Saturday, December 12, 2009

Only Three Posts So Far Today - Where Is Everyone?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Eberle, Shrinker, Backed Jeske":

Where is everyone today? Looks like even Pastor GJ is busy with other venues.
In response to mjleyrer,

Who said ,"Change or die?" Who said,"Those stick churches?"
Who is deeply involved with the liberal section of the LCMS?(meaning not the Confessional LCMS folks)

Yes, Jeske made fun of Close Communion. Does he know that WELS teaches against unionism? Perhaps Pastor GJ could provide a link to that Concordia Mequon Speech.
Is he ashamed of being Lutheran? I am not ashamed of being WELS despite the issues with money, C&C, and Kokomo.

mjleyer, help us Confessional Lutherans. We will start our own C&C. How about Conservative And Confessional!

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


GJ - I linked Jeske's Mequon speech before. I repeat some information because people often stick with the front page.

Someone told me he checks the blog three times a day, so I always think of him when I am doing updates, or feeling too sleepy to do one.

I did have three posts by around 6 AM, which is about 6 hours before the Shrinkers wake up. A lot of comments came in while the grandchildren were visiting.

By the way, Shrinkers rage against the cat photos, so I added a new one from one of our resident artists.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Only Three Posts So Far Today - Where Is Everyone?...":

If you squint you can see God.

Jeske, "But if you are connected by faith to the power source of the universe, it is indeed possible. And fulfilling. And satisfying. And beautiful. And fun. God's Spirit enables you both to will and to do what is pleasing to God." (Time of Grace 17)

The murder of 150 Million people was doing work for God.

Jeske, "[T]he authority of a government ... that authority structure is built and designed by God Himself.... Even bad governments carry God's authority.... Even bad governments do God's work by keeping some semblance of order in the streets. Even the government of the Soviet Union under Stalin was doing the work of God. Even China, under Mao Tse-Tung, was doing work for God."


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Only Three Posts So Far Today - Where Is Everyone?...":

Good that an accurate quote from Jeske about Stalin and Mao??? True, the blood of martyrs is the seed for the church...and all things work together for good for those who love God...

But that quote seems to come dangerously close to saying something like "Yeah, Hitler killed a lot of people, but some of his water color paintings really weren't that bad..." FYI, Hitler as a young man studied art in Vienna.

Was this from that same video where Jeske says we should voluntarily make ourselves slaves to the state if it asks us to?

I am not sure if this represents an evil genius or a complete moron....