Saturday, December 6, 2008

WELS AnswerMan and Theotokos

The Virgin Mary and the Son of God.

WELS AnswerMan

Q: When the Angel announced to Mary she was to be the Mother of God, he addressed her: "Hail FULL OF GRACE." Could she be "full of grace" if she had sinned or had original sin on her soul? I find it hard to believe that Jesus didn't keep his Mother pure. Also, I often wonder if she suffered the pains of giving birth. I wouldn't think so.


A: Rather than call Mary the mother of God, it would be better to speak of her as the mother of the God-Man, Jesus. Mary was told by the angel, not that she would be the mother of God, but that the son, the man child, to whom she would give birth would also be the holy Son of God (Luke 1:31,35).

The word the angel used to address Mary does not mean "full of" grace. It only means one to whom God has shown grace. Grace means undeserved kindness or undeserved favor. Mary was not someone who had earned the right to give birth to the Savior, but this was a special undeserved favor which the angel said God would show her.

Mary herself confesses her need of a Savior ("God, my Savior" Luke 1:47), so she like every other sinner needed Jesus as the Savior to pay for her sins by his death. And she praises God for sending Jesus in fulfillment of his promise to Israel (Luke 1:54-55) which Mary rejoiced to know also included her.

Whether Mary suffered pain in childbirth or not is something about which Scripture is silent. But since the Bible describes the birth of Jesus in terms of a normal childbirth, it seems likely that Mary would have suffered the normal pain in giving birth to Jesus.

Certainly Mary is a woman whom we will remember and honor as the woman through whom God brought Jesus into this world as both God and man to save us (Luke 1:48b-49). But it would not be right for us, nor would humble Mary be happy to hear about it, if we honor her beyond this.


GJ - The folks at LutherQuest (sic) are lathered about the answer, but they get lathered about every topic. My first thought was, "Bivens is doing the AnswerMan again." Names would help.

First of all, the original term was Greek and it means "The one who gave birth to God." The word for mother was not in the original Greek word. The word Theotokos was used at the Council of Ephesus, 431, after Nestorius tried to split the natures of Christ. Calvin is correctly called a Nestorian because he also divides the Two Natures, which are and continue to be united in the One Person Christ.

The Two Natures of Christ, by Chemnitz, is one of the finest books in theology. Jack Preus translated it; I have a copy signed by him. Two Natures is one of the best books for any serious student of the Bible to read. Chemnitz goes into great detail but he is easy to follow. I remember Preus saying to me, "It takes some capacity to follow Chemnitz."

NPH also has Schaller's Christology, which is a much slimmer volume, more of a summary of all the writings on this topic.

Heretics attack the Trinity, the Two Natures of Christ, and justification by faith. LutherQuest (sic) is a UOJ shop, so they are not qualified to go heresy-hunting.

For many people, the transition from Theotokos to Mother of God is not a natural one. That is why I think AnswerMan went wobbly on this question. For many people, Mother of God implies the generation of the Son of God, or perhaps something more than what the term Theotokos means. And they associate the term with the Roman Catholic expansion of Mary's attributes, which became Christ-like in the Middle Ages. I have a long section about this in Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant.

Ironically, the expansion of Mary's titles took place after the Council of Ephesus in 431. Our loss of historical detail means we cannot answer why this happened. It is still intriguing that the Christian Church of the Middle Ages turned Christ into an angry judge and Mary into His merciful and interceding mother. Starting with Pope Pius IX, Mary officially became Immaculate, without any actual sin, and with Pius XII, assumed into heaven. Both opinions were prevalent long before, but they were officially declared by pious popes in this modern age.

I find the whole AnswerMan answer quite awkward, but really a tough set of issues to address in a few paragraphs. In doing research for CLP, I often used a three-volume work on Mary. Yes, three volumes on Mary alone. Jaroslav Pelikan went nuts over that set of books, so much paper devoted to Mary, but he later joined the Eastern Orthodox Church and died EO. The Eastern Orthodox focus on Mary as much as the Roman Catholics do. The LCMS pastors go Marian before they pope (join Rome) or semi-pope (join Eastern Orthodoxy) or demi-semi-pope (join ELDONA).

