Friday, January 8, 2010

ELCA's Warning to WELS - Do Not Wait 20 Years

Staff Ministry, Unionism, Enthusiasm, Party in the Fire Island Pines

An ELCA theologian, who was around 20+ years ago:


Reflections Following the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly


I’m writing for those who share with me the conviction that the actions taken by the Assembly on human sexuality constitute a theological, ethical, ecclesiological, and ecumenical disaster of immense proportions. I’m not going to make the case for viewing those actions in that way; that has been done repeatedly and very capably by others in the debates that preceded the Assembly. I am writing for those who are already convinced, whom I will call traditionalists.

Michael Root is not exactly Mr. Orthodox Lutheran.


GJ - In 1987, when ELCA was formally merged, the pattern was already set. Everyone knew how radical, anti-Confessional, and gay ELCA would be. Quotas were mandated, and they always favor the extreme fringe of the Left.

Hardly anyone said anything. Many clergy were lobbying for positions. As I recall, Root was finishing or finished with a PhD at Yale. Many other names are familiar as I read the protests. Bishop Kenneth Sauer was promoting the merger too.

They all waited 22 years to proclaim a disaster, when they voted for the original blueprint and funded the monster. Lawyers conducted the merger meetings. And the sheep went to the slaughter.

Now WELS members and clergy want someone to fix 32 years of entrenched Enthusiasm, which goes by the name of Evangelism, Missions, Church Growth, Church and Change. The SP cannot do it alone.

Here is a simple formula to get things changed for the better:
  • Write a letter documenting errors in doctrine and practice.
  • Be precise and factual, using dates and documents whenever possible.
  • Edit the letter to emphasize the issue itself.
  • Send the letter to the Circuit Pastor, District President, Synod President, and the ELS Synod President.
  • Copies may also be sent to the doctrinal board or other concerned people.
 One letter can have an enormous impact. It forces people to act. If nothing is done, a follow-up letter is in order, asking, "What precisely is being done?"

In 1992, Valleskey endorsed Church Growth unionism six ways from Sunday, and WELS was silent, except to promote him to Sausage Factory President. The few who objected were forced out, and their friends went silent.

Larry Olson (DMin, Fuller), the Harmless Heretic, was put in charge of Staff Ministers at Martin Luther College. So what could go wrong there?

Brug endorsed women pastors in 1994 or so, and no one said anything. Not long ago, WELS women staff ministers were consecrating Holy Communion and distributing it to shut-ins, obviously with the approval of various leaders. The spineless doctrinal board imposed a "moratorium". A what? Meanwhile, the WELS Latte Church has a woman pastor "administering the Means of Grace," covertly now.

ELCA did the same thing. After years of covertly ordaining homosexuals, ELCA imposed some restrictions, which amounted to a modified limited moratorium. The Lavender Mafia worked together with the feminists and overturned that last little obstacle.

ELCA bishops, pastors, and members are fleeing the synod they created and allowed to fester for 22 years.