From: rjg3534
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 3:05:13 AM
Subject: [church_and_change] “REGNAT”! HAPPY ASCENSION DAY!!
On this Ascension Day the church around the world needs to be encouraged "REGNAT! He reigns!
For centuries the church has ended its prayers praying in the Name of Him who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
We who celebrate VIVIT! on Easter dare not ever forget REGNAT!
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: rjg3534
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 3:06:17 AM
Subject: [church_and_change] AN ASCENSION DAY QUESTION: “REGNAT” or NOT?!
Is He really alive?!
Does He really reign?!
Will we call on His power and use it in the face of extreme adversity which has both come upon us and that we have caused?
From: rjg3534
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 3:08:06 AM
Subject: [church_and_change] ANOTHER ASCENSION DAY QUESTION: Is it God's will orĂ¢€¦
Is it God's will or lack of our will?
Is it God's will or lack of our will - that we have already begun a rapid retreat from World (and home) mission fields?
From: rjg3534
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 3:11:03 AM
Subject: [church_and_change] HEY CHURCH ARE YOU REALLY OUT THERE? Or Am I lost in cyberspace?
Do I know how to use the internet?
AM I lost in cyberspace?
I'm just one member of the body of Christ, my Ascended LORD.
For two weeks I have sent messages " DPYBY! Don't pack your bags yet!
I was hoping to rally the church to hear the cries calling us to deliver their land from error's chains. I have had two responses!!
Meanwhile, I am truly heartbroken to hear from Portugal to Brazil, from Malawi to Mozambique the sounds of bags being packed!! Men trained or being trained to proclaim Christ in tongues that hear precious little of him who are now called to more familiar shores and tongues¦ It's too much!
It's now 2:38 a.m. on Ascension Day morning. Have I lost my mind or are we losing our faith?
From: rjg3534
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 3:13:23 AM
Subject: [church_and_change] BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WHAT SHALL WE DO?
1 - Will you join with me and my congregation right now in praying to the LORD to enable us to not retreat from our corporate role in carrying out the great commission?
2 - Will you join me in emailing our Synod President right now pleading with him to ask the Synodical Council (SC) and the Conference of Presidents (COP) to IMMEDIATELY stop any and all recall?!
3 - Will you prayerfully " in addition to your personal gifts and your Congregation's Mission Offering (CMO) promise - make a special gift (according to the means the LORD has entrusted to you be they small or great) by June 30, 2009?
And another by June 30, 2010 to keep our mission going?
It could be as simple as 8,000 people promising to give $1,000 " that adds up to the 8 million we are short! It could be as simple as 1,000 congregations promising to give $8,000.
Let the LORD do the math " be a part of it and thank Him for the opportunity! !
DPYBY! Don't pack your bags yet!
If you want to have materials to stimulate your own creation of materials to help to encourage your congregation to do this ask for my rude attempt and I will sent it to you.
From: rjg3534
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 3:19:48 AM
Subject: [church_and_change] Sixth Message
THis is the sixth message from the same source. PLEASE read them in the order of their being sent, NOT in the order in which they may appear on your inbox.
PLEASE START with REGNAT! Happy Ascension Day and follow them ala Burma Shave Signs.
With love and partnership with you in CHrist,
RJG3534 - Bob Gurgel
It's now 3:00 a.m. on Ascension Day I am going back to bed. I pray that I will never forget VIVIT! and REGNAT! I pray that you will join with me in using the power those truths proclaim!
From: ""
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 9:46:40 AM
Subject: RE: [church_and_change] Something to share this Ascension Day from the East Asia mission fronteir (sic)
Dear Professor Gurgel,
You have just written (far more eloquently than I could ever have said it) something that has been weighing heavy on my own heart and mind for some time.