The Perpetual Virginity of Mary is addressed somewhat by AnswerMan. The Book of Concord mentions this twice. Luther, Calvin, and orthodox Lutheran theologians assumed the Perpetual Virginity of Mary - until recent times. That relates to pain in childbirth. In other words, Mary was a virgin before, during, and after giving birth. The Word of God does not deal with this because Christ is the central message of the Scriptures, Old and New Testament alike. As I mentioned before, the Medieval Church became obsessed with Mary, excluding the work of Christ.

Chemnitz in Examination said we should not go beyond what the Scriptures say about Mary, and that is the best answer of all.

Luther definitely taught the Immaculate Conception of Mary in his early days, but he clearly repudiated that position in his later sermons, as shown in the Lenker sermon collection. The Reformers slowly parted with 1,000 years of Marian teachings, no easy task. Look at how the old Synodical Conference still clings to UOJ, which was invented and promulgated by the Halle Pietists of the 19th century. At this rate the Midwestern Lutherans will still be teaching UOJ in 2850 AD. Someone will say, "According to my ancestor, Rolf Preus..."

Luther prayed to Mary in his fine commentary on the Magnificat. Does that mean we should also? I am very suspicious of people who try to provide their doctrinal quirks from Luther but apart from the Book of Concord. Given that kind of thinking, I could prove something from the Table Talks or a letter he wrote to Katy. No, there is a reason we have a clearly defined set of Confessions in the Book of Concord. The Luther corpus is too large to have people winnow it for their private heresies.


From an Eastern Orthodox website:

Nestorius, who was the bishop of Constantinople (428-431 AD), began to preach that Mary should not be called Theotokos, "Mother of God" ", but Mother of Christ". He separated the divine nature from the human nature in Christ as he states, "Mary did not give birth to God. A creature cannot deliver her creator, but only a man who is the instrument of the divinity." St. Cyril of Alexandria clarifies what Nestorius meant by thus, "first, an ordinary human being was born of the holy Virgin, and then the Word descended upon the man...." 82

What does "Theotokos" or " Mother of God", therefore mean?

Once again St. Cyril gives us a clear explanation. "We do not say that the nature of the Word became man by undergoing change; nor that it was transformed into a complete man consisting of soul and body. What we say, rather, is that by uniting to himself in his own person a body animated by a rational soul, the Word became man in an inexpressible way...."

The website quoted uses this issue to magnify Mary, with repeated refrains of "Most Holy Theotokos, save us" from the Greek liturgy. The graduates of The Surrendered Fort want to emphasize the closeness of Reformation Lutherans to Eastern Orthodoxy. They must be kidding - themselves or everyone else.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Church Growth-->Freedom From Religion

The future of Church and Change.

Missing atheist sign found in Washington state

By Mallory Simon

(CNN) -- An atheist sign criticizing Christianity that was erected alongside a Nativity scene was taken from the Legislative Building in Olympia, Washington, on Friday and later found in a ditch.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation had a placard up in the Legislative Building in Olympia, Washington.

1 of 2 An employee from country radio station KMPS-FM in Seattle told CNN the sign was dropped off at the station by someone who found it in a ditch.

"I thought it would be safe," Freedom From Religion Foundation co-founder Annie Laurie Gaylor told CNN earlier Friday. "It's always a shock when your sign is censored or stolen or mutilated. It's not something you get used to."

The sign, which celebrates the winter solstice, has had some residents and Christian organizations calling atheists Scrooges because they said it was attacking the celebration of Jesus Christ's birth.

"Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds," the sign from the Freedom From Religion Foundation says in part.

The sign, which was at the Legislative Building at 6:30 a.m. PT, was gone by 7:30 a.m., Gaylor said.


GJ - Confidential to Joe Krohn and all the folks at WELS Church and Chicanery -

Your mentor Curt Peterson was once a WELS Church Growther too. Now he is publishing with this outfit - Freedom From Religion, as posted earlier on Ichabod. I wonder how he got on the WELS world mission board, right after colloquy from Missouri. Valleskey influence, maybe?

