Monday, January 11, 2010

Funding for The CORE

Senior Pastor Tim Glende, St. Peter, Freedom, Wisconsin, was struck speechless with Katy Perry - "Ur So Gay."

WELS Pastor Ski has closed down his photo albums on Facebook to visitors, but are they removed? Ask DP Doug, his FB friend. MariQueen, an alleged singer, tried posing with her clothes on.

Bishop Katie, Ski's highly paid assistant, does the work at The CORE, leaving a trail of Tweets all over Schwaermerland. Glende, Ski, and Katie have broken Kelm's record for sitting at the feet of false prophets.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Church and Change - Operating in Stealth Mode...":

The CORE is supported for a certain length of time (a couple years) with an agreed upon dollar amount by an anonymous donor. St. Peter and the Synod are not monetary supports.


GJ - But who is providing this enormous diversion of funds to The CORE? Inquiring minds want to know. Who bought Ski's home in Milwaukee? Who sold him a home in A-town? The records are public.


Michael Schottey has left a new comment on your post "Funding for The CORE":

Also...if this anonymous donor weren't hoodwinked into supporting The CORE might he be giving his dollars to less pietistic exercises?

Or, at least, pastors who don't value the teaching of mega church founders over their own religion?


GJ - Michael has grasped the issue. The Shrinkers have abysmal skills in reading comprehension. Diversion does not mean skimming from the synod coffers, a skill which the Changers do take pride in. Diversion means - The money could have been spent better than wasting it on a clown ministry - running off to Schwaermer conferences every few weeks.

Note that the Shrinkers take great offense at what was not said, so they can rant about the accusation not made, instead of addressing the main issue. According to Anonymous (who else?), The CORE Lutheran Church will run through $500,000+ while missionaries are unemployed, schools are closing, and Patterson is canceling his safaris.


Appleton Anonymous Pastor has left a new comment on your post "Funding for The CORE":

Anon 12:13 You're another Jerkson zombie that takes in everything Jerkson spews out. I'm guessing that over 200 people are attending the CORE. And yes, you are not seeing. You're not even looking.


GJ - So 200 are members or 190 are attending from local WELS churches? Using the published total of 15 members in one year, I get:
5 Ski-sters
1 Bishop Katie
2 Transfers from Appleton WELS

8 WELS members to begin with, leaving a possible 7 unchurched at best.

Let's face it - If Ski and Bishop Katie held services on Sunday morning, the place would be nearly empty. Notice the calendar during Advent, Lent, and any other sacred time for Gospel services - Worship at St. Peter, Freedom.

Twenty sub-woofers (!) do not have the horsepower to overcome what is lacking at The CORE Lutheran Church.