold as professors.] Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 12.

"William McKinney, dean and professor of religion and society at Hartford (Connecticut) Seminary, disagreed with the popular view that conventional Protestant churches have moved from mainline to sideline." [Hartford is very Reformed and very liberal.] Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 12.

"George Barna of Glendale, Calif., president of the Barna Research Group, a marketing firm specializing in research for Christian churches and parachurch organizations, laid out 'The Context for Leadership' with rather challenging facts about the society the church faces today." Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 12.

"The Lutheran Leadership Consultation, facilitated by Lutheran Brotherhood in partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Lutheran-Church Missouri Synod (LC-MS) and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), was the first meeting of this type that included the three major Lutheran Churches as planners and participants." Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 12. "Throughout the Consultation, Walter F. Taylor, Jr., Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, explored principles and examples of leadership in the Pauline epistles." [Trinity is an ELCA seminary which sponsored an insurance funded gay seminar.] Lutheran Brotherhood, Bond, "Preparing the Church for the Next Century," Fall, 1991 68, p. 13.

"Take the Church Membership Initiative, lavishly funded by the Aid Association for Lutherans. The 'Narrative Summary of Findings' and the 'Research Summary of Findings' (1993) reveal an approach both shallow and complacent. There is no interest at all in underlying theological maladies." Professor Kurt Marquart, "Church Growth" As Mission Paradigm, A Lutheran Assessment, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Houston: Luther Academy Monograph, 1994, p. 141f. "Its 'overall objective' is: 'To set in motion forces that will result in annual increases in the number of members of Lutheran congregations.' Why would any confessional Lutheran wish to 'set in motion forces' for 'annual increases in ELCA membership? The introductory page already alerts one to the hollowness of the talk about 'faithfulness to the substance of Lutheranism' (p. 3), by listing an ELCA official, a pastoress, as one of the sources of further information. 'Unchurched people feel good about their faith,' we are told, and the implication is that we should too."

Professor Kurt Marquart, "Church Growth" As Mission Paradigm, A Lutheran Assessment, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Houston: Luther Academy Monograph, 1994, p. 142.

"The article in Christian News to which you refer escaped my attention until one of our other pastors called it to my attention soon after it appeared. Initially I even had difficulty relating to it. After thinking about it for a time I remembered that I was asked about a year ago whether the WELS would endorse or be in sponsor of such a program. My answer then was 'No" and still is. I have consistently taken the position with the fraternal benefits societies that 'pan-Lutheran' projects almost inevitably exclude us from participation because of our fellowship principles. The leadership of the fraternals has respected our position. So the statement by a member of the ELCA communications staff that this is the 'first joint venture into ministry' ever done by these three Lutheran churches is simply not factual. It has been called to the attention of those who made this statement." President Carl H. Mischke (WELS Synodical President), Letter to Pastor James Sherod, 1-3-92.

"In such churches the occasional intrusion of authentically Lutheran doctrine, liturgy, and hymnody takes on the appearance of being a grudging gesture to a no longer useable past. The preaching of God's law and gospel gives way to the preaching of any truth that is true if it's true for you." Rev. Richard Neuhaus, (ELCA at the time), Forum Letter, 338 E 19th Street New York, NY 10003 November 26, 1989 p. 2. "Then there is the church growth movement, which has made more devastating headway in LCMS than in ELCA (although it is evident enough in the latter). Today, it is said, Missouri has three seminaries-- St. Louis, Ft Wayne, and Fuller Seminary in California, the hothouse of church growth enthusiasms. The synodical and district mission offices are frequently controlled by church growth technocrats...But the idea that Word and Sacrament ministry is somehow validated by calculable results is utterly alien to the Lutheran Reformation...The triumph of style over substance, however, is all too evident in LCMS congregations that look like Baptists with vestments. As we have noted before, second-rate Lutherans make fourth-rate Baptists."

Rev. Richard Neuhaus, (ELCA at the time), Forum Letter, 338 E 19th Street New York, NY 10003 November 26, 1989 p. 2.

"Pastors become disciples so they can make disciples. As a proud Pentecostal I thought I had everything because I belonged to a Full Gospel church. Little did I know how much I had to learn until I came together with other pastors--Baptists, Presbyterians, Plymouth Brethren, and Catholics. As a proud Pentecostal I had to become a humble elder of the church." Juan Carlos Ortiz, Call to Discipleship, Plainfield: Logos International, 1975, p. 100.

