Thursday, January 14, 2010

More Encouragement from the Under-Educated

Favorite toast at MLC? - Bottoms up!

mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "MLC's Video Alive on Facebook":

Jacko, I don't really get why you post. No one listens to you, and no matter what the WELS did you would never come back. You're not helping yourself and you're not helping the synod. It's like you're an angsty teen who has too many emotions and this is your only outlet. You're not going to change anything and no one really appreciates you trying except for your handful of ichabodians.


GJ - Readers - above is a good example of a Changer full of himself, posting daily about why no one pays attention to Ichabod.

Does MLC have a purpose?

Parochial schools are closing faster than banks. The pre-seminary training can be provided at two other schools.

MLC is the only Lutheran college with gay video fansite on Facebook. Let me know if you find another. Obviously someone has a lot of time on his hands.


C.C.Baxter has left a new comment on your post "MLC's Video Alive on Facebook":

The reason I brought it up was to reinforce that it isn't Greg Jackson that is bringing this subject up again and again, but the opposite: the kids who created the group are the ones bringing it up again. And the result is a lack of respect for the office of the "lil fairy" teachers-to-be.

P.S. I hope you're having as much fun as I am, Ty and Kyle. ;)