Thursday, December 3, 2009

Worst Video Still Posted

MLC statues "The Sprinter" and "Luther" square off

Statues of "The Sprinter" and "Martin Luther" at Martin Luther College come to life and battle it out across the campus.

The plot:
  1. Someone zaps the Sprinter and the Martin Luther statues, making them come alive.
  2. Luther sees the Sprinter, flings his Bible away in a fury, and begins chasing the Sprinter.
  3. Both engage in violent, badly faked fighting in the snow, bare-chested.
  4. The statues chase around the Martin Luther campus, outside and in.
  5. The statues are sissy-kicking each other, to the sound of Kung-Fu Fighting.
  6. Two students decide to shoot them, but the bullets do not harm the statues.
  7. Luther says "Oh God!" and hugs the Sprinter. The Sprinter hugs Luther.

Why name a college after Dr. Martin Luther, featuring a dignified statue of him pointing at the Word of God, and then post a video of him tossing the Scriptures away and fighting, only to get weepy and violate his own Small Catechism.

When the Northwestern College alumni let Gurgle-Mueller take their college away, they had the Sprinter statue moved to New Ulm, loathe to leave their marble friend behind.

This graphic can be found on Google Images. The statues have knocked themselves out fighting and are lying on the cold campus concrete.
Funny? You betcha.


GJ - This video represents the dominant spirit of the college, as represented by the anti-Confessional Larry Olson, whose reputation rests upon a DMin from Fuller Seminary and one parish, which is doing so poorly that it is borrowing money to move away. Before Larry Oh!--Our Staph Infection--came Ted Hartwig of Two Isaiahs (liberal criticism of the Bible) fame. Ted hisself defended the unionist, feminist creeds in Contemptuous Worship - in the Quarterly and in The Northwestern Lutheran (proto-FIC). So Ted was their heresiarch at MLC, "severely punished," and yet emerged as the expert on feminist Biblical language. And boy, the NARAL and ERA and NOW harpies rushed to join WELS after that, burning their hellish bras in solidarity with Ted's bold stance.

Mrs. Ichabod just reminded me that Dorothy Sonntag left WELS for ELCA. My bad. That was apparently the only feminist result of Ted's creeds and Tiefel's hymnal. At least they got rid of that odious word Lutheran in the main title of their joint project with the ELS.


mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Worst Video Still Posted":

Hey guy above my comment, I'm sorry did anyone ask you to critique how Lutheran MLC was? Do you have some super awesome Lutheran radar that detects the amount of Lutheranism on any given Lutheran campus?

Need I remind you that LUTHERANISM is a branch of CHRISTIANITY? Yeah, Christ, remember that guy? The one who died for our sins? Oh, wait. You're right Luther did that.

Maybe there not the best Lutheran's but their fine Christians. So go take your malicious, ignorant, bull-crap slander somewhere else.

And Jacko, give it up man. Digging up videos on MLC is like digging up dirt on the prom date that turned you down. I.E. PATHETIC.


GJ - If I were one of the MLC vidiots, I was ask the Leyrer dude to stop defending me. Seriously.

My date married me 40 years ago, but thanks for your concern.


Fox Mulder has left a new comment on your post "Worst Video Still Posted":

Congrats mjleyrer you accomplished nothing just now. Please, that kind of comment does nothing here. Please remain respectful or (sic - of?) Pastor Jackson. Otherwise you just give him more material to rant about. <== Fox knows how to feign respect.


mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Worst Video Still Posted":

Trust me Jacko, I am not one who is always on the MLC side, but when you come in here being all "BLAH BLAH BLAH MLC IS DUMB LOOK AT THIS STUPID VIDEO LOLZ!!!" I can't help but shut your ignoramus down. You probably have not set foot on the campus in how long? Okay. And you know how many students up there? Right. And you know what about what's going on there? Wow. Even my text is echoing in the VOID of your knowledge of MLC.

Jacko, you gotta stop getting owned by 20 year old kids who aren't even pastor track. It's getting embarrassing.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Clueless in the MLC":

In response to mjleyrer,

Do you know who Dr. Jackson cares about? You! Do you know which synod has some of the most warm hearted and Gospel centerd people that GJ knows? Your's! Required reading highly endorsed by Pastor GJ, The Theology Of The Cross.(Written by a Confessional Lutheran Prof.)

Who has WELS Pastor friends calling him on the phone?(chatting and catching upon things) Answer...Gregory L Jackson. Confessional pastors speak loudly and the CGers will eat them up.

All the followers of this blog are WELS/ELS. Also, a few conservative LCMS friends. Remember, a well seasoned WELS gentleman sent GJ the video (2 weeks after it was put out and admired by the subculture types) Some of the people I most respect graduated from MLC. I could never fill their shoes.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


GJ - Ichabod, American citizen, born Lutheran (Moline Lutheran Hospital) - doing the job administrators won't do.


The MLC videographyer might feel like Nathan Lane in The Producers,
saying to Lehrer, "Don't help me!"