"The orthodox character of a church is established not by its mere name nor by its outward acceptance of, and subscription to, an orthodox creed, but by the doctrine which is actually taught in its pulpits, in its theological seminaries, and in its publications. On the other hand, a church does not forfeit its orthodox character through the casual intrusion of errors, provided these are combated and eventually removed by means of doctrinal discipline." (A Brief Statement of the Missouri Synod's Doctrinal Position, 1932) Francis Pieper, The Difference Between Orthodox And Heterodox Churches, and Supplement, Coos Bay, Oregon: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 1981, p. 2. "Unionism is characterized by these marks: It fails to confess the whole truth of the divine Word; it fails to reject and denounce every opposing error; it assigns error equal right with truth and creates the impression of church fellowship and of unity of faith where they do not exist." (Wisconsin Synod, Prayer Fellowship, Tract No. 10, 1954) Francis Pieper, The Difference Between Orthodox And Heterodox Churches, and Supplement, Coos Bay, Oregon: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 1981, p. 64.

"We have no intention of yielding aught of the eternal, immutable truth of God for the sake of temporal peace, tranquility, and unity (which, moreover, is not in our power to do). Nor would such peace and unity, since it is devised against the truth and for its suppression, have any permanency. Still less are we inclined to adorn and conceal a corruption of the pure doctrine and manifest, condemned errors. But we entertain heartfelt pleasure and love for, and are on our part sincerely inclined and anxious to advance, that unity according to our utmost power, by which His glory remains to God uninjured, nothing of the divine truth of the Holy Gospel is surrendered, no room is given to the least error, poor sinners are brought to true, genuine repentance, raised up by faith, confirmed in new obedience, and thus justified and eternally saved alone through the sole merit of Christ." (Closing of Formula of Concord, Trigl. p. 1095) Francis Pieper, The Difference Between Orthodox And Heterodox Churches, and Supplement, Coos Bay, Oregon: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 1981, p. 65.

"The third mark of unionism, therefore, is this: A formula of unification is found which each of two hitherto separate churches may accept but which each of them interprets differently. An external bond is found for internally divided groups." (About Melanchthon using 1 Cor. 10:16 as the basis for uniting the Reformed and Lutherans, Luther's favorite text against the Reformed.) M. Reu, In the Interest of Lutheran Unity, Columbus: The Lutheran Book Concern, 1940, p. 19. 1 Corinthians 10:16.

"The second mark of unionism, therefore, is this: Differences in doctrine are made to lose their divisive significance with a view to uniting hitherto separate churches." (about unification of all Protestant forces) M. Reu, In the Interest of Lutheran Unity, Columbus: The Lutheran Book Concern, 1940, p. 19.

"Here we discover the first mark of unionism: A difference in doctrine which hitherto has been regarded as divisive, is suddenly made to lose its divisive significance." (About the Augsburg Confession, Variata, Real Presence) M. Reu, In the Interest of Lutheran Unity, Columbus: The Lutheran Book Concern, 1940, p. 19.

"Doctrinal indifference is at once the root of unionism and its fruit. Whoever accepts, in theory as well as in practice, the absolute authority of the Scriptures and their unambiguousness with reference to all fundamental doctrines, must be opposed to every form of unionism." M. Reu, In the Interest of Lutheran Unity, Columbus: The Lutheran Book Concern, 1940, p. 20.

"We find this attitude of tolerance quite frequently among unionists. It is often used to assuage a troubled conscience, one's own as well as that of others; for the unionist declares that every one may continue to hold his own private convictions and merely needs to respect and tolerate those of another. This attitude is totally wrong, for it disregards two important factors: (a) in tolerating divergent doctrines one either denies the perspicuity and clarity of the Scriptures, or one grants to error the right to exist alongside of truth, or one evidences indifference over against Biblical truth by surrendering its absolute validity; and (b) in allowing two opposite views concerning one doctrine to exist side by side, one has entered upon an inclined plane which of necess- ity leads ever further into complete doctrinal indifference, as may plainly be seen from the most calamitous case on record, viz., the Prussian Union." M. Reu, In the Interest of Lutheran Unity, Columbus: The Lutheran Book Concern, 1940, p. 20.

