Sunday, November 1, 2009

Can the WELS/Chicanery Marriage Be Saved?
Let's Hope Not!

The WELS/Chicanery marriage cannot last much longer.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Reformation Is Possible When Lutherans Lead With D...":

You are right. I love to hear our Pres. Schroeder and all he has to say about the Doctrine of the Cross and keeping WELS on the confessional straight and narrow. What I don't understand is how the Church and Change group is allowed to meet and assemble to basically do the opposite and undermine what Pres. Schroeder just reported at the convention this past summer. It's all very confusing and it makes the WELS look like they are speaking out of both sides of their mouth. It's one way or the other- either/or. You cannot have both factions under the same tent or umbrella. The question is.... which is it? Which way will the lot be cast?


Another WELS layman:

I wonder what Mequon is teaching future pastors about faith and works. The Shrinkers hate Ichabod because you quote Luther, the book of concord, and other confessional Lutherans (notice I did not say synodical Lutherans). We have the Word and plenty of the above mention to quote. They instead quote every thing or everybody that is not Lutheran. They are the enemy within. They really hate their own synod. Notice how they drop the Lutheran name whenever given the chance. Names like pilgrim, crosswalk, the core. SP Schroeder has his work cut out. How this comes out in the next few years will be something to watch. I guess the question should be will synodical (WELS) Lutherans turn back to confessional Lutheranism or go the way of ELCA and the Anglicans. Join Rome or they become non denominational (Baptist like).

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Can the WELS/Chicanery Marriage Be Saved? Let's Ho...":


In my opinion, just by virtue of the fact that the Church and Change crew would choose to continue to hold its alternative convention, it's a slap in the face and a thumb of the nose to everything Pr. Schroeder is trying to accomplish. There are only two options. Yes, either you agree that our synod should strive to be a confessional Lutheran church, holding to Christ's teaching as recorded in the Holy Bible or you don't. It's black and white.


GJ - Confessional Lutherans should part with a few dollars and attend the Enthusiasm convention hosted by Church and Change this week. If the Southern Baptists had a parachurch group devoted to promoting infant baptism, the Real Presence, and the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace, the smell of boiling tar would chase that opposition group out of town.

I wrote before - do not look for officials to do the right thing - do it yourself with polite but firm emails, letters, phone calls, and conversations with the false teachers and with their enablers, the Doctrinal Pussycats.

At the same time, encourage those who are applying the Word of God and the Confessions.