Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reformed Magazine Goes Belly Up - More Periodicals To Follow

The Reformed Church in America is closing down its magazine. The United Methodists did the same a long time ago. The RCA (Robert Schuller's denomination) had a tiny circulation, down to 20,000 for a denomination of 166,000. The Lutheran (ELCA) said the RCA magazine was prized for its editorial independence. I supposed that means prized by very few.

An interesting note added that some of the magazine's money was diverted for a quarterly Church Growth periodical - RCA Today, the Reformed equivalent of WELS' TELL magazine, started in 1977 by Ron Roth and Paul Calvin Kelm.

Fantasy Satire
A radical departure would have looked like this - a secretive cabal--The Means of Grace Network--diverted some RCA money and started a magazine called The Efficacious Word, Living Sacraments, but called TEWLS to fool the masses.

In spite of a few objections, TEWLS announced its goal of promoting Lutheran doctrine. Editor Paul Luther Vanderkelm used his position to affirm Reformed doctrine while covertly promoting Lutheran doctrine. "We all know the Word of God is not efficacious," wrote Vanderkelm, in an editorial, "but wouldn't it be great if it were?"

Various stooges were trotted out to praise such books as Luther's Commentary on Galatians, and The Large Catechism. David Lutherskey wrote a magazine article called "Just the Word and Ordinances, or God's True Means of Grace?" He cleverly used a question as a title, to avert suspicion. "I've come across some strange books in the church library," said layman Dutch Vanderhooft. Professor Lutherskey said, "Maybe Luther's sermons could help us with our work. His denomination is still the largest Protestant group in the world. We can learn a lot from Luther. He was a Christian too."

More funds were diverted and outside grants requested for sending pastors to conservative Lutheran seminaries. (This is a fantasy folks, so assume the seminaries were still Lutheran and not promoting Deformed Dreck.) RCA ministers came back to write in TEWLS that they could all learn a lot from those Lutheran schools.

TEWLS editors and supporters managed to get their buddies, who studied at the Lutheran seminaries, into positions at their headquarters. Their first real triumph was replacing the evangelism professor at their seminary with a Professor of the External Word. Fortunately, most people did not know what that meant. The Means of Grace Network members winked at each other during the solemn installation of their chosen professor Artful Seelsorger.

When the MOGN met, they worked on good dodges for the accusation they were covert Lutherans.

  1. "Didn't you study at both Concordias and Bethany?" Answer - "I am thankful to God that I had the chance to learn firsthand about the errors of the Lutherans. But they do have a lot of useful tips we can use. They are Christians too - we can learn from them."

  2. "Your statements in TEWLS are almost identical to Lutheran doctrine. In fact, you are always quoting Luther, Chemnitz, Gerhard, Gerhardt, Chytraeus." Answer - "We sing Gerhardt's hymns. Does that make us Lutheran? Don't fall for legalism. I am well trained by our seminary. I can separate the wheat from the chaff."

  3. "You seem to be weak on the ordinances. We have to maintain our standards that baptism and the Lord's Supper do nothing and are merely symbolic." Answer - "We are not introducing anything new or changing anything. The Means of Grace are doctrinally neutral. We can call ourselves anything we want, but the Word is still effective. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater."


GJ - But that never seems to happen. The Deformed trash Lutheran doctrine and worship, and the Lutherans pay them tuition money and go to their expensive conferences.

One word about baptismal regeneration, the Real Presence, the Means of Grace, or the efficacious Word and the Reformed will go into epic shunning mode. So who has doctrinal discipline - the Reformed or the Lutherans?

More on Divorced Pastors - Why Pietists Cannot Be Trusted

Someone thought I was being too harsh when I said all divorced pastors should be removed from pastoral work, and that includes being booted upstairs as a consultant, mission counselor, or evangelism expert.

The writer claimed that some pastors are left by their wives, etc. Arguing from an exception is always going to promote weak principles. In fact, that is how so many divorced pastors kept their jobs--and often their mistresses--by making themselves the victims. Wives may be completely at fault at times (I doubt it), but the Bible still says "husband of but one wife," and not "one wife at a time."

What did divorced pastors do for WELS in Columbus? Floyd Luther Stolzenburg was promoted as a Church Growth expert and treated as a WELS pastor, even though he was kicked out as a Missouri pastor and never a member of WELS. The only cause he favored was himself and his false doctrine. Ditto Roger Zehms, another divorced pastor, but friends with Wayne Mueller. So he could promote CG too, even though he had no call, except one "directly from the Holy Spirit," as he said at one LPR meeting - explaining why he and Floyd answered to no one. Marc Schroeder divorced his first wife and married his girlfriend, but they were both children of WELS professors so that made it Scriptural. Marc loved Church Growth, got kicked out of WELS, and joined Missouri with his congregation. The Donor, as he was called, was also divorced. All were "Scriptural" divorces - the most common use of "Scriptural" in Columbus WELS churches.