[Selnecker, who wrote "Ach bleib bei uns" (TLH #292) was bitterly attacked and severely persecuted by the Reformed, deposed when Augustus died, reduced to poverty, and not allowed to remain in Leipzig as a private citizen.] Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: General Council Publication Board, 1911, p. 310ff.

"The modern radical spirit which would sweep away the Formula of Concord as a Confession of the Church, will not, in the end, be curbed, until it has swept away the Augsburg Confession, and the ancient Confessions of the Church--yea, not until it has crossed the borders of Scripture itself, and swept out of the Word whatsoever is not in accord with its own critical mode of thinking. The far-sighted rationalist theologian and Dresden court preacher, Ammon, grasped the logic of a mere spirit of progress, when he said: 'Experience teaches us that those who reject a Creed, will speedily reject the Scriptures themselves.'" Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: General Council Publication Board, 1911, p. 685.

"The real question is not what do you subscribe, but what do you believe and publicly teach, and what are you transmitting to those who come after? If it is the complete Lutheran faith and practice, the name and number of the standards is less important. If it is not, the burden of proof rests upon you to show that your more incomplete standard does not indicate an incomplete Lutheran faith." Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: 1911, p. 890.

"The greatest single weakness, it seems to this reviewer, in Dr. Lindsell's battle line is in the area of fellowship. The soft spot is his failure to advise a fellowship practice that accords fully with Scripture, a failure that has ever been a weakness among the 'evangelicals.' Review of The Battle for the Bible, by Harold Lindsell, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976. Armin W. Schuetze, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, October, 1976 73, p. 326.

"CHIEFS CONFER: Waiting their turn to speak at a recent Lutheran leadership consultation are Dr. Carl Mischke, president of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church...Bohlmann...and ELCA Bishop Herbert W. Chilstrom. At the July 18-20 event in Snowbird, Utah, in the Wasatch Mountains, 130 Lutheran leaders gathered to articulate a 'vision of leadership' for their respective church bodies." The Lutheran, (ELCA) September 4, 1991 p. 33.

"Before God every activity of our faith is at the same time fellowship activity in the Communion of Saints." Doctrinal Statements of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Authorized by the Commission on Doctrinal Matters. p. 27.

"In selecting specific individuals or groups for a joint expression of faith we can do this only on the basis of their confession." Doctrinal Statements of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Authorized by the Commission on Doctrinal Matters. p. 29.

"Dr. Martin Marty is pastor of the Missouri Synod Church of the Holy Ghost, Elk Grove, Illinois. At the same time he is associate editor of The Christian Century, a religious journal which denies the teachings of Scripture on Jesus Christ, the inspiration of the Bible, the atonement, the virgin birth, and other cardinal doctrines...Whether or not Dr. Marty as associate editor is directly responsible for the shaping of editorial policy, the fact remains that he has lent his name and sanction as a Lutheran to the blasphemies the unchristian Century prints. Again the question: How many may have had a stumbling block put in the way of their faith by this gross offense? And what will the MIssouri Synod answer for lending its membership and prestige to that kind of gross offender? Luke 17:1, 2." E. Arnold Sitz, Entrenched Unionistic Practices, A Record of Unionistic Practice in the LCMS Authorized by the Commission on Doctrinal Matters, Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod. p. 21.

"In an essay on Unionism, Dr. F. Pieper, a former president of the Missouri Synod and successor of Dr. Walther as president of Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, in 1924 said to the Oregon and Washington District: 'The Holy Scriptures very emphatically and in manifold ways teach that all fellowship with false doctrine is forbidden by God and is harmful to the Church.' On II John 10, 11, he said: 'God here forbids Unionism, religious fellowship with those who are known to be false teachers.'" Carl Lawrenz, Chairman, Commission on Doctrinal Matters, Fellowship Then and Now, Concerning the Impasse in the Intersynodical Discussions on Church Fellowship, p. 20. 2 John 10, 11

"Rev. Brenner tells us how unionists in the General Council chloroformed the conscience of the body. When they entered into working arrangements (in the distinctly religious sphere) with the Reformed churches, they glazed the matter over by reporting that 'the object of these conferences is purely that of counsel concering the problems of foreign mission-work.' Only counsel; no fellowship; just consulting with one another. Thus does the camel push its nose into the tent. Let us keep our eyes open" (p. 98ff.) Carl Lawrenz, Chairman, Commission on Doctrinal Matters, Fellowship Then and Now, Concerning the Impasse in the Intersynodical Discussions on Church Fellowship, p. 23.

