Here is the link showing VP Don Patterson and Rock n Roll Doebler asking for more funds.
The district board is meeting May 1 and 2. Someone converted the PDF to Word for me. Thanks.
Field Reports: Mission Enhancement
6) Holy Word, Austin, Texas. Pastor Don Patterson. Holy Word is a self-supporting congregation. However, there is a mission opportunity with the Hispanic community nearby. Holy Word would like to enhance their ministry by calling a Staff Minister to coordinate Hispanic ministry. Holy Word's request for Mission Enhancement funding will be determined at the BHM meeting on May 1-2, 2009.
Strategic Planning 2003
Introduction & Background
Holy Word has grown from a church with 26 chartering members to one of over 500 today. This is a wonderful testament to the power of the Gospel, and it is a welcome blessing to have a large body of believers.
Holy Word is an affluent congregation - read here.
Holy Word Staff Members, Not Including the Newest: Ex-SP Gurgel (Is Campaign Manager a divine call?)
Field Reports: Mission Establishment
7) Christ the Rock

15) Christ the Rock, Round Rock, Texas. Pastor Matt Doebler. The ministry has a specific need for some equipment to enrich their ministry. Pastor Doebler contacted the DMB and they located some designated BHM funds that may be available. [If you looking to fund a specific Mission Enrichment project, contact the DMB Chairman to see if there are designated BHM funds available.] Christ the Rock’s request for Mission Enrichment funding will be determined at the BHM meeting on May 1-2, 2009.
Doebler wanted $200,000 from the Antioch Foundation, but only got $20,000 of the request. I thought Rock and Roll was doing so well?
Round Rock, Round Rock, is everything they say
And no place that I'd rather be.
Where else can you do almost nothing,
All at a quarter to three.
When they play their music, ooh that rockin' music
They like it with a lot of style.
But it's still that same old back beat rhythm,
That really drives 'em wild.
They say the heart of rock and roll is still beating
And from all those grants I believe 'em.
Now the old WELS may be barely breathing
But the heart of rock and roll is still beating.
The DPs (Doctrinal Pussycats) met at Holy Word a few months ago, blessing Rock and Roll.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":
It must be nice to have so much time and money to take safaris. I am in the wrong profession.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":
Of all the gull [GJ - gall?], expecting additional assistance when they have 500 members. This is unfair and unbalanced.
GJ - Church and Change exists to funnel money and power to the fraternity. Over the years, all the frugal leaders 2929 were replaced with the "cool guys" from Church and Change. Headquarters became The Love Shack, the exclusive haunt for their little group. At each convention they spoke and voted as a block - more funds and staffmembers for themselves.
The president of Northwestern College was not allowed to speak against amalgamation on the floor of the convention. He said, "It was the lowest day in my ministry." No, the lowest day was when he first imagined he was the college president instead of a Love Shack lackey.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":
One of the worst fallacies of political conservatism is that government should do for people what people cannot do for themselves.
You can see all the nonsense that this line of thinking fails to prevent. (I cannot bailout Wall Street all by myself, so I'm glad Uncle Sam does it for me. )
If a local congregation cannot support its own expansion efforts, it should not expand. Period. Crying "I have a big unchurched mission field nearby," isn't good enough. We all have one; here's your map and some walking shoes.
If a congregation relies on a constant steam of external funds to keep afloat, all the extra cash results in superfluous expenditures that wouldn't otherwise exist. It becomes bloated. Now that the tide has gone back out we can see who is swimming naked and cannot support themselves.
Worse, lining up for grant money lets synod political (or marriage) connections grow in importance when they shouldn't matter at all in the church. If a congregation is jockeying for position and staffing, it's losing sight of its purpose.
Ultimately this radical downsizing at WELS will be a good thing, because it will cut the number of fingers in the offering plate. Just as tax dollars should be left closest to the people, contributions to synod must also be slashed to force a radical change in synod's purpose.
Froo-froo vicar and "mission" work just builds up a synod-welfare soaking constituency voting itself largess and status quo at convention.
+Diet O. Worms
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":
No bailouts for the Peterson gang.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":
What must one do to drive Patterson and his ilk out of synod? Either he goes or our money does.
I hope the BHM reads this blog.
GJ - Drive them out? The Sausage Factory asked Kelm and Patterson to give papers on how to improve their product!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":
It is truly fraudulent that these WELS pastors have their handsout just one week after the Synodical council makes drastic reductions.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Massive Cuts in WELS, But Safari Don Patterson and...":
Just what is the truth? Holy Word is not self-supporting when it seeks more handouts -- especially at the expense of struggling congregations.