A WELS member wrote: "I remember Columbus having all these divorced pastors. It seems to me these guys are always the ones that promoted the church growth issues. They talk about love but are unloving."

Marvin Schwan did a lot for WELS and Missouri, showing them how little a ton of money can do. Marvin divorced his wife and married his manager's wife. Marvin's second wife became a Lutheran, apparently proving money is a Means of Grace. But when he died, she became a Roman Catholic again, proving money is not as powerful a means as WELS/ELS once thought.

Christian News has another fine example of what I mean. A group photo shows Herman Otten grinning with David Menton (CLC - sic) and Phil Giessler (ex-LCMS). Giessler was carrying on an affair when he was the overpaid head of God's Word to the Nation Bible Society. What was supposed to be a revision of the Beck Bible turned into a Marvin Schwan funded bonanza for a few people, especially Phil. He was getting staggering sums.

At one point Giessler's long-suffering wife told her LCMS husband to choose between her and the mistress. He chose his mistress and his putative son with that woman. Rev. Phil announced his own ex-communication because he was unrepentant. His Bible empire went on life support.

Giessler was divorced for cause and joined a Pietistic ministerium. They did not allow divorced pastors, so they did not list him. But he served a church on their list. His second wife, who was his former mistress, got tired of living on very little (no Schwan loot) and left him, telling him, "He isn't your son after all."

Rev. Phil got married a third time, rising in Otten's esteem with each marriage. Otten even said on the phone once, "Phil is here with his wife." I said, "His third?" Herman said, "Third? Why do you say third?" I went through the history, as told to me by Otten and recorded somewhat in his tabloid. Herman said, "Oh yes. You are right. She is a nice person."

Otten contended that Phil was such a good teacher of the Bible. Readers can imagine what I said in response.

I wrote before - conservatives have lost credibility in America because they are just as loose as their Leftist counterparts, and conservatives excuse the worst behavior because "he is a nice guy" or something similar. Luther argued that men who abandon their families should be arrested. I doubt whether Luther would address Phil as "Dr." The latest CN article identifies Dr. Phil as a "Bible scholar." That must mean someone who makes a choice living from a book he never reads.

Pietism breeds legalism and antinomianism. A CLC (sic) layman like Menton will denounce people for publishing in CN, because the LCMS is evil and Otten is still in it. However, CLC (sic) pastors can publish in CN if they limit themselves to letters. And Menton can publish in CN because...well, just because. Now Menton is involved in an unionistic Creation museum. And the trouble with the LCMS is - they tolerate unionistic activities!


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "More on Divorced Pastors - Why Pietists Cannot Be ...":

"Floyd Luther Stolzenburg was promoted as a Church Growth expert and treated as a WELS pastor, even though he was kicked out as a Missouri pastor and never a member of WELS."

How many children did Floyd have?


GJ - Pro-life pastors Jay Webber and Roger Kovaciny could answer how many children Floyd fathered. They worked with and supported Floyd, taking money from his Masonic church for their projects. Maybe VP Paul Kuske and Doctrinal Pussycat Robert Mueller would offer some facts. Both claimed to know all about Floyd before installing him as a CG guru for WELS without Floyd belonging to WELS - a synod devoted to fellowship principles.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "More on Divorced Pastors - Why Pietists Cannot Be ...":

Hey Dr. Jackson do you agree that this is high tech gossip against your fellow christians (sic). It is not very pastor like.


GJ - No I do not agree. A divorce is a public matter, with legal documents filed for anyone to see - unless sealed by the court. WELS/ELS officials have shamed themselves by promoting and defending men who should be in prison instead of a pulpit. The alleged shepherds watching over the flock, the District Pussycats, are wolves in sheep's clothing. They are very harsh - but only with the people who find out the truth.

You will never hear from a WELS DP that one of their own went to the state prison for offenses against children in his own congregation, that two WELS church workers murdered their wives. But oh do they have a creative streak when it comes to making up stories about people who threaten to unfeather their nests. Woe unto those who cross DP Hategood and VP Corruption.


