Minnie Mouse has left another clueless comment on your post "St. Andrew Latte (WELS) Video":
That may be true, per se. However, if a congregation includes a (C) disclaimer on their material and asserts it may "not be used in any way without written permission" you would be in trouble in a courtroom. Just try to podcast portions of a major league baseball game which includes that caveat (even not for profit) and be ready to greet the lawyers at your front door. Also, court cases have been won over use of the internet to defame someone's reputation. You are correct in that the burden of proof would be upon those bringing such a suit. I believe the expense of a legal measure, the time required and physical distance, keeps you safe from most appealing to the courts over your site.
I hope God enjoys your satire, as much as you do. Someday you will get a chance to ask Him about proper behavior with fellow Christians (even when they may not be to your liking and you consider them to be in error). You have changed "mark and avoid" to "mark and hang around and be a creepy internet stalker"). It says much that you have taken time to discuss your site and behavior with "your" legal counsel. :)
GJ - As a matter of fact, I recently took a graduate course in journalism and the law, taught by a lawyer. I have heard "Slander!" and "Eighth Commandment!" almost every time I quoted false teachers verbatim, so there was no need to sit down with an attorney about my blog. I have laughed over such threats for several decades.
One WELS pastor said to me, "They always call you a liar, but every story I could check out turned out to be true."
I am thankful for the Shrinkers in WELS, Missouri, and the CLC. Their malice gave me independence and a new vocation or two. Now, when the Shrinkers are in a panic over losing their sinecures, I have global blogs, free worship services for everyone, and a source of income. I can help others, too, since I have some experience with defenestration.
The cowardly blog stalker should study some law. If his delusional interpretation applied, no one could review a book with a copyright and say anything negative about it. No permission without written consentt applies to commercial use, as I wrote before.
Another basic fact about copyright is that everything published is under automatic copyright, so the copyright notice is a bit redundant. Registering with the Library of Congress is a formality which may be used but is not necessary.
I give all my published materials away, downloadable from Lulu.com or my domain - http://www.gljackson.com. Maybe the Shrinkers should not be so touchy about their precious sites.
Northwestern Publishing House sells my book, Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, and appreciates my book reviews of their work. What have you published about Christian doctrine? You want to be God's own counselor but you cannot give up your name.
And no, I have no wish to copy the websty of The CORE, Latte Lutheran, or the other compost heaps of apostasy. Tell them to relax.
A signed email sent today said, "I think it is great you are getting the word out about these creeps. the internet is good because almost everybody uses it nowadays. So keep up the good work and we shall give all the praise and glory to our ascended Lord Jesus."
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Saturday, May 23, 2009
Creepy Blog Stalker Cannot Stop Reading and Writing - Anonymousely
WELS; Church and Change