"Curtis A. Peterson holds a B.A. from Concordia Senior College, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and a M.Div and STM (l966 and l983 respectively) from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri.

In almost 30 years in the ministry in both the Missouri and Wisconsin Synods, he was an activist with many published articles supporting the orthodox Lutheran cause in the "Battle for the Bible" in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and author of several articles in the Wisconsin Synod between l987 and l995. He also delivered several essays at pastoral conferences during those years.

He served congregations in Burlington, N.C., Rock Falls, Ill., Garland, Tex. and Gretna, La., in the LCMS and in Milwaukee, Wis. in the WELS.

A Foundation member, he is now retired, resides in Wisconsin and calls himself a humanist and a freethinker."

Another one of your heroes, Mark Freier, now performs atheist and Hindu weddings (for money, of course). His former WELS congregation is now Evangelical Covenant.

And where are Kelly Voigt, Randy Cutter, and Rick Miller?

All the senior Church Growth leaders ought to take a look at their soul-destroying work. The leaders made a lot of disciples--which is what CG is all about--but their disciples drifted even farther away from the faith.

It Came from Fuller Seminary

Read this article and follow the link.

Fuller is the favorite seminary of ELCA, LCMS, WELS, and ELS pastors. The results are obvious.

Demographic Winter: Decline of the Human Family

This video is worth the time it takes to watch.

WELS 2009 Yearbook Published

Some people like to market the idea that I hate WELS and WELS hates me. One poor soul named Tiefel used to do that in the CLC. He was always trying to protect WELS from me. At the time, Martin Luther College made a point of welcoming me and telling me about their book give-aways at the library. The MLC library also bought my latest books from me.

NPH is selling Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant. I did not even know that until I looked for Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure, which was in print for about 15 years. Wally Oelhafen, Fred Adrian, and Roger Kovaciny hated the "Cure" chapter, when I gave it as a conference paper. Until then I had no cure for Liberalism. Thanks to them, I did.

I am happy to promote worthwhile books. Today our book is the new WELS Yearbook.

Some readers are thinking, "You must be daft."

Not at all. I am a firm believer in data-mining, collecting as much information as possible. The most interesting tidbits are found in the nooks and crannies of official documents and websites. For instance, as of last night, Wayne Mueller was still the First VP of WELS, according to And Janke was still the DP of the Arizona-California-Las Vegas District.

I have had great fun mining the Church and Change website, watching information disappear. Ski's bio disappeared, as soon as I took notice of him. No photo. Stealth! By Googling various names I was able to find how they fund each other's programs.

My best source runs rings around me in this department. I would like to give credit where it is due, but some people are shy.

The pastors probably order the Yearbook as a matter of routine. The laity should order it so they can voice their opinion about the direction of the synod. Phone calls and letters are effective because only 10% of the people who want to do something actually carry it out.

Liberals are very political. They line up supporters so they can appear to be dominant. They are not. They just make more noise.

Readers know the names and the basic information. Now they can write and phone. The pastors would rather pussyfoot. The COP? They have done nothing for 30 years.

I Know This Guy

A. Nony Mouse often writes to share his doctrinal ignorance.

From Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
Are you still stuck on these same three topics? I quit your blog a while ago because of its repetitious arguing in circles. Now, I stop back in and sure enough, its the same old, same old. I'm starting to suspect your readership turnover is large and you constantly rehash the same points to newcomers, who then eventually tire and leave.

If I could imagine God right now, I'd imagine him to be rolling his eyes at the stupidity of his children just like I did with mine when they were about 8-10 yrs. old.

"I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.

1 Cor. 1:10

December 4, 2008 11:18 PM

Anonymous said...
"If I could imagine God right now, I'd imagine him to be rolling his eyes at the stupidity of his children just like I did with mine when they were about 8-10 yrs. old."

And now you think you impress him?

December 5, 2008 7:46 AM

John said...
1 Cor. 1:10 ..December 4, 2008 11:18 PM

So you don't like to visit this blog yet you do. You don't want divisions yet you offer no suggestions..hmmm.. Can't we all just get along.