"Only recently Dr. Martin Marty, a pastor of the Missouri Synod and an associate editor of the Christian Century, outlined with considerable frankness the program and methods whereby changes may be effected within church bodies that still are antiecumenical (to him this means, church bodies who decline to engage in joint worship and church work unless first confessional unity has been established). Writing in the Christian Century, he advocates a program whereby the ecumenically minded remain within their church bodies, but 'work for constructive subversion, encirclement, and infiltration, until antiecumenical forces bow to the evangelical weight of reunion.' Although they remain within their denominations, with whose principles they do not agree, they will 'somehow telegraph to the world who it is they serve and where their loyalties already lie' (Jan. 11, 1961, p. 45). These are the methods Dr. Marty openly proposes." Carl Lawrenz, Chairman, Commission on Doctrinal Matters, Fellowship Then and Now, Concerning the Impasse in the Intersynodical Discussions on Church Fellowship, p. 27.

"Those who defend a false union assert that while practicing unionistic fellowship one can still cling firmly to the true confession, that unionism is not then synonymous with indifferentism. This is an illusion, even as experience has sufficiently shown that a false union opens the doors wide to indifferentism. And how could it be otherwise?" Adolf Hoenecke, Dogmatik III, p. 441f. Carl Lawrenz, Chairman, Commission on Doctrinal Matters, Fellowship Then and Now, Concerning the Impasse in the Intersynodical Discussions on Church Fellowship, p. 31.

"$60,000 General world relief (through C.A.R.E. and Lutheran World Relief) Rev. Kennth Strack, chairman WELS Reports and Memorials for the Fifty-fourth Biennial Convention, Milwaukee: WELS, 1997. p. 165.

"False ecumenism wants organizational unity instead of Scriptural unity." Waldo J. Werning, The Radical Nature of Christianity, Church Growth Eyes Look at the Supernatural Mission of the Christian and the Church, South Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1975, p. 101.

"Unscriptural fellowship means acceptance of differences in doctrine, which are ignored by conducting joint religious acts and worship." Waldo J. Werning, The Radical Nature of Christianity, Church Growth Eyes Look at the Supernatural Mission of the Christian and the Church, South Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1975, p. 102f.

Church and Change - Cannot Count Either

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Stealth Con...":

4 (APA violation, should be Four) congregations out of 1200+ in WELS. Yes, this is certainly evidence of a strong CG movement...


GJ - We all knew they could not spell at Church and Change. Even the simplest rules are violated, such as spelling a man's name differently on two different lines (Gunn and Gun). And they do not even notice!

But this? Rev. Mouse has combined poor counting skills with his normal flair for logical fallacies. Relax Ichabodians, these CG guys trained me for a career in logic. I make more teaching critical thinking than they can imagine.

The exact number of stealth congregations listed so far is not the foundational argument. The stealth congregations and institutions named are a symptom of the problem of false doctrine, Deformed doctrine (on the lower end of the devolutionary scale). I can respect an honest Calvinist or Arminian, but the Fooler/Willow Crick boys are basement level, sub-prime, discounted Deformed.

Rev. Mouse conceded the presence of stealth congregations in WELS. (They are also in rock-ribbed Missouri.) His numbers fail him because Kuske's Pilgrim flopped and Mueller's CrossRoads went Evangelical Covenant. Still, I think the stealth congregation in South Lyons should be counted because Church and Change pastors copy their doctrinal statements from CrossRoads.

Pilgrim was attempted by Kuske and Stolzenburg, and WELS still pressed on for more experiments in aping the Deformed.

The name Lutheran has been abused long enough. I think Church of the Augsburg Confession is far better, although I am not ashamed to call myself a Lutheran, even a Luther-man.

Kelm Still On Call List: Global Financial Panic Worsens

Kelm, Rev Paul E Parish Assistance Of - Milwaukee WI 09/26/2008
Parish Assistance Consultant


Comments on Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
Excellent questions that will remain unanswered I am sure.

The most important question is why do we need another parish consultant?

Could someone/anyone answer that???

October 6, 2008 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...
I, for one, would like to know how to copy and paste material from other denominations. I could use an all-day workshop on that. We would pay big money to Kelm to consult with us on that. Of course, the money would be counterfeit, like the doctrinal statements. Call it poetic justice.