Bruce Church has left a new comment on your post "More on Divorced Pastors - Why Pietists Cannot Be ...":

Dr. Jackson,

I know that you've pointed out that antinomianism runs rampant in the UOJ-lovin' synods, but perhaps it never occurred to your readers what antinomianism actually looks like in real life, or that the behavior some commentators engage in is actually various forms of antinomianism. For instance, the guy who wrote that you engage in high tech gossip is really just throwing out a red herring. In other words, he's trying to undercut and silence anyone who would try to apply the law to, or just plain point out, egregious situations in the synods.

Antinomianists undercut critics even though they must realize that someone has to raise a stink or else the situation in the Church would become intolerable in short order. Imagine what it would be like if public ministers knew they could have three or even four wives and no one would say anything

Antinomianism (anti-law-ism) entails a person, or persons, making a lot of excuses why the law does not apply to him (or them), or to someone he or they like, as well as castigating, name-calling, or even slandering people who publicly object to public behavior that does not conform to the Scriptures, all in order to get critics to back off.

A favorite of antinomianists is to misapply Mat 07:01: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." However, verse five of that chapter shows that what is meant is hypocritical judging. Notice Jesus does say to eventually take the speck out of the brother's eye, not to ignore it forever, but first tend to one's own sin. Since Dr. Jackson is still married to his first wife, he can fire away at public ministers who've had more than one (1 Tim. 3:2, 12; Tit. 1:6).

Antinominists may resort to other red herrings, like saying a person is not in fellowship with the WELS, or another synod, and therefore it is none of his business. Another red herring is charging a critic with violation of the 8th Commandment, or a violation
of Matthew 18 where one is supposed to go to the brother privately first. Both the 8th Commandment and Matthew 18 pertain to dealing with private sins privately, but the Ministry of the Word is public for the most part, and public sin and
false teaching must be rebuked publicly.

Luther and the Proposed Council of Trent

The Antichrist, affectionately known as B-16.

"... we should take him-the pope, the cardinals, and whatever riffraff belongs to His Idolatrous and Papal Holiness-and (as blasphemers) tear out their tongues from the back, and nail them on the gallows.... Then one could allow them to hold a council, or as many as they wanted, on the gallows, or in hell among all the devils."

Wider das Papsttum in Rom, vom Teufel gestiftet, quoted by Cardinal Ratzinger from A. Lapple, Martin Luther: Leben, Bilder, Dokumente (Munich/Zurich, 1982), pp. 252f. (The above translation is from Luther's Works, vol. 41 [Church and Ministry 1111, Helmut T. Lehmann, general ed. [Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 19661, p. 308.)

Cardinal Ratzinger became the current pope by making a deal with the liberals to appoint one of their own to replace him as head of the Inquisition (the old name for Ratzinger's post), the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.

Glimpse of the Top Secret Headquarters of the Shrinkers in WELS

Google Maps was recently updated to include a wider view of the Center.

Church and Chicanery leaders Ron Roth and Jeff Davis came up with a novel plan to resupply the depleted coffers of their organization.

They found a homeless man in downtown Milwaukee and drew a sign for him, to make it look original.

Everyone who visits their secret headquarters will get a chance to have fun and leave some loot behind.

The homeless man will get to keep all the money, after Roth and Davis deduct their expenses, fees, commissions, and wages.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Glimpse of the Top Secret Headquarters of the Shri...":

Perhaps Latte Lutheran (WELS, Madison, WI) ought to take note of the reader feedback at the end of the article. WELS is at best so passe!

Rave Reviews from UOJ-Shrinkers

  1. "You are divisive."
  2. "You are an evil man."
  3. "You have violated the Eighth Commandment."
  4. "You have not talked to these people first."
  5. "Nothing but pure poison."
  6. "When you finally die, everyone will be relieved."
  7. "No one reads your blog."
  8. "You write your own comments."
  9. "You don't have a friend in the world."
  10. "You have no credibility."
  11. "You use too many quotations."
  12. "You haven't proven anything."
  13. "You are a gutless coward." - Anonymous


GJ - These people should be trying to convert me to Pietism through their love, but I do not feel it so far.

Gone in 24 Hours

"WELS clergy is (sic) afrain (sic) to speak their own minds when their views might not sync completely with the party line. Greg Jackson knew this long ago. (Oh NO! I have uttered the un-utterable name!!!!)"


GJ - This was posted and erased soon after, on another site.

I don't have to prove this was written by a WELS graduate, do I? I am writing a macro to put (sic) in their messages more efficiently.

More proof that it came from a WELS graduate - as soon as he spoke the truth, he erased it.