You quote 1 Cor. 1:10 and I will turn this on you. Why did the Church and Changers start their organization? I will contend that it was started to cause division by its very name as someone once said.

If you don't want to read what is discussed here don't come back. If you want to create dialogue on issues of concern and conscience by all means post here or start a blog.

If we use your logic about rehashing old issues we should not discuss the confessions are the thoughts of Martin Luther.

December 5, 2008 10:25 AM

[GJ - The complainer is probably Joe Krohn, 51, who has his own blog to defend UOJ, Church and Chicanery, and Doebler's Rock and Roll Church, where he is the bass player:

Tell us it ain't so, Joe.]


GJ - I often get comments like this. Recently, from Anonymous - Repent at once or I will never read your blog again. A few hours later - I see you still haven't repented. He promised me he would stop reading it.

The Church and Chicanery people like to invoke Jesus and Paul.

God said:

KJV Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

KJV Nehemiah 1:9 But if ye turn unto me, and keep my commandments, and do them; though there were of you cast out unto the uttermost part of the heaven, yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring them unto the place that I have chosen to set my name there.

Jesus said:

KJV Luke 8:15 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.

KJV John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

KJV John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Paul said:

KJV Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

KJV 1 Corinthians 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

In Paul's farewell speech:

KJV Acts 20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.

Peter wrote:

KJV 2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

Every time their false doctrine is challenged, the Church and Chicanery people yell "Slander!" They declared war on Lutheran doctrine about 30 years ago, with the appointment of Ron Roth as editor of that pathetic little TELL magazine. I have no idea who made that decision, but obviously there were influential people who could get a Church Growth publication going at The Love Shack, with the endorsement of the Synodical Pope, Naumann. Roth was the first openly Church Growth staff member, but there had to be others.

The Church Growth people strutted and preened, as I have shown from my database many times. They brought up CG all the time in various periodicals. They got the world mission and American mission people trained at Fuller Seminary. They got Valleskey in at The Sausage Factory and Paul Kelm (his student helper at Apostles) as the new secretary of evangelism. So the Means of Grace were discarded in favor of marketing and making fun of Lutheran worship.

Missouri and ELCA and the ELS did the same things, but I will focus on WELS.

Not content to promote Enthusiasm, the WELS CG people got the synod to fund trouble-makers who went to congregations and forced CG on those parishes. Some are called Parish Assistants (trained at Fuller and Trinity). Some are called Mission Counselors. They all have the same mandate - install CG and get rid of Lutheran worship.

Under SP Gurgel--in reality--over SP Gurgel, Wayne Mueller installed all his CG buddies at The Love Shack. The CG people created the job of Administrator, Parish Services, for Wayne. When CG promoted Wayne to VP of the Synod, another CG guy became boss. If there are any doubts, note that the Parish Services Adminisrator is also a board member of Church and Chicanery. They brag about it on their website.

And this Parish Services Administrator, Bruce Becker, secretly and defiantly, had Paul Kelm come back to The Love Shack as a Parish Assistant. Church and Chicanery people immediately began denying that Kelm was called without the knowledge or approval of the Synodical Presient, Mark Schroeder.

Paul Kelm turned 64 this month. He has spent his entire career promoting false doctrine, mostly at The Love Shack.

Parlow Kelm's numbers at St. Mark, Depere:

By The Numbers
Weekend attendance (October 19): 1231 (October 26): 1058 (November 9): 1141

To Date (July 1, 2008 - October 31, 2008) Actual expenses (year-to-date) - $573,912.63 / Actual contributions (year-to- date) - $583,816.05 (60% of total LES tuition collected)

Other items of interest: Received to date for 3-year pledges (June 1, 2007-May 31, 2010) for Building Fund - $915,480.68 (61% received) / Expenditures from Building Fund - $1,487,939.34/ Line of Credit with Thrivent - $581,000.00

Stealthy Lutherans - What Is Their Real Confession of Faith?

