Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ichabods Going To Training Event - But Not the Pietistic Gathering at Mequon

Some have wondered about the alleged Texas Church and Change confab. I alerted my sources but no one could confirm a meeting at Patterson's church. One person theorized that having a secret meeting published on Ichabod was a good way to get it canceled.

The story may have been a mistake or planted to mislead. No matter - the Pietists will gather at Mequon in a few days. The liberal WELS leaders are especially dense in the Milwaukee area, so they can prey and pray at the same time.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Maintaining the Momentum":

I thought WELS already taught people to pray. Why does it need a separate prayer institute? Is it a form of advanced placement before God?

Church and Change will be in charge of games at the
WELS Prayer Institute meeting.
I feel the buzz already.

Meanwhile, my wife and I will be going to a training event in LA (free) and stop at the Nixon Library on the way. I gave up on journalism school earlier this year. I figured I was already a journalist, and I did not relish grading even more paper.

One of my business connections asked me about going active in life insurance again. I did a little in 2007-8, but teaching got so busy I dropped it. Besides, the time requirements did not mesh with online teaching at all. I had to drive various places in Arizona, very scenic but also expensive.

Oddly enough, the new version of life insurance is how I bought my last policy. I asked for a quote and ended up getting coverage for half the price of the policy I owned at that time - Northwestern Mutual.

So I currently work in eight states, mostly in the East, using the phone and the computer. Many people get their coverage without any paperwork at all, since insurance companies are catching up with the new technology.

I was the general agency's annuity expert before, so I plan to do that again. Retired people are leery about the stability of variable funds. I am glad many have seen the numbers go up again.

My plan is to create more freedom for writing. If I can help people work part-time or full-time from their homes, that will be a bonus. Many ministers are going to become tent-makers because of the flat economy and the disastrous leadership in Washington DC.

Sacred Music from the Most Villainous Lutheran

This beautiful song is based off of Isaiah 45:8.

Rorate, cæli, desuper,
et nubes pluant justum ;
aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem,
et justitia oriatur simul :
ego Dominus creavi eum.

Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatam Clementinam. 2005 (Ed. electronica) (Is 45:8). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

Copied shamelessly from Sceleratissimus Lutheranus

Sceleratissimus Lutheranus - The Most Villainous Lutheran. The title given to the great Lutheran theologian, Martin Chemnitz, by the Roman Catholics after he wrote his masterful work, The Examination of the Council of Trent.

Jesus Priceless Treasure

J. S. Bach wrote the harmony to this hymn. No picture is available for Johann Franck.

A WELS pastor wrote -


I was reading tonight in your book, Jesus, Priceless Treasure, and I came upon the observation you made on the parable of the sower and the seed. In chapter 11, p. 79, you note, “It is not unusual for dozens of faithful Christians to have descended from a Christian marriage 50 years before.”

Yesterday my family and I worshiped with my in-laws in church in our home state, as they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Their request was that all their children and grandchildren be with them in worship—and all were. All continue to worship and be served regularly with the Means of Grace in their various congregations. It was a poignant example of the illustration you used in your book.

Ironically, the Hymn of the Day for the worship service yesterday was . . . “Jesus, Priceless Treasure.” (“Jesu, Meine Freude” has been far and away my favorite hymn in the hymnal since college days.)

I thought you might enjoy hearing of the connection.


GJ - I did.

"Jesus, Priceless Treasure"
By Johann Franck, 1618-1677

1. Jesus, priceless Treasure,
Fount of purest pleasure,
Truest Friend to me.
Ah, how long in anguish
Shall my spirit languish,
Yearning, Lord, for Thee?
Thou art mine, O Lamb divine!
I will suffer naught to hide Thee,
Naught I ask beside Thee.

2. In Thine arms I rest me;
Foes who would molest me
Cannot reach me here.
Though the earth be shaking,
Every heart be quaking,
Jesus calms my fear.
Lightnings flash And thunders crash;
Yet, though sin and hell assail me,
Jesus will not fail me.