GJ - Another source has confirmed what I posted before:

  • This call was issued without the knowledge of the Synodical President.
  • This call was intended to be a kick in the teeth to the SP.


    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Kelm Still On Call List: Global Financial Panic Wo...":

    So are you saying that Kelm's call is a precursor to the global financial panic?


    GJ - That is a non sequitur joke.
  • More Evidence That Church-and-Change Is Setting Up a Separate Denomination, Funded by WELS

    Women's ordination - not just for Episcopalians anymore!


    Idea Exchange

    Your WELS ministry network directory. Where you find innovation, advice and inspiration for your ministry.

    Become a contact - submit your
    program's mission statement


    Website - Ministry Resource
    Matt Doebler

    Develop a website, which shares ministry resources (such as special services, Bible studies), for different areas of ministry. Find someone who has web-developing skills. Does not need to be an expert. Basic skills are needed. Find a free or cheap web server. Figure out your goals. Who is your target audience? What do you want to share? Find some dependable contributors who will submit quality material. This will save you some time on reviewing everything that you are given to publish. Use MS Word format for submitted material and "save as ... web page". Can import easily into web pages. Other technical issues, consult an expert. Keep updating periodically - an unchanging web site is a dead web site. Promote by any means possible. I have tried the WorldWide Winkel & conferences



    Women - Aerobics and Bible Studies to Mix!
    Matt Doebler

    Offer a Bible class, which strengthens the body & spirit. Find an aerobic woman who enjoys working out and studying the Bible. Aerobic training is a plus, although she could just use videos. It could be 2 leaders - 1 physical and 1 spiritual. Find a Bible study, which can be broken up into 20-minute sections (one section per session). Break the class up into 20 minute Bible study and 40-50 minute aerobic workout with toning. Use a gym or larger classroom for workout and studying on the floor. Meet weekly. Keep to 7 or 8-week sessions.



    Women Leadership - Conference Breakout 202....
    WELS “Women Leaders – No Longer an Oxymoron”

    Kathie Wendland

    Join us for a reprise of the WELS Women Leadership Conference originally held July 7, 2007, at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Discuss the keynote address Kathie presented at this conference and the three Bible studies led by pastor/laywoman teams. Teaching styles and methods more prevalent among women will be used. This will be a Bible study of leadership styles used by women in Scripture, a sort of an “ugly, bad, and good” look at them.



    Women's Advent Candlelight Service
    Pastor Ron Ash

    Each lady decorates a table with a Christmas theme using their own decorations for a table of six. They provide a dessert and coffee for their table. The ladies draw up and conduct a worship service - all by candlelight.Cost is low - donated food; ladies provide decorations for their table; men volunteer to take down tables after event. It takes 60-70 ladies to put on this event.

    Phone: (920) 733-7225


    Women's Bible Studies
    Marcia Rhone

    Looking to form a women's Bible study group? Marcia has decades of experience in women's Bible studies and ministries.

    Emanuel Lutheran, New London, WI
    (920) 867 3048



    Women's Bible Study - Conference Breakout 204....
    Planning and Developing a Women’s Group Bible Study

    Susan L. Hopkins

    This sectional will give you ideas on how to start a ladies’ Bible study in your church and find/ develop selections of Bible study materials. If a woman wants to lead a Bible study she must be a student of the Word. Encouragement will be given
    on how to privately study and gain knowledge from God’s Word. BRING YOUR BIBLES AND IDEAS!

    If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!



    Women's Ministries
    Jane Schlenvogt

    Need creative ideas for women's ministries? Email Jane with all your questions! Listed below are two websites, one is for Jane's church St. Andrew and the other is for WELS Parish Services a great resource for women's ministry ideas!



    Women's Ministries - Jars of Clay Ministries (JOCM)
    Sharon Buck and Karen Harmon

    Jars of Clay Ministries (JOCM) is a volunteer “support system” working to find, equip, encourage and connect outreach minded laywomen. It is our goal to help women confidently share their personal faith to individuals, or as leaders of innovative ministries.



    Women's Ministry - Conference Breakout 201....
    A Piece for You and a Peace to Share (Sharing Women’s Ministry Ideas)

    Jane Schlenvogt

    Would you like to activate your women for ministry but don’t know where to start? Holding a focus group to discover your congregation’s needs, planning an outreach event for women, training your leaders and new ideas for service are a few of the topics in this sectional.