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "To Sing at the Ed Stetzer Church and Chicanery Con...":

Martin Luther to George Major:

"It is by your silence and cloaking that you cast suspicion upon yourself. If you believe as you declare in my presence, then speak so also to the church, in public lectures, in sermons, and in private conversations, and strengthen your brethren, and lead the erring back to the right path, and contradict the contumacious spirits; otherwise your confession is sham pure and simple, and worth nothing. Whoever really regards his doctrine, faith, and confession as true, right, and certain cannot remain in the same stall with such as teach, or adhere to, false doctrine; nor can he keep on giving friendly words to Satan and his minions. A teacher who remains silent when errors are taught, and nevertheless pretends to be a true teacher, is worse than an open fanatic and by his hypocrisy does greater damage than a heretic. Nor can he be trusted. He is a wolf and a fox, a hireling and a servant of his belly, and ready to despise and to sacrifice doctrine, Word, faith, Sacrament, churches, and schools. He is either a secret bedfellow of the enemies or a skeptic and a weathervane, waiting to see whether Christ or the devil will prove victorious; or he has no convictions of his own whatever, and is not worthy to be called a pupil, let alone a teacher; nor does he want to offend anybody, or say a word in favor of Christ, or hurt the devil and the world."
Martin Luther, quoted in Bente's Historical Introduction, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 94.


"We find this attitude of tolerance quite frequently among unionists. It is often used to assuage a troubled conscience, one's own as well as that of others; for the unionist declares that every one may continue to hold his own private convictions and merely needs to respect and tolerate those of another. This attitude is totally wrong, for it disregards two important factors: (a) in tolerating divergent doctrines one either denies the perspicuity and clarity of the Scriptures, or one grants to error the right to exist alongside of truth, or one evidences indifference over against Biblical truth by surrendering its absolute validity; and (b) in allowing two opposite views concerning one doctrine to exist side by side, one has entered upon an inclined plane which of necessity leads ever further into complete doctrinal indifference, as may plainly be seen from the most calamitous case on record, viz., the Prussian Union."
M. Reu, In the Interest of Lutheran Unity, Columbus: The Lutheran Book Concern, 1940, p. 20.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rachmaninov Had Big Hands -
Funny and Clever

WELS DP, 2005: Try the Leonard Sweet Enema

DP Vilas Glaeske

Meanwhile, the VP of the district is Don Patterson,
key member of Church and Chicanery,
next in line to be DP.

Bwana Don Patterson traveled to Africa to stalk this man-eating zebra, which was terrifying villagers and bent on destroying the local hemp economy.
Mrs. Ichabod: "Zebras are vegetarians. It's like shooting a cow."


Gethsemane Lutheran Church

18 April 2005


Of far greater concern for me is the meeting of the Church and Change folks at Madison. Some of you may have received invitations to attend. I did not! Dr. Leonard Sweet is scheduled to be the "keynote speaker" for this gathering. If you want a real physic for your elimination problem go to his website and read up on him. Why anyone in our fellowship would invite this man to give the direction for a meeting held for our people is beyond my comprehension. They must have had to dial 666 to get ahold of him. We will have COP representation at this meeting. My concern is that the attending laity will not be able to pick out the good seeds from the pile of stuff that will be dumped on them and then they will go back to their congregation with arms waving over what great things they have learned. The former president of the North Atlantic District used to say that inviting such a person "is a dumb thing to do!" I would add that it is mighty dangerous as well. It is certainly not avoiding the false teachers.

Vilas Glaeske


GJ - Big talk? As they say in Texas, all hat and no cattle.

Has V. Glaeske looked around his own district? How about a peek at his own VP's activities?

VP Don Patterson took one of his staff members and his Church and Chicanery network to the pan-denominational Exponential conference. The best known speaker at that conference was Babtist Ed Stetzer. Plenty of WELS clergy were there. Glaeske could not make it to an Issue in WELS meeting, but his VP participated in a well organized stampede to hear Stetzer.

Where is Doebler's Rock and Roll stealth congregation? Texas.

Don Patterson's network is busy bringing Babtist Ed Stetzer to speak in 2009. "Dumb and dangerous!"

Apparently Patterson is back from his African safari. His Facebook photo of his zebra-hunting skills is shown above.

