Friday, August 21, 2009

ELCA Approves Homosexual and Lesbian Partners in the Parsonage

Resource person Stan Olson. Difficult to answer. The task force had limited time to work on this, and therefore decided they would not try to write specifics. I would assume that as we worked on this, and then brought it to the bishops and the Council, we would be very careful in defining all these issues. There is much work to be done here.
Pr. Laurie Larson Caesar, Oregon. I serve a Lutheran/Roman Catholic parish; my colleague is a priest. Many of our Catholic colleagues are amazed by what we are doing—amazed by transparency, amazed by participation of women, of laity. In the Lutheran church, we trust our leaders, our task forces, our procedures."


August 21, 2009

ELCA Assembly Opens Ministry to Partnered Gay and Lesbian Lutherans

MINNEAPOLIS (ELCA) - The 2009 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) voted today to open the ministry of the church to gay and lesbian pastors and other professional workers living in committed relationships.

The action came by a vote of 559-451 at the highest legislative body of the 4.6 million member denomination. Earlier the assembly also approved a resolution committing the church to find ways for congregations that choose to do so to "recognize, support and hold publicly accountable life-long, monogamous, same gender relationships," though the resolution did not use the word "marriage."

The actions here change the church's policy, which previously allowed gays and lesbians into the ordained ministry only if they remained celibate.

Throughout the assembly, which opened Aug. 17, the more than 1,000 voting members have debated issues of human sexuality. On Wednesday they adopted a social statement on the subject as a teaching tool and policy guide for the denomination.

The churchwide assembly of the ELCA is meeting here Aug. 17-23 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. About 2,000 people are participating, including 1,045 ELCA voting members. The theme for the biennial assembly is "God's work. Our hands."

Before discussing the thornier issues of same-gender unions in the ordained ministry, the assembly approved, by a vote of 771-230, a resolution committing the church to respect the differences of opinions on the matter and honor the "bound consciences" of those who disagree. During the hours of discussion, led by ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson, the delegates paused several times each hour for prayer, sometimes as a whole assembly, sometimes in small groups around the tables where the voting members of the assembly sat, debated and cast their votes.

Discussion here proved that matters of sexuality will be contentious throughout the church. A resolution that would have reasserted the church's current policy drew 344 votes, but failed because it was rejected by 670 of the voting members.

Pastor Richard Mahan of the ELCA West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod was among several speakers contending that the proposed changes are contrary to biblical teaching. "I cannot see how the church that I have known for 40 years can condone what God has condemned," Mahan said, "Nowhere does it say in scripture that homosexuality and same sex marriage is (sic) acceptable of God."

But others said a greater acceptance of people who are gay and lesbian in the church was consistent with the Bible. Bishop Gary Wollersheim of the ELCA Northern Illinois Synod said, "It's a matter of justice, a matter of hospitality, it's what Jesus would have us do."

Wollersheim said he had been strongly influenced by meetings with youth at youth leadership events in his synod, a regional unit of the ELCA. Some speakers contend that the actions taken here will alienate ELCA members and cause a drop in membership. But Allison Guttu of the ELCA Metropolitan New York Synod said, "I have seen congregations flourish while engaging these issues; I have seen congregations grow recognizing the gifts of gay and lesbian pastors."

During discussion of resolutions on implementation of the proposals, Bishop Kurt Kusserow of the ELCA Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod asked that the church make clear provision in its policies to recognize the conviction of members who believe that this church cannot call or roster people in a publicly accountable, lifelong, monagamous (sic!), same-gender relationship. A resolution that the denomination consider a proposal for how it will exercise flexibility within its existing structure and practices to allow Lutherans in same gender relationship to be approved for professional service in the church. That resolution passed by a vote of 667-307.


Upon passage of the resolution, Bishop Hansen urged the singing of an “appropriate” hymn - he then scratched the word “appropriate.” The assembly sang “If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee,” making it sound as if God were the One who guided the voting which resulted in a resolution which went against His Word. God doesn’t speak out of both sides of His mouth, as does ELCA. Diversity rather than truth is the main doctrinal tenet of this “so-called” Christian denomination.
I frankly thought that a more appropriate “hymn” would have been “Deck the Halls” with its phrase “Don we now our gay apparel.” There was a lot of “Tra, la, la” methodology used by the supporters of the resolution, such as God condoning “same sex relationships” in His sending of the disciples out “two by two” on preaching assignments. Talk about stretching and misusing Scripture! If it weren’t a serious matter, it would be quite humorous.
Kyrie eleison! Christe eleison! Kyrie eleison!