    Worship - Alternative Weeknight Service
    Jim Pankow

    A worship service designed for people who can't make it to church on Sunday, but also as a second opportunity for worship during the week. The service is offered on Wednesday evenings and is promoted as a "a time of quiet worship and reflection: a break from our busy schedule in the middle of the week." The service is designed to last 30-45 minutes. The worship uses simple praise songs and choruses from the Taize' style of worship so that an organist may not be required. Words to the songs and choruses will be shown on our power point screen so no bulletin will be needed. The message will be shorter than the Sunday sermon and different from it. It will often develop a point from the Sunday sermon text further. The service will provide time for prayer requests, silent contemplation and a question and answer/counseling time at the end of the service.



    Worship - Conference Breakout 501....
    Creating Irresistible Environments with Contemporary Worship

    Pastor John Parlow

    Explore transferable principles that will help you build a church for outsiders to come to and hear truth that makes a difference now and for eternity. Now is the time to shed ethnic rationalizations, personal preferences, and doomsday attitudes that are offered as excuses for outreach failures. The truth is the Gospel is timelessly relevant, the church and its representatives may or may not be relevant; the Gospel is timelessly efficacious, the church and its representatives may or may not be effective. Let’s talk about building ministries that are dangerously Christian.

    If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!



    Worship - Conference Breakout 506.... Your Guide to Starting Your Own Alternative Worship Experience
    Pastor James “Ski” Skorzewski and Staff Minister Brian Davison

    Changes are taking place in the worship world. There still remains a strong interest in blended and contemporary worship among many in our midst. A number of WELS congregations have been conducting blended or contemporary services for years. This workshop will provide help and guidance from someone who has undertaken the process at St. Marcus in Milwaukee. Topics to be discussed include how to begin a blended/contemporary service in a small/traditional congregation so that everyone is blessed; recruiting musicians, vocalists, and technical persons; equipment needs; stage presence; best music to use at the start; copyright matters; music/worship sources (websites, friends, etc…); use of contemporary liturgies; establishing a WELS network for those interested in helping each other with materials, ideas, and encouragement; and the awakening need for more joyful experiential worship in our midst.

    If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!



    Worship - Conference Breakout 507.... What Do You Mean “Blended Worship?”
    Pastor Mark Jeske

    Is it better to keep contemporary and traditional Lutheran worship separate, or can they be combined? How do you bring about change in a congregation fearful of change? What are the comparative strengths of traditional and contemporary styles? Is it essentially un-Lutheran to have a praise band? What are the various flavors of “contemporary?” Is Gospel just for black folks? Are drumming and stained glass compatible?

    If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!



    Worship - Contemporary Service
    Pastor Jon Mahnke

    To offer a contemporary worship service option to connect with the people of our church and our community. Informal setting which relates the message of Jesus Christ to the worshippers; increases the participation of the lay people in the worship service; equips the people for service and ministry, motivated by the gospel of Jesus



    Worship - Easter Sunrise Service in the Park

    Holy Word Lutheran, Austin, TX
    We have a service in the park with two weeks prior advertising Good attendance - mostly non-members. Service - Hymns, Prayers, Sermon, Solo, Offering, 2 Choirs

    Phone: (512) 836-4264


    Worship - WELS Parish Services

    Want some great ideas, content and contacts for your ministry? WELS Parish Services was made just for you! Visit their website for information on:
    Youth Discipleship
    Parish Schools
    Adult Discipleship
    Special Ministries
    Parish Assistance



    Worship Arts - Conference Breakout 505.... Seeing Visions
    (Developing Your Worship Arts Ministry)

    Peter Schaewe

    In this highly visual age, imagery can be an effective tool for making connections to the Word and for holding the attention of worshipers. This presentation is meant to inspire you and your church’s visual arts ministry by showing examples of contemporary worship art, by discussing how to establish a creative, collaborative team of “artists,” and by providing a little hands-on creative experience.

    If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!



