Pastor Hails Without Walls Foreclosure Deal
Without Walls International Church escaped the specter of foreclosure after its lender agreed to drop demands for control of its books, tapes and other intellectual property, Pastor Randy White said today.
March 2008 NBC Report on Without Walls International Church
White, the church’s founder, told his congregation during this morning’s service that the California-based Evangelical Christian Credit Union had agreed to a modified loan agreement Wednesday that took the church out of foreclosure.
The church defaulted on a $1 million loan due in August, prompting the credit union to begin foreclosure proceedings in November.
The foreclosure proceedings included another $24.5 million in loans for the Tampa ministry, headquartered at 2511 N. Grady Ave., and its Lakeland branch.
At a press conference after the service, White said attorneys had been negotiating since the lender announced the foreclosure but met a logjam on the credit union’s insistence the church give up rights to its intellectual property including its name, all tapes and books.
The church’s attorneys told him not to agree to the demand, White said.
“That’s your birthright,” he said.
The restructured agreement also calls for interest-only payments and no penalties, White told reporters.
The credit union announced the modified loan agreement last week but disclosed few details.
The church last week hired back three of seven employees laid off about two months ago, White said today. The seven people who lost their jobs make up about a quarter of the church’s staff.
He also said that the church had hired a Beverly Hills lawyer to explore a lawsuit against The Tampa Tribune.
From the pulpit and in statements, White has blamed critics and the credit union for trying to bring down the church.
Randy White Makes Emotional Return To Without Walls Pulpit
By JEFF SCULLIN, The Tampa Tribune
Published: August 27, 2007
TAMPA - Days after its founders announced they plan to divorce, Without Walls International Church got back to business Sunday.
The 9 a.m. service drew about 1,000 people - a typical crowd for the early service during summer months. After a typically high-energy service, few members wanted to talk about the impending split between Randy and Paula White, though.
One woman who did speak after the service, Katrina Singleton, 35, of Brandon, said the couple's separation might affect the church. Some members tend to follow Randy, while others follow Paula, she said.
'I was really surprised,' Singleton said
Without Walls
GJ - Big debt is going to crush a lot of mega-churches.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Mega-Church Without Walls Beats Foreclosure
Church Growth Movement