Thursday, April 30, 2009

One Hundred WELS Positions To Be Eliminated

The WELS income freefall is so steep that perhaps 100 positions will be eliminated. Some may see that as a catastrophe, but what is the advantage of paying a full-time salary and benefits to a Lutheran who promotes the empty doctrine of Fuller Seminary?

I would love to discover some DMin from Fuller, a Baptist or Pentecostal, secretly advising his followers:

The Lutherans have more followers than any other Protestant group. I think we should copy the Means of Grace, the liturgy, the Creeds, and their hymns. I have had with Fanny Crosby hymns - up to here! I cannot sleep at night reading the Book of Concord. There is nothing like it in all of Schwaermerdom.

Of course, we have to ease people into this. If anyone says, "You have been reading Luther," deny it three times, with curses.

We will get our people trained at...Wait at minute. There aren't any Lutheran seminaries left. How did that happen?

We will have to form our own Luther study groups and Book of Concord societies. I got the legal papers together to form the North American Society for the Means of Grace.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "One Hundred WELS Positions To Be Eliminated":

So, where does a WELS reject get that bit of news from? Those of us in the trenches haven't heard anything like that, yet.


GJ - An information maven is supplied with plenty of data. If the anonymous writer is always so rude and full of misinformation, he may be short-circuiting any chance to learn anything real, relevant, and relational.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "One Hundred WELS Positions To Be Eliminated":

The parties seeking handouts show no empathy for those losing their jobs. Surely they have a convenient rationalization for their attitudes and behavior. After all, rationalization has been, is, and will continue to be their modus operandi.