    Worship Band and The Creative Arts
    Jonathan Favorite

    Director of Worship Arts
    Crosswalk - Phoenix, AZ

    Jonathan specializes in getting the talent excited with a church. Starting groups for:
    Graphic Arts
    Video Production



    Feature Contact______ Marriage and Parenting Studies/Workshop Resources
    Pastor Bill Heiges

    Obtain and make available resources that congregations can use to strengthen marriages and families. Examples of what Pastor Heiges has written are:
    Biblical Keys that will Ignite Your Marriage - 2-4 sessions
    15 Power Parenting Principles - 2 sessions
    Raising Healthy Children - 3 sessions
    Finding the Right One (for young singles) - 4 sessions
    Blended Family Workshop - Friday night session with children; Saturday session with parents
    (He is looking for samples other congregations have used successfully that can be shared with others.)



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    Bomber Bill Ayers, Obama, and Michelle Obama: Together in 1997

    Michelle and the Promised One

    Admitted but unrepentant bomber Bill Ayres

    "The One Sent by God" - Nancy Pelosi

    University of Chicago Chronicle
    Nov. 6, 1997
    Vol. 17, No. 4

    current issue
    archive / search

    Close-up on juvenile justice

    Author, former offender among speakers

    By Jennifer Vanasco
    News Office

    Children who kill are called "super predators," "people with no conscience," "feral pre-social beings" -- and "adults."

    William Ayers, author of A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court (Beacon Press, 1997), says "We should call a child a child. A 13-year-old who picks up a gun isn't suddenly an adult. We have to ask other questions: How did he get the gun? Where did it come from?"

    Ayers, who spent a year observing the Cook County Temporary Juvenile Detention Center in Chicago, is one of four panelists who will speak on juvenile justice at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, in the C-Shop. The panel, which marks the 100th anniversary of the juvenile justice system in the United States, is part of the Community Service Center's monthly discussion series on issues affecting the city of Chicago. The event is free and open to the public.

    Ayers will be joined by Sen. Barack Obama, Senior Lecturer in the Law School, who is working to combat legislation that would put more juvenile offenders into the adult system; Randolph Stone, Director of the Mandel Legal Aid Clinic; Alex Correa, a reformed juvenile offender who spent seven years in Cook County Temporary Detention Center; Frank Tobin, a former priest and teacher at the Detention Center who helped Correa; and Willy Baldwin, who grew up in public housing and is currently a teacher at the Detention Center.

    The juvenile justice system was founded by Chicago reformer Jane Addams, who advocated the establishment of a separate court system for children which would act like a "kind and just parent" for children in crisis.

    One hundred years later, the system is "overcrowded, under-funded, over-centralized and racist," Ayers said.

    Michelle Obama, Associate Dean of Student Services and Director of the University Community Service Center, hopes bringing issues like this to campus will open a dialogue between members of the University community and the broader community.

    "Students and faculty explore these issues in the classroom, but it is an internal conversation," Obama said. "We know that issues like juvenile justice impact the city of Chicago, this nation and -- directly or indirectly -- this campus. This panel gives students a chance to hear about the juvenile justice system not only on a theoretical level, but from the people who have experienced it."


    From Powerline Blog:

    But it is inconceivable that Barack Obama knew Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn well enough to kick off his first political campaign in their living room, but didn't know that Ayers and Dohrn were Communists who led the Weatherman faction of SDS, urged young people to "kill your parents," carried out approximately 30 bombings, including New York City's police headquarters, the Capitol and the Pentagon, celebrated the Charles Manson murders, spent years living underground to avoid criminal prosecution, and continued to express their lifelong hatred for the United States in books, magazine articles, and public speeches. This is rather like a person claiming that he had worked closely with Arnold Schwarzenegger for years, but had no idea that he was once a bodybuilder and movie actor. Ayers' and Dohrn's radical past is their only claim to fame.

    There must be a great many people who can attest that Obama was well aware of Ayers' and Dohrn's history. It will be interesting to see whether any of them are willing to blow the whistle on Obama's latest evasion.

    PAUL adds: A defense that Obama didn't knew (sic) in the 1990s that Ayers was unrepentant would be plausible. However, the campaign must have concluded that this defense isn't good enough. A defense that Obama didn't know about any of the underlying terrorism is preposterous.


    Obama once visited '60s radicals
    By BEN SMITH | 2/22/08 1:09 AM EDT

    Former radical activist Bernardine Dohrn and her companion William Ayers leave court in Chicago on Jan. 14, 1981. Dohrn received a $1,500 fine and three years probation for her role in the 'Days of Rage' disturbance in Chicago in 1969.