A Star Wars Moment:
We Have Found the Enemy
And We Are They

Darth Vader: "Luke, I am your father."

Luke: "No-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!"

Everyone is pretty tired of all the Church and Change chicanery. They operate in secret, write to each other in secret, post anonymously, and conspire to bring the worst false teachers to teach Lutherans about the Word of God.

It's all your fault.

You funded them.

Yes, synodical funds started Church and Change.

I heard that before, but I saw the document in the WELS District Pope report - Central Southern Babtist District, 2004. Synodical funding ran out then.

Of course, it just says "Funding ran out." Maybe they found a way to launder the funds first.

I am sure we will get a signed post soon on the whole issue.

Church and Chicanery are supposedly a 501C group now, so they also have public papers filed about their tax status. That would be interesting to find, too.

They do so much good - for Babtists, Methodists, ELCA, Fuller, and Willow Creek.

Anonymous Poster Denies Church and Change Is a Covert Organization

Our anonymous posters are ready to deny everything.

Bailing Water Comment:

Anonymous said...
Good Lord! Is there information in the Warren Report about Church and change too? So why can't it just be that C&C has not announced their conference agenda. Some pastors went to a conference. BPS added a consultant.

I am wondering why any organization has to say anything about its conference a year in advance. Have you ever put on a conference? Do you know how foolish that is? Spring would be a great time to start promoting their conference and all speakers should be lined up and ready to go. Just because you want them to acknowledge it now or have notions of conspiracy theories should not compel them to jump the gun.

A covert group of pastors? How do you know they were covert? I know two of those pastors and they are not covert. They'll tell you all about it. Its not very stealthy for a pastor to announce to his congregation that he'll be gone this week because he's going to this conference. Is there some sort of place where pastors are supposed to declare their intentions for conferences for synod approval and these pastors forgot to post their itineraries?

Your statement implies that Kelm's call is responsible for a large budget deficit. We know that Kelm is not responsible for a budget deficit. Its the pathetic offerings of the WELS masses that are responsible ultimately. Perhaps Kelm is single handedly responsible for the collapse in the financial markets that are preventing large donations to the synod. Kelm's fees will pay for himself if not more, unlike all the other WELS synod office free loaders who simply have to rely on the sub standard offerings of your local church.

Stop inventing conspiracies and stealth when in reality most are just going about their daily lives doing what they do and they take little notice of what goes on here. You can't actually do work in the kingdom if you sit around here worrying about what BW thinks. I would be very disappointed if any of them gave this forum the time of day. After writing that, I actually feel guilty now for giving it the time of day.

December 4, 2008 8:59 AM

Anonymous said...
One of the problems here is that all "outside WELS fellowship" speakers need to be approved by the District President and this was not done prior to booking Ed Stetzer. This is not speculation. This is fact.

December 4, 2008 1:25 PM

Anonymous said...
which District President is in charge of C&C. When did para-church organizations bring themselves under the authority of WELS DP's?

Anonymous said...
Any outside speakers need to be approved by the District President of whichever district the event will take place. If it is in Milwaukee then it is the Southeastern Wisconsin District. I don't know the name of that District President. You may wish to run the question through him...but he would be the one that would need to approve the speaker.

December 4, 2008 5:09 PM

John said...
8:59 am Anonymous..

1)"So why can't it just be that C&C has not announced their conference agenda." Ok I will give the Church and Change time to put out their agenda. It is just odd that a public question was directly asked of the organizer of this event and no answer has been given.

2)I know two of those pastors and they are not covert. They'll tell you all about it. Ok I will post their review. I wonder why they haven't published an article about this excursion in FIC.? I wonder if these congregations were excited to have their pastors march off to a Reformed conference?

3)We know that Kelm is not responsible for a budget deficit.
Yet did this call have full synodical support?

December 4, 2008 7:07 PM


GJ - I am sure Church and Chicanery paid a fee to Stetzer in order to book him. Stetzer only talks and publishes. He is not a pastor. He has no call. He has learned that he can make more money yakking than by doing the hard work of a parish pastor. Therefore, as a traveling consultant, he deserves big fees.