I am scheduled to serve as a teacher delegate this summer in Saginaw. For the first time ever, I'm not at all looking forward to that convention week because it will mean that I must not only wrestle with some difficult decisions that our synod is facing, but I fully expect to also have to
wrestle with my own complacency, selfishness, anger, pride, uncharitable attitudes, arrogance, and probably a dozen or more other "beams in my own eye." Without some serious introspection and personal repentance, a luke warm approach to carrying out our co-mission with the Lord of the church is all but guaranteed. This is not about money, a wilting economy, or hard
times for the church. And while, in Christian compassion, our hearts ache for the many people who will be affected, it's not about the WELS job market either. Nor is it about protecting and defending the WELS culture or the great traditions of the Lutheranism. Our current fiscal status is only a disturbing symptom of a much larger problem. This is about the condition of our hearts. My heart. It's about sanctified living. Its about learning to apply the truth we already know in Spirit-borne faith. That begins with a hard and honest self-evaluation of my own thoughts and
When we say with our lips that we belong to the ascended Lord, and that we will, in his name, carry on his gospel ministry to the ends of the earth, and then fail to walk in that direction, we are really telling him to pack his bags. That's a far more serious problem than a shortfall in budgetary funding or a poor showing in this year's CMOs.
Thank you for your heartfelt message. I will take your words to heart, and I will pray today that our leaders will do the same, as well as all of the blood-bought souls of the WELS.
Blessed Ascension Day,
Kenn Kremer
From: John C Lawrenz
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 5:14:52 AM
Subject: [church_and_change] Something to share this Ascension Day from the East Asia mission fronteir
Dear church and change brothers and sisters.
I've been praying for our WELS leaders. I've been writing encouraging letters and asking questions. I know it's hard--not only for the corporate synod, but for congregations, schools, families, and individuals. Nobody should point fingers quickly. Today I've received--with the rest of you--Ascension Day pleas via Church and Change from brother Bob Gurgel, pastor on Milwaukee's south side. Like many of us, he wan'ts to DO something.
I wrote to my blood brother in Africa today. He is one who may be voted in July to follow Mark Johnston, even though he has also been in Africa for a long time (22 years) and speaks African languagues. The area that he and Mark were shepherding has some 50 bush vacancies with more members than anywhere in Central Africa. The prognosis after pulling theological mentors from the Thyolo Road district of Malawi is rather alarming. The churches will dwindle, members disperse to sectarians or Moslems, and many will--that terminal word--die.
Someone suggested to me and him that the WELS plan going forward may be to downsize, nothing more.
I thought I would share with you Church and Change brothers what I wrote to to my brother earlier today. . .
Dear brother,
If “downsizing” is “THE PLAN” I strenuously disagree. Different means (less costly) to the same ends. Jesus didn’t say “downsize” when he ascended. With ALL my power go to ALL the world teaching ALL I revealed and I will be with you ALL the time!
Now, a pause and a retooling. That’s okay. But a “plan” to downsize. Nope! I don’t find that in the Scriptures! It’s a concession to people who don’t want anyone to “move their cheese.”
We can train ministers more economically, but NOT the same old way. We can spread the Gospel worldwide, but NOT the same old way. What we can’t do is downsize so that we do the same old things, but less of it!
That’s what I have to say about that. Brother John in HK
Heirs Together of God’s Gracious Gift of Life
Authors: Richard Gurgel and Kathie Wendland
This 11- lesson study begins by giving healthy emphasis to the often forgotten shared blessings and responsibilities men and women have in serving Christ. All the lessons are meant to provide opportunities for men and women to discuss what Scripture says about their interdependence and the unique applications of unchanging principles for different ministry settings. The topics in the first half of the study are: equality in God’s image, equality in sin and salvation, our shared mission as royal priests of God, and the spiritual gifts God gives both to men and women. The second half of the study looks at our unique callings as male and female by defining head, helper and calling, and then applying these relationships in marriage, church and the unbelieving world. Spiral bound workbook. Size 8 1/2 x 11.
Catalog Item Number: 387620
Price: $10.00
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Church and Chicaneries Have Bankrupted the Synod: Now They Weep And Moan
WELS; Church and Change