    In 1995, State Senator Alice Palmer introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, to a few of the district’s influential liberals at the home of two well known figures on the local left: William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

    While Ayers and Dohrn may be thought of in Hyde Park as local activists, they’re better known nationally as two of the most notorious — and unrepentant — figures from the violent fringe of the 1960s anti-war movement.

    Now, as Obama runs for president, what two guests recall as an unremarkable gathering on the road to a minor elected office stands as a symbol of how swiftly he has risen from a man in the Hyde Park left to one closing in fast on the Democratic nomination for president.

    “I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers’ house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress,” said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn. “[Palmer] identified [Obama] as her successor.”

    Obama and Palmer “were both there,” he said.

    Obama’s connections to Ayers and Dorhn have been noted in some fleeting news coverage in the past. But the visit by Obama to their home — part of a campaign courtship — reflects more extensive interaction than has been previously reported.

    Neither Ayers nor the Obama campaign would describe the relationship between the two men. Dr. Young described Obama and Ayers as “friends,” but there’s no evidence their relationship is more than the casual friendship of two men who occupy overlapping Chicago political circles and who served together on the board of a Chicago foundation.


    Ayres may have written or edited Obama's books.

    Feet of Clay Ministries - Another Church and Change Subsidiary

    Feet of Clay, from the Book of Daniel

    I mentioned Jars of Clay to Mrs. Ichabod.

    She said, "More like Feet of Clay."

    JOCM supports and participates in Church and Change, a grass roots organization of WELS Christians who seek to proclaim the changeless gospel in a changing world. We are also active partners with:

    The WELS Prayer Institute (
    and Time of Grace Ministries (www.timeofgrace,org)


    GJ - Haha. Grassroots. As one WELS pastor said, "I have seen many fads in WELS, but Church Growth is the first one to come from the top down."

    Fact - Church Shrinkage started at The Love Shack, where men like Ron Roth, Paul Kelm, and Robert Hartmann worked to get their buddies jobs in every corner of WELS, to train every sausage at the Sausage Factory CGM, to drive out anyone who questioned their Deformed doctrine.

    Most Read Site Award

    You have the most read site in "Lutherandom".


    Read the Name of the Blog Before Posting - Before Begging the Question

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Stealth Con...":

    Might I suggest that you put equal effort in pointing out those congregations in WELS that are confessional? In my opinion, it would show that you aren't out to merely bash the WELS, but will also give credit when credit is due.


    GJ - A lesson on begging the question follows.

    "You aren't out merely to bash the WELS"

    That statement assumes I need to refute a commonly held belief, to wit - I merely (merely!) want to bash (bash!) Holy Mother WELS.

    The Word of God tells us to teach sound (hygienic) doctrine, to guard the Word. The Scriptures have no passages about defending the institution. Paul Kuske and Floyd Stolzenburg defended Church Growth by calling all criticism of Fuller doctrine "Christian-bashing." I assume that Church and Change has been infusing that terminology in their disciples.


    GJ - The name of the blog is: The Glory Has Departed. I am sure you can find a blog named The Glory of WELS. I know there is a Glory of Wah-wah-tosa blog.

    I thought ALL WELS congregations were confessional. Why recognize what is supposed to be true in the first place? That is asking for a Medal of Honor when a Good Conduct medal is due.

    This particular reader is not very studious as he tries to get his digs in. On this blog I have been dealing with apostasy in all the Lutheran groups, from lavender ELCA to the nano-sects. I have many posts on the struggles in The Episcopal Church.

    I pointed out the dishonesty of Pilgrim Community Church at the Ohio Pastors' Conference. That was about 15+ years ago. The trend has grown, in spite of the dual flops of Pilgrim Community (Columbus) and CrossRoads (South Lyons). I wonder why there is so little concern as this grows.

    Drive-By Prayer at WELS Prayer Institute, A Subsidiary of Church and Change

    Drive by Prayer - This was done with a teen group, adults drive a car load of teens to members homes. They stop outside the home, pray in the car, then a teen runs to ring the door bell and leaves a note saying that the house was targeted or shot with drive by prayer.


    GJ - This is consistent with Deformed theology. They believe in prayer as The Means of Grace, the only Means of Grace.


    This is the fifth from the bottom of this list:

    Also, if you click on their 2008 Conferences brochure, they also do not name their keynote speaker. [GJ - Maybe they are waiting to announce that I will speak. Of course, they have to ask first.]

    also: Another one where Mark Jeske is the speaker at their conference.