3. Satan, I defy thee;
Death, I now decry thee;
Fear, I bid thee cease.
World, thou shalt not harm me
Nor thy threats alarm me
While I sing of peace.
God's great power Guards every hour;
Earth and all its depths adore Him,
Silent bow before Him.

4. Hence, all earthly treasure!
Jesus is my Pleasure,
Jesus is my Choice.
Hence, all empty glory!
Naught to me thy story
Told with tempting voice.
Pain or loss, Or shame or cross,
Shall not from my Savior move me
Since He deigns to love me.

5. Evil world, I leave thee;
Thou canst not deceive me,
Thine appeal is vain.
Sin that once did blind me,
Get thee far behind me,
Come not forth again.
Past thy hour, O pride and power;
Sinful life, thy bonds I sever,
Leave thee now forever.

6. Hence, all fear and sadness!
For the Lord of gladness,
Jesus, enters in.
Those who love the Father,
Though the storms may gather,
Still have peace within.
Yea, whate'er I here must bear,
Thou art still my purest Pleasure,
Jesus, priceless Treasure!

Hymn #347
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Matt. 13: 46
Author: Johann Franck, 1655
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Jesu, meine Freude"
Composer: Johann Crueger, 1649
Tune: "Jesu, meine Freude"

Maintaining the Momentum

Alert - The Chicanery reaction has already set in. Their November theme is Regaining the Lost Momentum. WELS members and pastors will have to continue to press the Doctrinal Pussycats to address the doctrinal errors and money-grabbing tactics of these insubordinate fakes.

From the WELS Prayer Institute

The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) is a Confessional Lutheran Church body begun in 1850 in Milwaukee , Wisconsin . The WELS has approximately 1,259 congregations with a total membership of 400,622 souls. See www.wels.net for details on the Synod and its various ministries. The WELS PRAYER INSTITUTE (WPI) is not an official organization of the WELS . WPI was introduced in November 2004 as another ministry “spun off” from Church and Change, an informal gathering of WELS pastors, teachers, staff ministers and lay leaders. “Church” refers to the one gospel ministry of Jesus Christ which he has entrusted to all of his people. The word “Change” refers to how we might proclaim the changeless gospel of Christ within the changing culture in which we live.

First - note that WELS got Church and Change started with a WELS grant, followed by the Chicaneries spinning off the WELS Prayer Insitute.
Second - note the slogan - the changless gospel in a changing culture - which can be found on all the websites of Chicanery congregations.
Third - contact information includes "Pastor Steve Witte: Phone# 920-499-7405, email pastorwitte0906@sbcglobal.net" who got a DMin from Gordon Conwell's unionistic seminary. He has recently accepted a call to the Asian mission board of WELS, just in case you think the Church Growth Movement has been killed. Witte was a founder of Church and Chicanery and remains a leader of that lobbying and grant-grabbing group.

WELS Prayer Conference

August 14, 15, 2009

at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

Friday Night Prayer Time: 7:30 to 8:30 pm

Saturday Registration: 8:30 -- 9:00 am

Saturday Conference: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Bruce Becker: Keynote Speaker [also at the C and C Conference in November)

Cost: $45 per person (includes lunch, materials, donation to support prayer ministry)

Bruce Becker is not going to stop leading Church and Chicaneries. He went from his overpaid position as head of Perish Services to Mark Jeske's Lutheran Time of Grace.

Dog Refuses Treat

If Everything Is Adiaphora, Then This New Blog Is Bad

Bad Vestments is a blog devoted to inappropriate costumes worn while leading worship. I immediately thought of the beach mass photo above, which I found somewhere. I believe it is Anglican. The costumes are set off by a surf board resting on a plastic-covered garbage can - the altar.

According to Safari Leader Timmerman, from Don Patterson's church, almost everything in worship is adiaphora, so people can do whatever they want.

I can imagine the Chicaneries vying for the honor of appearing on The Bad Vestments blog. There might be theme awards given, too:

  1. Most outrageous set design (airport at The CORE, Ski).
  2. Worst coffee brew served during worship (Latte Lutheran Church, Randy Hunter).
  3. Most distracting movie screen.
  4. Best effort at hiding the sacraments.
  5. Loudest snacks served during the service.