When someone spends so much time and money on a national conference, the dates and plans are announced in advance. They would definitely want to announce the speaker in advance, since the speaker is the drawing point.

Foolishly, Church and Chicanery tried to throw people back by saying, "How do you know we haven't canceled him?" Exactly. How would anyone know? The only trustworthy source about this was Stetzer himself, who:

  1. Twittered his booking with WELS in August;
  2. Blogged about speaking for Missouri and WELS;
  3. Named WELS Church and Chicanery on his speaking list for 2009.

Oh, I am a genius? No, I just Googled "Stetzer WELS." And I found those items. I also knew that the Stetzer invitation was discussed by the COP, who did nothing, as usual. The Rock and Roll member Joe Krohn asked about the Stetzer invitation on the Church and Chicanery list (which someone copied me). Instead of answering, C and C attacked me. Their cowardice in avoiding the question made me laugh harder than usual.

It's a good thing WELS broke with Missouri over fellowship principles. Missouri was so lax. "No doctrinal discipline. Thank God we are so strict."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

To Sing at the Ed Stetzer Church and Chicanery Conference

VP Don Patterson, stealthy member of the Church and Change network
famous African zebra hunter.

O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold

by Martin Luther, 1483-1546

1. O Lord, look down from heaven, behold

And let Thy pity waken:

How few are we within Thy Fold,

Thy saints by men forsaken!

True faith seems quenched on every hand,

Men suffer not Thy Word to stand;

Dark times have us o'ertaken.

2. With fraud which they themselves invent

Thy truth they have confounded;

Their hearts are not with one consent

On Thy pure doctrine grounded.

While they parade with outward show,

They lead the people to and fro,

In error's maze astounded.

3. May God root out all heresy

And of false teachers rid us

Who proudly say: "Now, where is he

That shall our speech forbid us?

By right or might we shall prevail;

What we determine cannot fail;

We own no lord and master."

4. Therefore saith God, "I must arise,

The poor My help are needing;

To Me ascend My people's cries,

And I have heard their pleading.

For them My saving Word shall fight

And fearlessly and sharply smite,

The poor with might defending."

5. As silver tried by fire is pure

From all adulteration,

So through God's Word shall men endure

Each trial and temptation.

Its light beams brighter through the cross,

And, purified from human dross,

It shines through every nation.

6. Thy truth defend, O God, and stay

This evil generation;

And from the error of their way

Keep Thine own congregation.

The wicked everywhere abound

And would Thy little flock confound;

But Thou art our Salvation.

Hymn 260
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ps. 12
Author: Martin Luther, 1523
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein"
Tune: "Ach Gott vom Himmel"
1st Published in: Enchiridion
Town: Erfurt, 1524


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "To Sing at the Ed Stetzer Church and Change Confer...":

Clearly you regard Martin Luther very highly. Perhaps then you'll remember that he also wrote the following:

We should fear and love God that we may not deceitfully belie, betray, slander, or defame our neighbor, but defend him, speak well of him, and put the best construction on everything.


GJ - That the first Eighth Commandment post I have seen today. As Luther wrote, and we confess, false teachers are not covered by the Eighth Commandment, which is about private sins. When people have published their error and attacked God's Word, obviously, they cannot be slandered by discussing their doctrinal errors.

Bailing Water Asks about Stetzer

Ron Ash to Bruce Becker: "When are going to announce Stetzer?
Stop bailing and answer me."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Full disclosure ?

I am wondering why the Church and Change group is not proudly and loudly advertising their upcoming conference with Ed Stetzer as the keynote speaker.

Ed Stetzer has revealed on his blog that he is in fact coming to this conference.

Last spring a covert group of WELS pastors swam down to the exponential conference in Orlando.

Not long after that Ed Stetzer was contracted to speak at the WELS conference.

The Board for Parish Assistance issued several calls for a consultant and finally landed a whale, Rev. Paul Kelm. The synod now must make drastic cuts due to a large budget deficit. hmmm...

Rev. Bruce Becker is asked to clarify a recent statement:

So that is what is happening. All is not well in the WELS.